Cyberrelationships also make me pant...

Cyber-relationships can be very's nice to have email buddies that have vivid imaginations. Problem is finding them.
Bob_Bytchin said:
Cyber-relationships can be very's nice to have email buddies that have vivid imaginations. Problem is finding them.

the problem I had at one time was finding the ones who knew there was a line that didn't get crossed. I had some ladies wanting to get very close, in a very disturbing way.
i hate cyber relationships they are horrid ... i don't regret going through them and i was mostly amazingly happy at the time but i would of rather have done it all in real life

and it did lead to a worth while end goal
HeavyStick said:

the problem I had at one time was finding the ones who knew there was a line that didn't get crossed. I had some ladies wanting to get very close, in a very disturbing way.

Yeah, that's happened to me as well...I make it crystal clear up front that I'm just looking for a friendship, and that I am always open to meeting in person as well. I also make it clear that my wife is fully aware of everything I do, so I'm not looking for a replacement for my wife. Even so, you get the type who get very scary.
I think cyber relationships can be very rewarding, just like phone relationships. Both, however, take a back seat to the real thing!