Damned freaky vegan animal activists.


Really Experienced
Apr 20, 2002
no shit if i wanted to talk about neets I would have asked about them. This has nothing to do with animal activists I mean come on give me a break. We all do something that has to do with dead animals its just the way it is.

Save the neet! Save the neet! Now that Bush controls the congress their habitat is endangered!
oops i messed up and hit the wrong button. I guess im a littlw to hi.
Don't bogart that neet, my friend...

mistyrain said:
oops i messed up and hit the wrong button. I guess im a littlw to hi.
Possibly. ~LOL~
Now people - you must take this seriously. The neet is an important part of the wetland habitat, and must be protected. In fact, it has just become endangered! There are only *sob* 27 of them left (and only one girl - lol).

Save the neet!!!

sweetsubsarahh said:
Now people - you must take this seriously. The neet is an important part of the wetland habitat, and must be protected. In fact, it has just become endangered! There are only *sob* 27 of them left (and only one girl - lol).

Save the neet!!!

And save the female neet for damn sure!
LukkyKnight said:
And save the female neet for damn sure!

Actually, she's quite pleased with the situation.

She requested privacy and no wake up call!

Pixie Mischief said:
Dont get me started lol I'm borderline vegetarian
Does this mean you, like, only eat vegetables from near Mexico, or something?
whats a neet? and no thats not what it means LOL :p it means I dont eat alot of meet and mostly vegies and fruits.
The neet is a highly endangered animal prized for the oil glands between its 3rd and 4th toe on the rear foot.
It's an aphrodisiac. The males rub it on branches to attract a mate. Now that we're down to the one female this could be the end of the line, so there's been a rush to stock up on neet's foot oil.
So this is the wrong thread to mention the neet skin coat I just bought, right?
LukkyKnight said:
It's an aphrodisiac. The males rub it on branches to attract a mate. Now that we're down to the one female this could be the end of the line, so there's been a rush to stock up on neet's foot oil.


Will it become a totally sought after item? Cuz I've got oodles of it in the barn... I could get rich!

A neet's foot oil baron, if you will...
pagancowgirl said:
So this is the wrong thread to mention the neet skin coat I just bought, right?
You so better edit this before Pixie Mis sees it.


Too late.
LukkyKnight said:
Does this mean you, like, only eat vegetables from near Mexico, or something?

Why do I have this vision of Rita Moreno singing "I like to be in A-mer-i-ca" ???
pagancowgirl said:

Will it become a totally sought after item? Cuz I've got oodles of it in the barn... I could get rich!

A neet's foot oil baron, if you will...

And I'm all outta neet oil! I imagine the price just went sky high . . . :eek:
Wait a ding-dang minute here. I did a search and the only place they're endangered is in Texas as far as I can tell. Seems there was a big flap over displacing one of their traditional mating grounds to build an oil well or something, but they're still doing fine in AZ and NM.

Who started this endangered rumour?
sweetsubsarahh said:
And I'm all outta neet oil! I imagine the price just went sky high . . . :eek:

I'll cut you a deal if you're really really nice to me.

Lukky, are you actually trapped in the Mall??? I can't imagine a more hellish hell.
pagancowgirl said:

Lukky, are you actually trapped in the Mall??? I can't imagine a more hellish hell.
I went in on what was supposed to be a surgical mission to extricate a member of my team. That was Friday morning. I know there's a way out somewhere.
Pixie Mischief said:
PCG! HOW DARE you wear that! poor animal *Cries* it didnt ask for this!
Oh see? I tried to warn you. Now you've done it. If you thought I was a damned freaky vegan animal activist you ain't seen nothin yet.