Daddy Fetish

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Good morning to the greatest sisters in the world and the wonderful Daddies here! Now, if only I could sleep!

Happy Wednesday (it IS Wednesday, right?)!
Indeed it is Wednesday, little one.....although my Wednesday morning has blended into Tuesday night .....sometimes I loose track myself. I havn't been able to sleep soundly; I suppose I need a little one snuggled up in Daddy's arms.....her soft cool skin pressed against my body and her frame molded to mine as we sleep, having properly tired each other out... I always get the best sleep then heh.
Indeed it is Wednesday, little one.....although my Wednesday morning has blended into Tuesday night .....sometimes I loose track myself. I havn't been able to sleep soundly; I suppose I need a little one snuggled up in Daddy's arms.....her soft cool skin pressed against my body and her frame molded to mine as we sleep, having properly tired each other out... I always get the best sleep then heh.

Now if that wouldn't help little girls to fall asleep...don't know what would! Sounds like you'll make someone a great Daddy!
Morning, little sweet one. Hm.... Cookie...can I nom on you a bit this morning? This Daddy's a little hungry; and you just seem so sweet and tastey....:)
Good morning Cookie. FantasieGirl, hope your daughter is well.

Thank you, daddy PA! She's actually doing pretty well. It has something to do with her kidneys, but it isn't anything they're too concerned about so we'll get test results back in a couple of days.

Funny thing is (or not so funny...depends on how you look at it), they were more concerned about me and made ME get checked out again. Whoever prescribed my meds gave me something with traces of sulfa in it (which I'm HIGHLY allergic to). Not only was it not helping my UTI and kidney infection, but I was having a mild allergic reaction (that I didn't even notice due to pain).

I FINALLY got some antibiotics I can tell are already helping, and some pretty great pain meds that don't make me feel high. The only issue with those is they make me really itchy. Lots of showers today!!!
That's easier said than done....but I'm very resourcefull. I'll figure something out :D

Cookie, you better start bookin' your ass or your kids will come home to find you half gone with Daddy BM sitting on your lawn with a smug grin on his face!!!! :D
Good morning girls and daddies, crappy weather here.

Fantasygirl, glad to hear you and daughter are on the road to recovery.

Cookie - smile baby, you are a sweet girl
Good morning girls and daddies, crappy weather here.

Fantasygirl, glad to hear you and daughter are on the road to recovery.

Cookie - smile baby, you are a sweet girl

Sorry about the crappy weather, CIA. Thanks for the words of well-wishes, too!!!
Thank you, daddy PA! She's actually doing pretty well. It has something to do with her kidneys, but it isn't anything they're too concerned about so we'll get test results back in a couple of days.

Funny thing is (or not so funny...depends on how you look at it), they were more concerned about me and made ME get checked out again. Whoever prescribed my meds gave me something with traces of sulfa in it (which I'm HIGHLY allergic to). Not only was it not helping my UTI and kidney infection, but I was having a mild allergic reaction (that I didn't even notice due to pain).

I FINALLY got some antibiotics I can tell are already helping, and some pretty great pain meds that don't make me feel high. The only issue with those is they make me really itchy. Lots of showers today!!!
Glad they got everything straightened (?). If you are still itching sonds like another allergic reaction. I'm on Keflex, 500mg/4x's day, having side effects.

Being a Daddy, I don't understand things young girls Rawr..... so had to look it up.........and wiki says;

Rawr can be used to describe your emotions, almost like a noun. Like if you say "RAWR. I'm mad!" But, to most people, RAWR means, I love you.

Or as in "RAWR. Im an evil kitty and you should be afraid of my nails!"

Or can be used as a random thing you say, like if you and your friend stop talking after a while you just say "rawr" its usually used in chatrooms, replacing expressions like hi! hey! things like that. Rawr means i love you. it can also mean; "RAWR I HATE YOU SO RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWR". it can also be used as a sexual reference such as "baby, i'm gonna make you rawr!"

Just wondering what meaning SugarBunny is applying in this context.......I might just start using it myself for any pretty girlies out there..........RAwr :D :heart:
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