
Sure, yayati--ask away. Remember our non-aggression pact of, oh, a year ago or so, though.
yayati said:
cymbidia: 1st im not a hater so how can i agress?2nd i was wonderin about what u chatted about the other day and how u let the internet dominate both ur life and emotions...reflecting on it, don't u see the internet as a bad influence on u?...even better, dontu think that running away from it and then coming back only highlights a certain addiction to it...? I am not hating just curious as to why u value it so much afterall u cannot really see me, and dont really know if i am a bad guy or a good guy....I mean from my posts a year back i was very mean but in reality everyone loves me cuz i am the nicest guy ard....and i dont have a mean bone in my someone can pretend to be mean and are actually nice...and that can only mean that other's can pretend to be nice here and actually be a nasty piece of you see? How can u even put a tag and build a relationship with ppl here if a) we dont know them
b) we wont know them until perhaps we meet them and even then its quite dodgy

so my thrust, is basically ...isnt this a waste of time? Why get so caught up in it??...just curious

Didn't you already leave forever about 742 times?

You fucktard.