Dares...and meeting up advice questions..


Really Experienced
Oct 27, 2010
Hey Forum.....

So I've been searching for an FWB.. and I think I've found someone. We've exchanged a number of emails, and I feel very comfortable meeting this person for a face to face.

The game plan is to meet for a game of pool and beer. The pool game will have a "truth or dare" element to it.

I need help coming up with both truths and dares..

One dare obviously on my mind are.. do you/have you ever had any STDs,
/Are you (you must be) okay with safe sex, and hey btw.. do you have any non STD, aka bipolar.. that I should know about NOW?

Any thoughts on best ways to ask those questions?

Suggestions on other questions I should ask? Both serious and fun/sexy??

I suck at the dare part.. both doing and asking...

It's suppose to be a fun night.. Thoughts? Suggestions?
Hey Forum.....

So I've been searching for an FWB.. and I think I've found someone. We've exchanged a number of emails, and I feel very comfortable meeting this person for a face to face.

The game plan is to meet for a game of pool and beer. The pool game will have a "truth or dare" element to it.

I need help coming up with both truths and dares..

One dare obviously on my mind are.. do you/have you ever had any STDs,
/Are you (you must be) okay with safe sex, and hey btw.. do you have any non STD, aka bipolar.. that I should know about NOW?

Any thoughts on best ways to ask those questions?

Suggestions on other questions I should ask? Both serious and fun/sexy??

I suck at the dare part.. both doing and asking...

It's suppose to be a fun night.. Thoughts? Suggestions?

Ask these questions BEFORE you meet them! I used to like taking prospectives out for lunch usually something with chopsticks and then ask them how they felt about abortion, birth control, condoms and other issues in a public place. I would ask open ended questions and if I wasn't comfortable with the answers, I would tell them it wasn't going to work out.

You really don't want to be having such discussion when you already are thinking sex, its too easy to get swayed or misinterpret their answers.

I wouldn't play truth or dare with a prospective lover.

Appreciate the humor.. but please.. before this takes off on a completely ridiculous run away answer-fest... I'm looking for some serious/useful/helpful/well intentioned answers as well.

I need help coming up with both truths and dares..

One dare obviously on my mind are.. do you/have you ever had any STDs,
/Are you (you must be) okay with safe sex, and hey btw.. do you have any non STD, aka bipolar.. that I should know about NOW?

So, I am assuming the "dare" part is whether he's brave enough to risk catching yours?

I think I'd go with the bi-polar question first as kind of an ice-breaker.
darling, you're an idiot if you leave these questions until you've met up. it's a shitty start to the fun & sexy time, you'll be distracted by chemistry and excitement, and you're in a public place for crying out loud!

give him a list of serious questions before the date, so that you've time to think through any answers and nothing gets forgotten.

that way you get to concentrate on the fun and finding out if he ever had a threesome or sex in a public place.
When swinging a pool cue in self defense, it is more effective if you hold it by the small end. The chalk will wash off of your hands with warm water and soap.
When swinging a pool cue in self defense, it is more effective if you hold it by the small end. The chalk will wash off of your hands with warm water and soap.

If you are swinging you are failing....break it and stabby mc stab stab ftw.
Ask him if he can legally live within a thousand feet of a school or playground. If not, play the field.
Hey Forum... So I've been searching for an FWB...

Congratulations! You have found it!

It's the Wagon Queen Family Truckster!

When swinging a pool cue in self defense, it is more effective if you hold it by the small end. The chalk will wash off of your hands with warm water and soap.

that's great if you want to be left holding a twig when it snaps.

Appreciate the humor.. but please.. before this takes off on a completely ridiculous run away answer-fest... I'm looking for some serious/useful/helpful/well intentioned answers as well.


Ask why all the ex-wives are dead.:cool:
that's great if you want to be left holding a twig when it snaps.

I haven't gone into my other advise for internet dating in bars - such as always break your beer bottle ON your date rather than on the bar as is shown in movies, the jagged bottle may appear to be a good weapon, but unless you are trained in knife fighting you will get hurt.
I haven't gone into my other advise for internet dating in bars - such as always break your beer bottle ON your date rather than on the bar as is shown in movies, the jagged bottle may appear to be a good weapon, but unless you are trained in knife fighting you will get hurt.

breaking bottles on bars just means all night in ER waiting to get your palm stitched back together.

those big, glass ashtrays are the fucking shizzle for braining people with though!
breaking bottles on bars just means all night in ER waiting to get your palm stitched back together.

those big, glass ashtrays are the fucking shizzle for braining people with though!

You cannot smoke in bars here.