Dammit, Laurel, he wasn't REALLY 17...!


Very Experienced
May 24, 2002
And I was working myself up to a good joke on that thread, too!
Aquila said:
Every time I see her AV I want to go adopt a kitten.

It's part of her evil plan.

BTW - I'd like to see Laurel moderate the fuck out of Sandia, too. But just a little bit.

Aquila said:
Every time I see her AV I want to go adopt a kitten.

asskissing night is Thursday... You MUST get the schedule straight around here kid.
depends on whether you are in the states, or a Kiwi or Aussie. Time change and everything, you know?
man, i thought fighting was everyday. well i'm new so i guess i dont know the rules yet. can someone help me here. daring, ass kissing, fighting. this three headed dog is lost.
*bratcat* said:
I've been lost inside the LitMaze for almost three years now...I have totally given up the hope of ever finding my way out...so I just play where I can.

ok well we need to come up with a clear schedule of when theass kissing, daring and fighting go on then. But play away i shall.
The last time I was in Rome the Coliseum was on strike. I can't remember if it was Tuesday.
Don't you guys know that at Literotica EVERY night is ass kissing night? Every day, too. Are you blind?

No wait, you must be.
Laurel said:
I'm very close to moderating the fuck out of you.


BTW - I'd like to see Laurel moderate the fuck out of Sandia, too. But just a little bit.

Wow. What a great thread!
And I thought this thread was going down the toilet, too.

~imagine dancing banana here~