Daddy Fetish

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"Quick story Daddy Stan before I have to jump off line and join the long lines of commuters.....A few years back my daughter-in-law called me and said 'You have to DO something with your son! I can't fight with him!" I laughed and asked what the problem was and she explained 'we were fighting and I was mad as hell and I said he was a sonovabitch and he just grinned the way he's doing right now damn him and he said "Yep, that's my Mommy and I'm REALLY proud of her!" Both my sons have said they're probably the only boys in the area who if you call their mother a 'bitch' consider it a compliment and thank the person.... I was probably born cynical but I've only earned the right to 'mean evil' in the last few years..... Sure hate to think I have to take turns now:D"

(Putting on her coat, still laughing, and waving) "Later 'gators!":heart:

Ahhhh the more you know. It was more that you beat me to it rather than your turn. Remember I was hip deep and distracted with hells kitchen research. Hope it was a lovely commute...*ducks quickly*
Cookies are done, come & get them! Lots of icing and sprinkles, too!!

Peaches, sorry you are still at work. :(

Daddy Stan and Peaches, I tried be nice. I really did. I won't lose any sleep over a couple of ...posters. I'll leave it at that. :)

Hi dapple!! :heart:

Boy! I could use a cookie after all that exhaustive research and well thought out painstakingly written explanation of the thread. May I have two please?
Cookies are done, come & get them! Lots of icing and sprinkles, too!!

Peaches, sorry you are still at work. :(

Daddy Stan and Peaches, I tried be nice. I really did. I won't lose any sleep over a couple of ...posters. I'll leave it at that. :)

Hi dapple!! :heart:

Hey Miss Cookie! I am always late to the scuffle ... dang it. Cynical and distrusting is what I do for a living :devil:

I saw no problem with Hell's Kitchen, I love GR! lol
Good evening all!

Hope everyone's Friday night is off to a good start as can be . . . . I read earlier that ESM is no longer Bella's Daddy . . . but as stated it was a timing and such and it was an amicable good bye on both sides . . . still I am so sorry to hear that so sending hugs for you both :heart:

Cookie!!!!!! I would love some sugar cookies those are some of my absolute favorites along with snicker doodles :D

Hugs and kisses to all my sisters . . . . oh and i guess the Daddies too *giggle* . . . XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO . . . :kiss::heart::kiss::heart::kiss:
Peaches, Cookie and I were texting back and forth for the whole scenario LOL.

And I felt bitchier, but I restrained myself.
I must ask before I'm off to post pictures, do we often see posts like those above? I'm glad I missed it, though. I'm not in the best of moods, and I'd be the first to admit that makes me poor company. :eek:
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Peaches, Cookie and I were texting back and forth for the whole scenario LOL.

And I felt bitchier, but I restrained myself.

You handled yourself very well! Thank God you were wearing your fave jammies!

Dapple, I'm sure you will catch the next round. :)

Hehe at RA!

Mojo, Peaches, Daddy Stan and everyone else...I have plenty of cookies to share! Peaches gets hers tomorrow !
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I must ask before I'm off to post pictures, do we often see posts like those above? I'm glad I missed it, though. I'm not in the best of moods, and I'd be the first to admit that makes me poor company. :eek:

RA ... didn't you have pics for here?? And you always have such good things :)

Every thread gets a troll like presence from time to time .... I'll take your poor company to their best, any day
RA ... didn't you have pics for here?? And you always have such good things :)

Every thread gets a troll like presence from time to time .... I'll take your poor company to their best, any day
I'm sure I could find some things to decorate the walls with, thank you for your confidence, Dapple.. I didn't want to turn this thread into a picture thread, though. :)
You handled yourself very well! Thank God you were wearing your fave jammies!

Dapple, I'm sure you will catch the next round. :)

Hehe at RA!

Mojo, Peaches, Daddy Stan and everyone else...I have plenty of cookies to share! Peaches gets hers tomorrow !

Could i have somwe sugar cookies; those are my favorites!!!!!!!!!!!! hello Cookie, INL, Peaches, Bella, Keri, RA, Mojo; & any little girls I missed. hello to all the daddies here also.

"Hi Daddy PA. I MISSED you this morning!:( How are you and Mrs PA and little tiny G-Baby Girl all doing?":rose:
Good evening all!

Hope everyone's Friday night is off to a good start as can be . . . . I read earlier that ESM is no longer Bella's Daddy . . . but as stated it was a timing and such and it was an amicable good bye on both sides . . . still I am so sorry to hear that so sending hugs for you both :heart:

Cookie!!!!!! I would love some sugar cookies those are some of my absolute favorites along with snicker doodles :D

Hugs and kisses to all my sisters . . . . oh and i guess the Daddies too *giggle* . . . XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO . . . :kiss::heart::kiss::heart::kiss:

"MOJO!!!!!!!!!!!" (Running to throw my arms around you!) (((HUGS))) and :kiss:es
Peaches, Cookie and I were texting back and forth for the whole scenario LOL.

And I felt bitchier, but I restrained myself.

"You were BOTH models of lady-like decorum.....And it should probably be noted that not ONCE did I threaten to rip anyone's head off and s--t down their neck this time!!!":D:D:D
Daddy Pa! Of course...have as many as you like!!!

Dapple, I went to the picture thread & viewed her contributions. :) Always enjoy my visits there!
"You were BOTH models of lady-like decorum.....And it should probably be noted that not ONCE did I threaten to rip anyone's head off and s--t down their neck this time!!!":D:D:D

Your self-restraint is noted, and if I were closer, would be rewarded with my special Peach Praline Crumble cake.
"I got to thinking on the way home - further research is indicated but I feel like I'm on the track of something... I've been fortunate enough to have some of my sisters share bits of their lives with me privately and, while those histories are held in my deepest trust individually - collectively I am noticing a pattern. We Baby Girls have had/are having some ROUGH times and I began to wonder if this is true of all of us? We don't have to share personal things on line certainly but anyone wanting to PM? Or email? At any rate, as I pondered that (and played dodge 'em cars.......throwing a pillow at Daddy Stan:p) I also began to wonder how much of our 'Daddy-fetish' reverts back simply to a need to let go and be taken care of - to let someone ELSE make the decisions (and pay the bills and do the worrying and....) certainly but to be TAKEN CARE of instead of being the one taking care of every one and everything else....."
"I got to thinking on the way home - further research is indicated but I feel like I'm on the track of something... I've been fortunate enough to have some of my sisters share bits of their lives with me privately and, while those histories are held in my deepest trust individually - collectively I am noticing a pattern. We Baby Girls have had/are having some ROUGH times and I began to wonder if this is true of all of us? We don't have to share personal things on line certainly but anyone wanting to PM? Or email? At any rate, as I pondered that (and played dodge 'em cars.......throwing a pillow at Daddy Stan:p) I also began to wonder how much of our 'Daddy-fetish' reverts back simply to a need to let go and be taken care of - to let someone ELSE make the decisions (and pay the bills and do the worrying and....) certainly but to be TAKEN CARE of instead of being the one taking care of every one and everything else....."
Hrm ... duelly noted. I wonder if there's something in the air ...
I know that I, personally, enjoy the Daddy fetish because of the close personal attachment (which may revert back to my father not being one to voice his love very often, but meh, not overly concerned with that) and that whole I'm-naughty-cuz-he-likes-me-that-way aspect? One could write a book on it, as far as I'm concerned ... who knows, maybe I will!
I worry all the time, any o my exes, even Daddy ESM, can tell you that I don't let that "gift" go. And bills? Hell ... c'mere sugarDaddy ... I wouldn't say no if a Daddy wanted to pay my bills! My daughter could get new shoes!

"Have I mentioned you're one of my favorite little sisters?":D
Nope, but now you have ... you'll get a whole cake *giggles and winks*
"I got to thinking on the way home - further research is indicated but I feel like I'm on the track of something... I've been fortunate enough to have some of my sisters share bits of their lives with me privately and, while those histories are held in my deepest trust individually - collectively I am noticing a pattern. We Baby Girls have had/are having some ROUGH times and I began to wonder if this is true of all of us? We don't have to share personal things on line certainly but anyone wanting to PM? Or email? At any rate, as I pondered that (and played dodge 'em cars.......throwing a pillow at Daddy Stan:p) I also began to wonder how much of our 'Daddy-fetish' reverts back simply to a need to let go and be taken care of - to let someone ELSE make the decisions (and pay the bills and do the worrying and....) certainly but to be TAKEN CARE of instead of being the one taking care of every one and everything else....."

I see while I was at a morning or high tea as we were calling it that I missed all the fun again.

I didn't have an easy childhhod and had to be a grown up when I was still a kid. My past two serious relationships were with men that were useless to put it midly, but I came to the realization last week that that is in part why I was with them. because I didn't need them.
But with daddy ours has been a slow (or not so slow at times lol) progression to this change in our relationship.
I trust him and I need him. But with him I can let all the other things go and just relax in his arms and trust him to take care of me. I can lean on him and I know he'll hold me up. I can let my insecurities show and he'll reassure me.

I don't know if that makes sense
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