Daddy Fetish

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Morning everyone.. I need coffee..

and cream of wheat.. I haven't had that in a while. Would be a nice change from oatmeal..:)

Been scarce in here lately. I don't begrudge people their kinks, but some I'd rather not read about, you know? I like playful banter but...
I prefer subtlety when everyone can read. :)

Just didn't want Daddies and Baby Girls to think I'd fallen off the planet.. :p

Hi RA! We've all been a bit a absent here. No need for apologies. Yep. Some real eye opener posts!

Oh! And love your latest AV! Sticks out tongue playfully at TT....pffffttt
Bella hope you feel better. INL but of course!!


Thank you. You too. How are you?

Doing well. Staying busy this morning. Is it still raining there?

Morning everyone.. I need coffee..

and cream of wheat.. I haven't had that in a while. Would be a nice change from oatmeal..:)

Been scarce in here lately. I don't begrudge people their kinks, but some I'd rather not read about, you know? I like playful banter but...
I prefer subtlety when everyone can read. :)

Just didn't want Daddies and Baby Girls to think I'd fallen off the planet.. :p

Yay! Good morning! Have you tried Coco wheats? Those are yummy.
Good morning to my sisters TT, INL and a warm welcome to foxseeker... and a big Hug for all the special Daddies out there!
Good morning to all the Daddies and baby girls who adore them!

It's been several days since I've posted...get done with one virus, then come down with what my oldest had! I haven't been that sick in YEARS!!!

I popped in once or twice to read, and it looked like all the regulars had disappeared! I'm so happy to see things are getting back to "normal" (whatever that is).

I really have missed our little family!

:heart: Keri
Good morning to all the Daddies and baby girls who adore them!

It's been several days since I've posted...get done with one virus, then come down with what my oldest had! I haven't been that sick in YEARS!!!

I popped in once or twice to read, and it looked like all the regulars had disappeared! I'm so happy to see things are getting back to "normal" (whatever that is).

I really have missed our little family!

:heart: Keri

KERI! I MISSED you! *tacklehugs*
KERI! I MISSED you! *tacklehugs*

*dissolves into giggles hugging you back* I've missed you too, Bella!!! I've missed everyone here! I barely had the strength to even talk to my Daddy a couple times a day, which should give you an idea just how sick I was! I'm finally feeling MUCH better! Yay! Just in time to enjoy b-day celebrations!

I've got your YIM now, so I'll try IM'ing you later! Love you sis!

:heart: Keri
OK, Keri, you need my elixir. It takes about six weeks, but it's what I use when I'm coming down with an upper respiratory infection. Since, antibiotics are pretty much worthless for the flu, colds, etc. AND I think it really shortens the duration of the illness. I posted it somewhere, but it's pretty easy to make. Given the amount of alcohol, I would not reccommend giving it to children, but I have given it to mine with no ill effects. :D

What you need:
1 Mason Jar
Dried Elderberries ( enough to fill your jar halfway)
100 (or higher) proof whatever... ( I've used Vodka and EverClear, but I can't get EC here in NC anymore :()

How To:
Put your berries in the jar. Cover them with the hooch of your choice. Top off with local honey if you can get it. Cap and shake. Keep on your counter for six weeks, shaking as often as you can. After six weeks or so strain off the now very purple liquid. (Compost the berries! You can throw them away if you have to.)


Depends. You can take this by the Tablespoon every few hours at the onset of your cold/flu, OR you can add the TBls to hot water and drink as a tea. I do the latter and add lemon slices.
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OK, Keri, you need my elixir. It takes about six weeks, but it's what I use when I'm coming down with an upper respiratory infection. Since, antibiotics are pretty much worthless for the flu, colds, etc. AND I think it really shortens the duration of the illness. I posted it somewhere, but it's pretty easy to make. Given the amount of alcohol, I would not reccommend giving it to children, but I have given it to mine with no ill effects. :D

What you need:
1 Mason Jar
Dried Elderberries
100 (or higher) proof whatever... ( I've used Vodka and EverClear, but I can't get EC here in NC anymore :()

How To:
Put your berries in the jar. Cover them with the hooch of your choice. Top off with local honey if you can get it. Cap and shake. Keep on your counter for six weeks, shaking as often as you can. After six weeks or so strain off the now very purple liquid. (Compost the berries! You can throw them away if you have to.)


Depends. You can take this by the Tablespoon every few hours at the onset of your cold/flu, OR you can add the TBls to hot water and drink as a tea. I do the latter and add lemon slices.

Interesting, RA! I've never even heard of this. I will be saving this in my notes to try in the future! Thanks!
Interesting, RA! I've never even heard of this. I will be saving this in my notes to try in the future! Thanks!
Edited the recipe for the elixir, btw... You need to fill the mason jar half way with the berries. That way you can make a jelly, pint, quart, or whatever size you need. just fill halfway with the berries, then have enough honey and alcohol for the rest. AND, you know, you could probably use Food Grade Vegetable Gylcerin in lieu of the alcohol if you have an aversion to it's use. Keep in mind IF you do that you would not need the honey. Glycerin is incredibly sweet on it's own, and if you make it this way you will essentially have a Glycerite extract of the elderberries. Perfectly acceptable to use with children and those who can not or won'ts drink alcohol.

How are you doing

Hi sweetie.

Good morning to my sisters TT, INL and a warm welcome to foxseeker... and a big Hug for all the special Daddies out there!

Good morning. I take it you are feeling better??

Good morning to all the Daddies and baby girls who adore them!

It's been several days since I've posted...get done with one virus, then come down with what my oldest had! I haven't been that sick in YEARS!!!

I popped in once or twice to read, and it looked like all the regulars had disappeared! I'm so happy to see things are getting back to "normal" (whatever that is).

I really have missed our little family!

:heart: Keri

Keri! It's so good to see you. Wishing you fast recuperation and no more bugs!

OK, Keri, you need my elixir. It takes about six weeks, but it's what I use when I'm coming down with an upper respiratory infection. Since, antibiotics are pretty much worthless for the flu, colds, etc. AND I think it really shortens the duration of the illness. I posted it somewhere, but it's pretty easy to make. Given the amount of alcohol, I would not reccommend giving it to children, but I have given it to mine with no ill effects. :D

What you need:
1 Mason Jar
Dried Elderberries ( enough to fill your jar halfway)
100 (or higher) proof whatever... ( I've used Vodka and EverClear, but I can't get EC here in NC anymore :()

How To:
Put your berries in the jar. Cover them with the hooch of your choice. Top off with local honey if you can get it. Cap and shake. Keep on your counter for six weeks, shaking as often as you can. After six weeks or so strain off the now very purple liquid. (Compost the berries! You can throw them away if you have to.)


Depends. You can take this by the Tablespoon every few hours at the onset of your cold/flu, OR you can add the TBls to hot water and drink as a tea. I do the latter and add lemon slices.

Cool! I wondered about your mix. I couldn't find the tea. I'm on antibiotics for a sinus infection and would MUCH rather have had natural remedies. Thanks!
Hi sweetie.

Good morning. I take it you are feeling better??

Keri! It's so good to see you. Wishing you fast recuperation and no more bugs!

Cool! I wondered about your mix. I couldn't find the tea. I'm on antibiotics for a sinus infection and would MUCH rather have had natural remedies. Thanks!

Hey sis
Edited the recipe for the elixir, btw... You need to fill the mason jar half way with the berries. That way you can make a jelly, pint, quart, or whatever size you need. just fill halfway with the berries, then have enough honey and alcohol for the rest. AND, you know, you could probably use Food Grade Vegetable Gylcerin in lieu of the alcohol if you have an aversion to it's use. Keep in mind IF you do that you would not need the honey. Glycerin is incredibly sweet on it's own, and if you make it this way you will essentially have a Glycerite extract of the elderberries. Perfectly acceptable to use with children and those who can not or won'ts drink alcohol.

Sis, could I get you to PM that to me? I'm on my phone and don't have a way to copy and save that.
Hi sweetie.

Good morning. I take it you are feeling better??

Keri! It's so good to see you. Wishing you fast recuperation and no more bugs!

Cool! I wondered about your mix. I couldn't find the tea. I'm on antibiotics for a sinus infection and would MUCH rather have had natural remedies. Thanks!

Thanks, INL, it's so good to be back!!! And thank you for the well wishes! I hope to god this will be the last of it for me this year! I'm all "sicked" out!

:heart: Keri

Hi beautiful sisters and daddies how is everyone my internet is kinda slow today
Sisters, care for some?

Oh! And love your latest AV! Sticks out tongue playfully at TT....pffffttt

Well thank you :) I'm glad someone else does, instead of hating it like a certain someone

Doing well. Staying busy this morning. Is it still raining there?

Pouring with rain right now in fact

How are you doing

Ok how are you?

Good morning to my sisters TT, INL and a warm welcome to foxseeker... and a big Hug for all the special Daddies out there!

Morning. Have you heard from Cookie?

Good morning to all the Daddies and baby girls who adore them!

It's been several days since I've posted...get done with one virus, then come down with what my oldest had! I haven't been that sick in YEARS!!!

I popped in once or twice to read, and it looked like all the regulars had disappeared! I'm so happy to see things are getting back to "normal" (whatever that is).

I really have missed our little family!

:heart: Keri

Oh no i'm so sorry to hear that. You poor thing :(

to all the dads and their little ones on this cool Friday

Well hello :)

RA that elixr sounds interesting, not sure if I've seen elderberries here though
Well thank you :) I'm glad someone else does, instead of hating it like a certain someone

Pouring with rain right now in fact

Ok how are you?

Morning. Have you heard from Cookie?

Oh no i'm so sorry to hear that. You poor thing :(

Well hello :)

RA that elixr sounds interesting, not sure if I've seen elderberries here though

I, too, love your AV, and think it suits you beautifully! I'm finally on the mend, since a certain Daddy of mine got a bit forceful and made me go to the Dr (thank god for practical Daddies!). Have missed you, gorgeous!!!!

:heart: Keri
I, too, love your AV, and think it suits you beautifully! I'm finally on the mend, since a certain Daddy of mine got a bit forceful and made me go to the Dr (thank god for practical Daddies!). Have missed you, gorgeous!!!!

:heart: Keri

Well thank you Sis :heart:
So so glad to hear it. I've missed you too.

RA wish I didn't have to wait 6 weeks for the elixir or else i'd try it for my chest, it's still not right after 17 days on antibiotics *Sighs*
Been a long 2 weeks of non-stop work. Glad I have this weekend off...time for a drink and...!
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