Daddy Fetish

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Thank you everyone, my family, for your care and concern. I JUST got back from the ER.

I was pretty dehydrated as they pumped me full of 3 bags of IV fluids. I have three cracked ribs...thank goodness none are broken, but they said cracked ribs can sometimes take longer to heal...awesome.

I have a really nasty UTI and kidney infection. They ALMOST admitted me, but I protested (I have two daughters at home), so they let me go saying that I have to go back to my Dr in a few days for some more tests. Apparently, my kidneys aren't filtering things correctly so they want to watch it closely. They gave me a shot of antibiotics in my butt (*giggles*) and sent me home with more, and some good pain meds.

It wasn't a great day. I was able to text Daddy for a few minutes but he seems to have disappeared again. :( I'm trying to be a good and patient little girl, but it's so hard sometimes. I just want to crawl in his lap and be held (unfortunately, not literally), but just to hear him say it. Patience is a tough lesson to learn.

So, again, I really want to say thank you to all of you, my family. I couldn't ask for more!!!!

"So very glad that things weren't worse, really and that you DID get to come home - and to text with your Daddy, even if it was too short a time. Rest tonight and get well honey!" :rose::rose::rose:
Thank you everyone, my family, for your care and concern. I JUST got back from the ER.

I was pretty dehydrated as they pumped me full of 3 bags of IV fluids. I have three cracked ribs...thank goodness none are broken, but they said cracked ribs can sometimes take longer to heal...awesome.

I have a really nasty UTI and kidney infection. They ALMOST admitted me, but I protested (I have two daughters at home), so they let me go saying that I have to go back to my Dr in a few days for some more tests. Apparently, my kidneys aren't filtering things correctly so they want to watch it closely. They gave me a shot of antibiotics in my butt (*giggles*) and sent me home with more, and some good pain meds.

It wasn't a great day. I was able to text Daddy for a few minutes but he seems to have disappeared again. :( I'm trying to be a good and patient little girl, but it's so hard sometimes. I just want to crawl in his lap and be held (unfortunately, not literally), but just to hear him say it. Patience is a tough lesson to learn.

So, again, I really want to say thank you to all of you, my family. I couldn't ask for more!!!!

It's good to know you are home and safe. Oh poor sweetie with those infections! Did they mention cranberry juice? Drinking it helps UTI's. There is even diet cranberry juice if you prefer.

I hope your daddy gets back to you quickly. Daddies are important for healing.

Daddy made me promise to do exactly what they say, too. You are the best big sis a little girl could ever have! :kiss:

It is a group effort ;) Lots of good big sisters (and little ones) in our great-big house!! You will learn to spot the good from the bad..same goes for the wanna-be daddies. :) It sounds like you have a VERY good daddy! Hang on to him!
It's good to know you are home and safe. Oh poor sweetie with those infections! Did they mention cranberry juice? Drinking it helps UTI's. There is even diet cranberry juice if you prefer.

I hope your daddy gets back to you quickly. Daddies are important for healing.


Oh, INL and've been added to the list of best big sis's EVER!!!! :):kiss::heart:

Cookie, I have yet to learn how to spot the wanna-be's. I'm so new to being a little girl. I DO hope I get to hang on to my Daddy!!!!:heart:
Oh, INL and've been added to the list of best big sis's EVER!!!! :):kiss::heart:

Cookie, I have yet to learn how to spot the wanna-be's. I'm so new to being a little girl. I DO hope I get to hang on to my Daddy!!!!:heart:

Yes..they are! There are a few more I'm sure you will meet :)

Your pm inbox will be flooded by people wanting to be your daddy. It is ok to not reply to them or even send them a message asking them to knock it off if they get out of line. If they still won't take a hike, you can report them to the mod and it will be handled. You can ignore them, but know if you do that, any pm's that you may need to report them, could be lost. So back it up before you iggy them.

Some 'little girls' are only here for the attention of the daddies, will try to steal daddies and couldn't give a rats ass about us girls. (Sorry for the potty talk, daddies!!) They don't get such warm greetings as you have received. We (good girls and daddies) try to treat everyone with the respect and attention that we ALL want, need and deserve. :heart:
Yes..they are! There are a few more I'm sure you will meet :)

Your pm inbox will be flooded by people wanting to be your daddy. It is ok to not reply to them or even send them a message asking them to knock it off if they get out of line. If they still won't take a hike, you can report them to the mod and it will be handled. You can ignore them, but know if you do that, any pm's that you may need to report them, could be lost. So back it up before you iggy them.

Some 'little girls' are only here for the attention of the daddies, will try to steal daddies and couldn't give a rats ass about us girls. (Sorry for the potty talk, daddies!!) They don't get such warm greetings as you have received. We (good girls and daddies) try to treat everyone with the respect and attention that we ALL want, need and deserve. :heart:

I can't believe the amount of disrespect some people have on this site, and especially this thread!!!! I could never imagine trying to take someone's Daddy from them. Especially when you've all (little sisters and Daddies, alike) have burrowed your way into my heart so incredibly easily!!!

It's so so sad.
I can't believe the amount of disrespect some people have on this site, and especially this thread!!!! I could never imagine trying to take someone's Daddy from them. Especially when you've all (little sisters and Daddies, alike) have burrowed your way into my heart so incredibly easily!!!

It's so so sad.

Oh, don't let it make you sad, hun! I just treat them as they treat me (ignore) and move on to the happier posts..plenty of those!!! Some people just pop in to say hello and admire the thread..those are welcome, even if it isn't their thing. Actually, other than Daddy PA having to correct one former little girl, there hasn't been anything except good stuff since I have been around. What we do/say in other forums or threads generally stays there and WOW..I am glad for that! hehe
Yes..they are! There are a few more I'm sure you will meet :)

Your pm inbox will be flooded by people wanting to be your daddy. It is ok to not reply to them or even send them a message asking them to knock it off if they get out of line. If they still won't take a hike, you can report them to the mod and it will be handled. You can ignore them, but know if you do that, any pm's that you may need to report them, could be lost. So back it up before you iggy them.

Some 'little girls' are only here for the attention of the daddies, will try to steal daddies and couldn't give a rats ass about us girls. (Sorry for the potty talk, daddies!!) They don't get such warm greetings as you have received. We (good girls and daddies) try to treat everyone with the respect and attention that we ALL want, need and deserve. :heart:

"And if I may add to my sister's excellent suggestions - a lot of those PMs from wannabe Daddies are just those who want to have a little fling thing now and then. That's fine if that's what you're interested in. Any of them that you even THINK are threatening or scary or suspicious in ANY way should be reported to the Mods immediately - plenty of RL creepies out there! Don't need any here too...":kiss:


"Another really nice one INL - where DO you find them all?"
"And if I may add to my sister's excellent suggestions - a lot of those PMs from wannabe Daddies are just those who want to have a little fling thing now and then. That's fine if that's what you're interested in. Any of them that you even THINK are threatening or scary or suspicious in ANY way should be reported to the Mods immediately - plenty of RL creepies out there! Don't need any here too...":kiss:

Oh yes!!! Thank you!! So, so true!

INL DOES find the sexiest things, doesn't she? ;)

Off topic..the banana but bread I made this evening has perfect crust..rarely happens that the sweet & crunchy combo turn out so well!! ~pats self on the back~ Peaches, want me to save you some? I would offer to everyone else, but she is the only one that is close enough to actually get it while its fresh! Wait..Dawg isn't too far away..:D
Oh yes!!! Thank you!! So, so true!

INL DOES find the sexiest things, doesn't she? ;)

Off topic..the banana but bread I made this evening has perfect crust..rarely happens that the sweet & crunchy combo turn out so well!! ~pats self on the back~ Peaches, want me to save you some? I would offer to everyone else, but she is the only one that is close enough to actually get it while its fresh! Wait..Dawg isn't too far away..:D

Sissie, your inbox is full!!!
You are mine.....I claim you.....I take have always been I am am yours.........*sigh*............:kiss::kiss::kiss:

*sigh.......* :heart: I am yours.....all yours. :kiss::heart:

(Sighs............wipes a happy tear for a Daddy and a sister.......)

"That's so romantic............":kiss:

:eek: He really is, isn't he?

I've said it before, but it's worth saying again and again--I have the most wonderfully amazing Daddy any little girl could ever hope for. I'm so incredibly lucky to call him mine and even MORE incredibly lucky that he calls me his. :heart:
*sigh.......* :heart: I am yours.....all yours. :kiss::heart:

:eek: He really is, isn't he?

I've said it before, but it's worth saying again and again--I have the most wonderfully amazing Daddy any little girl could ever hope for. I'm so incredibly lucky to call him mine and even MORE incredibly lucky that he calls me his. :heart:

Ahhh! That is so sweettt! :rose:

Keri...I get that a lot. What can I say..I'm a popular girl..hehe.
Oh yes!!! Thank you!! So, so true!

INL DOES find the sexiest things, doesn't she? ;)

Off topic..the banana but bread I made this evening has perfect crust..rarely happens that the sweet & crunchy combo turn out so well!! ~pats self on the back~ Peaches, want me to save you some? I would offer to everyone else, but she is the only one that is close enough to actually get it while its fresh! Wait..Dawg isn't too far away..:D

(Nodding), "Yes she does!"

"As yummy as it sounds sweetie - and it DOES sound yummy.... I had to promise myself....and my Doctor....that this year I would start taking better care of myself - step one....get healthier (aka - loose weight and exercise more:() I'm trying to avoid most sweets except fruit and the OCCASIONAL nibble of dark chocolate. I am...however...easily tempted:D"
Thank you everyone, my family, for your care and concern. I JUST got back from the ER.

I was pretty dehydrated as they pumped me full of 3 bags of IV fluids. I have three cracked ribs...thank goodness none are broken, but they said cracked ribs can sometimes take longer to heal...awesome.

I have a really nasty UTI and kidney infection. They ALMOST admitted me, but I protested (I have two daughters at home), so they let me go saying that I have to go back to my Dr in a few days for some more tests. Apparently, my kidneys aren't filtering things correctly so they want to watch it closely. They gave me a shot of antibiotics in my butt (*giggles*) and sent me home with more, and some good pain meds.

It wasn't a great day. I was able to text Daddy for a few minutes but he seems to have disappeared again. :( I'm trying to be a good and patient little girl, but it's so hard sometimes. I just want to crawl in his lap and be held (unfortunately, not literally), but just to hear him say it. Patience is a tough lesson to learn.

So, again, I really want to say thank you to all of you, my family. I couldn't ask for more!!!!

I haven't been around much lately and am just seeing what a long and stressful (and no doubt emotional) day you've had! I'm so glad you found our little family here, they really are such a great support whenever you need it. It's so good you got checked out and taken care of. It sounds like you have a rough time ahead of you--take good care of yourself and I hope you're able to get some good quality time in with your Daddy. I know how difficult it can be when you're separated by time and distance and also what a calming and soothing influence my Daddy has on me when we DO get our time together, hopefully yours does the same for you. :rose:

Get some rest and take care. :heart:
(Giggling!) "Sissie's inbox is ALWAYS full!";)

Hey!!! Just what are you trying to say?! ~ hand on hip..standing in your bedroom doorway~ ;)

More bread for me then!!! Yay!! As if I need it.. When it warms up, we can go walking at that BIG, fuzzy elephant park down the road from me together!!

Off to crawl into my lonely bed, turn on my white noise, cuddle my shirts and get some sleep. My back is STILL giving me trouble and longs for my pillowtop :) Good night all!!
I haven't been around much lately and am just seeing what a long and stressful (and no doubt emotional) day you've had! I'm so glad you found our little family here, they really are such a great support whenever you need it. It's so good you got checked out and taken care of. It sounds like you have a rough time ahead of you--take good care of yourself and I hope you're able to get some good quality time in with your Daddy. I know how difficult it can be when you're separated by time and distance and also what a calming and soothing influence my Daddy has on me when we DO get our time together, hopefully yours does the same for you. :rose:

Get some rest and take care. :heart:

First of all, Peaches, her inbox is once again full! LOL Such the popular little gir!

PWMT, thank you so much for your exceptionally kind words. It has, indeed, been and incredibly rough day in all imaginable ways! Honestly, all I want right now is to hear Daddy's voice. I don't think that is going to happen. It makes me incredibly sad.
First of all, Peaches, her inbox is once again full! LOL Such the popular little gir!

PWMT, thank you so much for your exceptionally kind words. It has, indeed, been and incredibly rough day in all imaginable ways! Honestly, all I want right now is to hear Daddy's voice. I don't think that is going to happen. It makes me incredibly sad.

Not even taking into account everything else you have had to go through today, the days when you miss & need your Daddy like that are so very rough :( I know that it's easy to feel like you shouldn't let it get to you, but burying your emotions only ends up making you feel if you need to let a few tears fall, it's ok. Everyone needs a good cry now and again, and after a day like yours you certainly deserve it. Being strong doesn't mean denying your emotions. If you can't get ahold of your Daddy, you have plenty of shoulders around here to lean or cry on if need be. :heart:
Hey!!! Just what are you trying to say?! ~ hand on hip..standing in your bedroom doorway~ ;)

More bread for me then!!! Yay!! As if I need it.. When it warms up, we can go walking at that BIG, fuzzy elephant park down the road from me together!!

Off to crawl into my lonely bed, turn on my white noise, cuddle my shirts and get some sleep. My back is STILL giving me trouble and longs for my pillowtop :) Good night all!!

(Giggles) "Pretty sure I was speaking clearly.....";)

"Oh YEAH! That sounds WONDERFUL Sis! I will enjoy having someone to walk with (and someplace flat to fall down while doing it:D)"

"Get some sleep and feel better too!":kiss:
First of all, Peaches, her inbox is once again full! LOL Such the popular little gir!

PWMT, thank you so much for your exceptionally kind words. It has, indeed, been and incredibly rough day in all imaginable ways! Honestly, all I want right now is to hear Daddy's voice. I don't think that is going to happen. It makes me incredibly sad.

Not even taking into account everything else you have had to go through today, the days when you miss & need your Daddy like that are so very rough :( I know that it's easy to feel like you shouldn't let it get to you, but burying your emotions only ends up making you feel if you need to let a few tears fall, it's ok. Everyone needs a good cry now and again, and after a day like yours you certainly deserve it. Being strong doesn't mean denying your emotions. If you can't get ahold of your Daddy, you have plenty of shoulders around here to lean or cry on if need be. :heart:

"PWMT is right honey - plenty of us here who understand what it's like to need a Daddy (not just want him but to NEED him like you do today) who is far away! So easy to feel unloved at those moments. Can always come here to the family and we will do our best to try and be there to help you (and each other) through those tough times. You ARE loved - hang onto that knowledge and let yourself rest and heal if you can.....":kiss: ones fucking great. Right around 4 minutes is where it starts. I wasn't even looking for porn related to this; but was searching for alt/punk/scene girl porn (which suits my preference for pierced/tattood kinky girls) . Then it get's past the 4 minute mark and I hear her start saying 'Daddy' and then he really starts using her and talking dirty. I was like...fuck...this is all the shit *I* do, perfect.

So I hope all you dirty Daddy fans enjoy :D because this is about as close to my verbal style as it gets.
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