Cyclista's criterium.

Happy Halloween!
(Last year pic...)
- As a note, for costume credibility, I did not wear a bra. Which made me quite popular... ;)


I can see why!!! :D:rose::rose:
Happy Halloween!
(Last year pic...)
- As a note, for costume credibility, I did not wear a bra. Which made me quite popular... ;)


I have always loved the Bangles - though Walk Like an Egyptian was not on top of the list :)

The upper half of Cyclista is most certainly impressive, but, man, look at those quads. She probably kicks butt on hills.
Happy Halloween!
(Last year pic...)
- As a note, for costume credibility, I did not wear a bra. Which made me quite popular... ;)


Gorgeous - I hope you left that on for the bedroom after, I definitely would have done :D

Not sure why I think this.. But the Red Headed Cowgirl next to you just looks like she has fun also???

We have been covered in our annual White Blanket.. Should be coming your way!!!
We have been covered in our annual White Blanket.. Should be coming your way!!!

Not yet. We often wait until late in December to get snow.
But it is getting cold. And rainy. I wish we had snow instead!!
So as we are waiting for the white stuff, let's remember a moment when it was hot and sunny this summer...


I like your idea WAY better Cyclista.. That warms me up!!:devil:
Thank You !!!
What magnificent view of those seductive breasts, and your hair up, to facilitate a sneaky kiss.
So as we are waiting for the white stuff, let's remember a moment when it was hot and sunny this summer...


Cyclista.. You are one Good Looking Lady .. with a Lovely Set Of Boobs .. Damn I
just got here .. :eek: ;) *subscribed*