It seems like a significant percentage of married guys enjoy reading stories about sucking a cock for the first time. I think that for most, thinking and reading about it is as far as they've gotten. Not many make the leap and actually do it. Some do though –– I had a real good thing going with another guy who lived in a nearby town. I'd drop by a few times a month and he'd suck me nice and slow; sometimes more than once. He was inexperienced when we started but really improved over time. I returned the favor a few times but mostly he just wanted to suck me. Now that I've moved to eastern North Carolina, I'm looking for a similar set up but its harder to find the right guy now that CraigsList is gone.
Have you ever thought about it? If so, have you acted on your desires? If not, what has inhibited you from doing it?
Have you ever thought about it? If so, have you acted on your desires? If not, what has inhibited you from doing it?