Daddy Fetish

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I agree with everything our smart peaches said.

With a sick daddy again. Bought him lunch and let him lean on me do a little bit and I told him no being naughty today.....even though I'm wearing panties that say tease me on the ass.

How typical of a Little Girl to send confusing messages to her Daddy! Not to mention she then went and took a bite out of EVERY piece of fudge she brought me the other day... SIGH - Lucky She is special to me. And lucky I'm too sick to discipline her, cause you know where THAT leads!

HI to all out there and prayers to everyone feeling ill or with family members feeling ill.

And as a guy I find my exwife is the one who most successfully pushes my buttons. But apparently I do the same to her...
How typical of a Little Girl to send confusing messages to her Daddy! Not to mention she then went and took a bite out of EVERY piece of fudge she brought me the other day... SIGH - Lucky She is special to me. And lucky I'm too sick to discipline her, cause you know where THAT leads!

HI to all out there and prayers to everyone feeling ill or with family members feeling ill.

And as a guy I find my exwife is the one who most successfully pushes my buttons. But apparently I do the same to her...

Well you can tease just no ummm yeah repeat of the other day.
You only had two pieces left and its you own fault for saying id do something like that the other day.

Yes she does push your buttons . Damn it phone put in bottoms

Ohhhh and i got two very cute dresses and one sexyish for $15 each. Love bargains
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I'm HOPING this is a typo?!?!?! This sooooooo NOT happening in any form!

Though - it does make me wonder where YOUR mind is right now....:D

Oh shut up. God. And you know your ass is all mine and all mine.

My mind is in making you scream in ecstasy in the sound proof room at your work
I agree with everything our smart peaches said.

With a sick daddy again. Bought him lunch and let him lean on me do a little bit and I told him no being naughty today.....even though I'm wearing panties that say tease me on the ass.

"Oh TT I'm so sorry that DaddyC still isn't feeling well today!"

My doc yesterday listened to my chest and its still got crackles in it from the acute bronchitis I had almost a month ago. So another round of anti-biotics for me. Which she's also hoping will clear up the blood I've had coming out of my nose. She's thinking its a severe sinus infection.

"A major sinus infection can also explain some of the dizziness you've been experiencing too (believe it or not might also have a little to do with some of the nausea). Some of the 'bugs' around now can be pretty persistent and hard to get rid of so I'll repeat what I'm sure the doctor told you too about being sure you take ALL of the antibiotics even if you're feeling better."

How typical of a Little Girl to send confusing messages to her Daddy! Not to mention she then went and took a bite out of EVERY piece of fudge she brought me the other day... SIGH - Lucky She is special to me. And lucky I'm too sick to discipline her, cause you know where THAT leads!

HI to all out there and prayers to everyone feeling ill or with family members feeling ill.

And as a guy I find my exwife is the one who most successfully pushes my buttons. But apparently I do the same to her...

"Yes Daddy C.....spankings lead rest for sick Daddies. But sick Daddies probably shouldn't be eating fudge anyway so really she was doing you a favor by getting rid of the temptation...........:rolleyes::D"
I'm HOPING this is a typo?!?!?! This sooooooo NOT happening in any form!

Though - it does make me wonder where YOUR mind is right now....:D

Oh shut up. God. And you know your ass is all mine and all mine.

My mind is in making you scream in ecstasy in the sound proof room at your work

(Giggling and thinking to myself that I'm pretty sure my sweet sister's mind is where ALL of our Baby Girl minds usually hang out........:devil:)
Hayley is being incredibly cute right now, sitting in her Daddy's chair swinging her legs sucking on a lollipop. And with two cute little bows in her hair. She makes me so happy and my stress levels just melt away in her presence...
Oh shut up. God. And you know your ass is all mine and all mine.

My mind is in making you scream in ecstasy in the sound proof room at your work

Notice how my Baby addresses me as God? This isn't the first time either though usually she says it repeatedly for some unknown reason....:cool::cool::cool:
"Oh TT I'm so sorry that DaddyC still isn't feeling well today!"

"A major sinus infection can also explain some of the dizziness you've been experiencing too (believe it or not might also have a little to do with some of the nausea). Some of the 'bugs' around now can be pretty persistent and hard to get rid of so I'll repeat what I'm sure the doctor told you too about being sure you take ALL of the antibiotics even if you're feeling better."

"Yes Daddy C.....spankings lead rest for sick Daddies. But sick Daddies probably shouldn't be eating fudge anyway so really she was doing you a favor by getting rid of the temptation...........:rolleyes::D"

I'm trying to take care of him and make him smile.

Here's hoping it'll clear up. And thank you I'll be a good girl and take all the meds.

Haha love it when us girls stick together

(Giggling and thinking to myself that I'm pretty sure my sweet sister's mind is where ALL of our Baby Girl minds usually hang out........:devil:)

Giggles. Yep pretty much but It's daddy's fault for making me want him so much.

Hayley is being incredibly cute right now, sitting in her Daddy's chair swinging her legs sucking on a lollipop. And with two cute little bows in her hair. She makes me so happy and my stress levels just melt away in her presence...

Awww I'm so glad I can help daddy. All i want is to make you happy
"Oh TT I'm so sorry that DaddyC still isn't feeling well today!"

"Yes Daddy C.....spankings lead rest for sick Daddies. But sick Daddies probably shouldn't be eating fudge anyway so really she was doing you a favor by getting rid of the temptation...........:rolleyes::D"

HUMPH.... I need the energy boost
Notice how my Baby addresses me as God? This isn't the first time either though usually she says it repeatedly for some unknown reason....:cool::cool::cool:

(Spewing tea all over my keyboard and coughing violently.....taken by surprise mid-swallow:eek: 'Contrary to popular opinion there is absolutely no medical evidence to prove that the voluntary aspiration of food is beneficial.....' That's a quote from the doctor I work for BTW:D)
Okay ... Updates from moi after I comment ...

OMG; i go away for a few days & all hell breaks lose here???? Hope all the littel girls & the Daddies are well. Also hope all of you RL extended families are doing better or well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's what you get for leaving us ... pandemonium! You'll do good to remember that for future reference *shaking her finger*

"Both Cookie and DD are very, very right. So rest and relax tonight knowing that your Father is in safe hands - the best possible place to take care of his needs right now. IM with Daddy ESM and let him love you and take care of you... Vent to any of us as much, as often, and as long as you need. DO NOT pick up that cigarette - it's too easy - think about how much your Daddy will love your sparkling eyes and teeth and fresh breath and the sweet smell of your perfume......and your own natural Baby Girl scents. Take care of your own sweet little'un and if your birth sister wants to stir up trouble (because of her own fears and insecurities right now) just smile that serene Baby Girl smile (the one that says 'I have a secret - I am loved and treasured') and let her pull her own hair out. And make certain Mother takes her medication (as prescribed)." (((HUGS))) and :heart:
I know that my Faja is the best place he could possibly be, and that's why I'm not nearly as nervous as my baby sister expects me to be. Hence why I wanted to murder her earlier - she was freaking out and upset at everything, especially since I wasn't all that upset in the first place! Fifteen-year-olds are confusing as hell!
And Daddy is a great encouragement on the not-smoking thing ... He's really looking forward to running his tongue over my sparkly white teeth, and cinnamon-fresh breath!
Mum takes her meds rarely, but it never fails that she ends up having to visit the old Battle-Axe right after some issue that drags Mum's anxiety to the forefront and she has to pop a Xany. She's not the abuse type: she saw what drug addiction did to me, and how Faja's previous problems with Vics turned him into a dick.

Bella is busy but better i think...appreciate all of our family thinking of her.
Everybody, THANK YOU. I knew Daddy would probably update when I couldn't. We did dinner after Mum's appointment, visited Faja for a bit, then headed home. All positive thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated.

Hayley is being incredibly cute right now, sitting in her Daddy's chair swinging her legs sucking on a lollipop. And with two cute little bows in her hair. She makes me so happy and my stress levels just melt away in her presence...
Aww, it's so sweet, I'm gonna puke. :p Oh wait, that's just jealousy ...

Faja is, as I said earlier this afternoon, still in the hospital. They admitted him for observation, and to run a bunch of tests. Not sure really what all they're going to do. But you'll all know when I know more.

You're all great. I can count on a smile to lift me up when I'm feeling down, and I just really wanted to say thanks for being here for me.
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Notice how my Baby addresses me as God? This isn't the first time either though usually she says it repeatedly for some unknown reason....:cool::cool::cool:

This is classic shit DC I've read it three times and it still cracks me up....oh wait you were being serious ?
Good to hear all is well with family. Hope all tests a negative for your dad and it was just something he ate. Big hug and get some rest. Here I was imagining it was an older much for my reasoning
*sits with her Sunny D and a donut hole, feet propped up on the footrest, watching Robot Chicken*

I'm not going to bed until my jeans are dry for work in the morning. Stupid dryer.
(Giggle snorts) "I think the SO could lay claim to regular calls of 'My God....MY GOD!!!!!' too...."

*giggles* My ex should have had a Messiah Complex from the number of times I'd groan "Jesus Christ" or whimper "Oh GOD" .... *snickers and almost drops my donut holes, distracted*
*sits with her Sunny D and a donut hole, feet propped up on the footrest, watching Robot Chicken*

I'm not going to bed until my jeans are dry for work in the morning. Stupid dryer.

Sis Bella I love you new AV pic! It's so sensual and erotic . . . lovely :)

Hello to all the Daddies and sweet baby girls that love them . . . had to be away from Lit for a few days and focus on some RL stuff . . . missed you all . . . I saw some of you weren't feeling well :( . . . so here some hugs and kisses to help you get on the road to feeling better . . . :kiss::kiss::kiss: . . . :heart:
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