dad sees diagram of penis in daught's college biology text.....


Aug 27, 2009
Lol i got this opening scene in my head for days now, but cant seem to think of how to turn it into a hot BJ scene......any ideas?

Thanx for helping out guys ;)
This may be an inspiration for you. Nothing sexy went on in real life, but when I was young and curious I found a book my mom had called "Woman's Body." It was basically a textbook, and it had a drawing of a penis in the section on sex. I felt sneaky just looking at it! I was in my bedroom looking at it when my mom walked in! I turned the page really quickly so she wouldn't see it.

Maybe you can have the daughter looking at the diagram when her dad walks in, and he asks if she wants a better look?
It's a good idea, but unless she's extremely naive, it's going to come across as creepy if she's looking at this diagram because she's never seen one before. I mean, by the time she's 18, she's presumably seen pictures at least. You could always set it in the past or somewhere very sexually conservative, I suppose.

Dad could find the book open to that page in daughter's room. He's looking at it when daughter walks in. She feels embarrassed that maybe he thinks she was looking at it for reasons other than study so she explains that she's not seen one before and is falling behind some of her more "experienced" classmates.

There are a few possibilities from there but all of them would require a rather large stretch of the imagination. Although it is incest fiction so that's par for the course.
hows this sound

Lol i got this opening scene in my head for days now, but cant seem to think of how to turn it into a hot BJ scene......any ideas?

Thanx for helping out guys ;)

Ok he finds the book didn’t realise his precious daughter knew about such things because of her strict religious upbringing the school is not supposed to teach such things but the idea arouses him so when the daughter finds him in her room he takes her over his knee and removers her panties and spanks her giving himself an erection.

He leaves her to right her clothes and finds his wife and takes her over the kitchen table as is his right as the head of the family what he says goes.

Later that evening he returns to daughter’s room and pulls down her bed while she sleeps her nakedness exposed her takes her for her first time she wakes up screaming as his erection enters her.

He fucks her with all his might and as she is sobbing with a mixture of fear excitement and pleasure she sees her mother watching from the doorway.