Dammit! Freakin' Live Embedded Media!

Lost Cause

It's a wrap!
Oct 7, 2001
They're sitting live in a convoy, taking fire, and an American M-1 blows up live! It's on Fox, and the reported say's who he's with, and right about fucking now, some wives, mothers, and families of that unit have just fainted!
Geez! Use some discretion! :mad:
That means they were probably broadcasting without a delay... which is just irresponsible. They should've had about seven seconds where they could have switched to something else.
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Yeah I think it's one of the most stupid things ever created,there's no depth in the reportinag and all they can aim for is skitz like the one you mentioned LC.

Strangely enough I saw a 30 minute "special" on CNN where they seriously claimed this was the best thing to happen to journalism since the invention of cameras.
Fuck...The tank's left half was in flames....

The crew was buttoned up on internal OX2, and since they were under fire, the convoy bypassed the burning tank. I'm sure it's SOP, but most ordinary folk don't know that.
They could always have a time delay as suggested, especially now. They just reported that Coalition forces are now consolidating at the edge of Baghdad IAP.
I don't want to see live feed in a pitched battle, especially for the loved one's back home.
Welcome to the original "Survivor" series!
My case in point....

Another live report at 12:40 p.m. Baghdad time.
By the shadows and horizon, they are 12 miles SE of Baghdad.
Fucking intell in their reports, use a backdrop like OBL used to!
I'm so sick of the medias way of reporting things that I've stopped following the war.

I'll catch up on it when the US/UK are conducting mop up operations and skip all the hysterical yobbos trying to take the reality shows one step further.

The really sad thing is that once,sitting on a windswept hilltop,a bunch of us blokes in a platoon joked that they ought to do a "Real world Bosnia".Seems like someone got the same idea and got the rights to do it.