Daddy Fetish

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Seriously?! You are going to continue to assert that I faked a username? Wow! Not only was I (supposedly) disingenuous enough to create a fake profile, but I then had the "genius" to have the fake profile make a post that orchestrated a series of events including the posting of responses by others so I could "swoop in". Perhaps I created several fake usernames - including yours! This IS a fantastic fantasy that was "exposed" here.

Simmer down, dear. No one is attacking you here.
*arches a brow, looking over her glasses*
A join date of 9 years ago doesn't eliminate the possibility of trolling and starting shit with a normally peaceful group ... and the fact of you having less than a hundred posts therefore exposes you as a Lurker.

Anyone who bothers to READ our thread realizes we're not some hookup line, thus our redirection to the Personals when someone merely wants to RP, as previously stated. He (Daddy ME) merely said he wasn't interested in RP. Read previous posts before jumping on the proverbial bandwagon. Mmkay.

And I'm being nice, by te way.

*end rant* ... And now, back to our regularly scheduled program!

That was the knockout punch Bella nice jab combination followed be an upper cut
Doing a Howard Cosell voice..."down goes Frazier, down goes Frazier"
I must this has been good for a chuckle and a distraction from a horrible morning of nausea while on a train to see my Dr.
*belatedly sticks a fiver in Keri's Swear Jar*

Oh,'re such a sweet sister and I do love you so! Your post cracked me up!!!! I think you were VERY nice, and since I couldn't be that nice; and since I don't have enough money for my swear jar (Daddy said if I reach dollar bills I may need, I decided to be good.

I appreciate you very much!!!

:heart: Keri
I don't even know the whole reason behind it ... but whatever helps a sister out! LOL ... Care to enlighten a girl? Maybe it can become a new DF trend LOL

I'll leave that to Keri if she wants to divulge the consequences of the swear jar. See I used a big word there too. Like disingenuous in some other post. I think it makes me sound smart!
Keri will love ya for that.

Oh, Daddy, you know me so well!!! Of course I love her for it!!!!

I don't even know the whole reason behind it ... but whatever helps a sister out! LOL ... Care to enlighten a girl? Maybe it can become a new DF trend LOL

Bella, lots of people have swear jars. Let's just say that Daddy and I call it that because of my kids (and my youngest keeps me on my toes....she's the Swear Nazi and makes me put a penny in every time I swear in RL :eek: ). It has a nice nickname though...That starts with a B and ends with a T. *whispers quietly* You know, that thing that lots of Daddies will use when their little girls are naughty, but in secret, we actually like it...*collapses in a fit of giggles*

That was the knockout punch Bella nice jab combination followed be an upper cut
Doing a Howard Cosell voice..."down goes Frazier, down goes Frazier"

Daddy, you crack me up. I can actually hear you saying this!

:heart: Keri
I'll leave that to Keri if she wants to divulge the consequences of the swear jar. See I used a big word there too. Like disingenuous in some other post. I think it makes me sound smart!

Daddy, you ARE smart! Look at how well you've been taking care of me today!!! How many Daddies actually KNOW all that stuff!!!!

Your intelligence amazes me.

:heart: Keri
I checked out her profile. It seems more put together than 'the others' are capable of.

We always want people to feel welcome here as long as they are respectful. If they can't be, then we can just ignore them.:D

If Supernipples wants just play, that is her right. I agree that she may have better luck in the personals. I am curious what powers her super nipples may have...:rolleyes:

Cookie...I hope you know how much I appreciate your investigative prowess. I do agree that SN could very well be a real person. You were so PC in your response, and you're right...we do want people to feel welcome here. We aren't some exclusive little clique.

Just wanted to say thanks, big sis! I love you!

:heart: Keri
Hope everything is good, Hayley.
Morning nausea? Did Daddy Ceann go and knock you up? *grins and giggles*

I'm ok (just don't ask daddy his thoughts on how i am right now).
Lmao trust me daddy may have had a momentary freak out whhen the nausea started about 6 months ago. But no not this time anyway.
I see a specialist about it tomorrow.
I'll leave that to Keri if she wants to divulge the consequences of the swear jar. See I used a big word there too. Like disingenuous in some other post. I think it makes me sound smart!

:D Sounding smart and being smart are too very different things. FP is proof of that.
I'm ok (just don't ask daddy his thoughts on how i am right now).
Lmao trust me daddy may have had a momentary freak out whhen the nausea started about 6 months ago. But no not this time anyway.
I see a specialist about it tomorrow.

Oh no! I hope you feel better soon! Both of you!:rose:
I'm ok (just don't ask daddy his thoughts on how i am right now).
Lmao trust me daddy may have had a momentary freak out whhen the nausea started about 6 months ago. But no not this time anyway.
I see a specialist about it tomorrow.

Oh, dear TT. I hope the appt. with the specialist goes well. And as Cookie said, I hope you BOTH feel better for soon! I know these things couldn't keep you two apart, but it can put a damper on them! You're both loved!!!!

:D Sounding smart and being smart are too very different things. FP is proof of that.

I completely agree!!! I'm just glad I know Daddy well enough to know he's both! :D

:heart: Keri
Oh no! I hope you feel better soon! Both of you!:rose:

It's been going on for so long now. Being nauseous 24/7 in different degrees gets old really quick.

Oh, dear TT. I hope the appt. with the specialist goes well. And as Cookie said, I hope you BOTH feel better for soon! I know these things couldn't keep you two apart, but it can put a damper on them! You're both loved!!!!

I completely agree!!! I'm just glad I know Daddy well enough to know he's both! :D

:heart: Keri

Thank you. I don't think I'll get any answers tomorrow I think that'll have to wait till I'm sure they do an endoscope. I'll see what they say tomorrow.

Thank you as we love you guys
I just hate the idea that I have been rude to someone on a site that has taken me in with open arms. I would never want to push anyone away.

So if the posts were fakes to embarrass me some how, I will take the risk.

"Daddy MILFe please let me assure you that YOU were NOT the rude one in the exchange. I'm really sorry I missed it as I've never personally subscribed to the notion of keeping my mouth shut - and have never pretended to be a lady (other than the 'Cor' look at ME, Oim a LAIDEY!' sort.....and an extra dollar in Keri's swear jar for the first person who can identify the movie quote...;)) I digress. The insufferable rudeness of two individuals (giving them the benefit of the doubt) coming on to this thread for the first time - attacking persons who have been here longer for the way we have always chosen to view this thread.... :mad: Ooooooohhhh! I like a good RP as well as anyone and am not opposed to pulling up a single Daddy's lap when I feel particularly needy (since my situation tends to be a little unique) and putting on a public show - BUT I would never trespass on another sister's Daddy unless invited - by her - and such circumstances don't happen often (you'll have noticed). All of which is said in polite explanation of the fact that I hope the a--hole comes back because I want to rip his head off and figuratively (okay maybe literally) s--t down his neck! The NERVE OF THEM! Making our Daddies feel like THEY were out of line for defending the thread! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!"
(Giggles) "I don't suppose it's at ALL obvious that I'm missing the SO and not at ALL my usual tranquil self.....:rolleyes:"

"Happy Monday night to all of our WONDERFUL Daddies who deserve BIG applause and extra hugs and kisses from their Baby Girls for the excellent job they did today......I'll gladly volunteer to help take up the slack for any of the single Daddies;).....anyone else? Cookie? NFL?"
(Giggles) "I don't suppose it's at ALL obvious that I'm missing the SO and not at ALL my usual tranquil self.....:rolleyes:"

"Happy Monday night to all of our WONDERFUL Daddies who deserve BIG applause and extra hugs and kisses from their Baby Girls for the excellent job they did today......I'll gladly volunteer to help take up the slack for any of the single Daddies;).....anyone else? Cookie? NFL?"

Hi there =)

Thanks for the friendly offer :D
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