Dallas couple seeks playmates...


Aug 17, 2002
Open-minded, fun-loving, caring couple always looking for new, like-minded friends to share our fun.

We're primarily interested in other men for 3somes & moresomes, and while we enjoy being friends with the guys we play with, this is just recreational sex - if you're looking for something more, than please keep on looking.

We're both late 40's, old enough to know how to enjoy ourselves. Not supermodels, but we take care of ourselves and expect you to do the same. We prefer non-smokers, and expect you to be DDF as we are; safe sex is always part of the game.

Men, she likes you to have a full head of hair, a good sense of humor, and reasonable looks. Your size "down there" isn't crucial, but bigger is a lot more fun for her!

(Added just to make it a little clearer: We're primarily interested in men in our age group: 40 to 50.)

If you're interested, drop us a line!
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San antonio fella

Hello ya'll,
I am a 28 y/o male from san antonio. Full head of brown hair, blue eyes, muscular/ thick build. Healthy ddf, and i have quite smoking 2 years ago. I eat alot of pineapple(hope you know why)lol, and am looking for some fun and adventures sex. I am willing to try lots of new things. If interested email me at lennymcdougal@yahoo.com

Hi Lonnie,

Well, I hate to call 2 strikes just as you step up to the plate, but you're a little outside our age range, and we play in the Dallas area.

Thanks for replying though!
Tis all right , I am a hellasious home run hitter though. Your
loss. LOL. It is all good really. Caant say i didn't try
hello from san antonio

im 46, athletic, intelligent and have a great sense of humor.......also a vivid imagination and lots of stamina........ever come to san antonio.......or willing to meet in austin?:rose:
Hey, Lonnie - My baby likes Home Run Hitters - We'll keep your name on our roster - we might need a pinch hitter someday!
Hi Texashiker!

Sounds interesting. We don't get to SA much - Austin might not be out of the question. What about you - ever get to Dallas?

Hey i am 28 male from dallas and really interested....what is your email so we can come in contact?
Thanks, ParrotHeadJim...but there's just a little more to it than that. Hope you have some luck with whatever you're looking for.