

sexual catalyst
Sep 3, 2000
I should have never dated him, because then we would have never made love, and his ex lover would never have cursed me. However I was cursed and not some lighthearted one either. I was cursed until a lover accepted my curse. I thought it was totally silly and never gave it a second thought, but he dumped me right then and there for fear of the curse.

I woke up the next morning feeling no different and the day went by as usual. It was when I least expected it, I was soaking in a bubble bath lamenting my bad luck when it happened. My body changed and while it didn't hurt I screamed my head off as I grew a dick and changed into a man.

I freaked out and barely slept, but when I woke up the next morning I was back to me, female parts and all. I swore I had been drinking too heavily until it kept happening every night when the sun set I became a man and when the sun rose I returned to normal.

The first thing I did was try and get it reversed and found out only she who cast could reverse it and she laughed in my face and let it slip that only when a lover accepted me for an entire day only then would the curse be broken.

So I was stuck, so the second thing I did was quit my job, move, and start buying men's clothing. It had been a month and I had set up my job for daylight hours and had finally accepted my male form. It was almost fun to go out and hang with the guys and have an inside scoop on what made them tick.

Three months later I was doing great in my new job, had great friends both during the day and night. There was only one problem, I was sexually attracted to both men and women in both of my forms.

It was Friday night and I was hanging out with my guy friend, who I tried to avoid checking out, when I suddenly realized the fun I could have as a guy.

OOC so many possibilities exist, the friend could be suspicious, or the character could pick up a woman. It just depends on the kind of response I get.
‘Tandy, Tandy, Tandy,’ I think as I watch the skirt of my girlfriend Beth flip saucily as she goes out the door of the bar with a guy on her arm, ‘when will you learn?’

Sighing, I twirl the straw in my drink and wonder why I continue to let Beth talk me into going out. Nine times out of ten she ends up leaving with some guy and I’m stuck sitting alone finishing a drink by myself. Fending off idiots.

I look around the bar, edging closer to real anger. Damn. Well, at least I never depended on her for a ride.

It’s not that this is a bad bar, as bars go. It’s a sort of upscale kind of sports bar. The clientele well dressed and sort of late twenties, early thirties collegiate. It’s just I am sick of it. Sick of the way my life has been going. Sick of the merry-go-round of dating and bar hopping that Beth thrives on. Sick of Beth actually.

Then again… what’s to go home to? An empty apartment and three tropical fish. My live-in lover Hal hit the bricks eight months ago.

Oh well, I sigh again, as I pick up my drink. Cheers.
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I headed to the bar and my hand accidentally brushed agains the back of one fine looking girl. I noticed that expression and before I apologized I said, "That bad huh?" my hand resting on her back not hitting on her but not exactly letting her go. My friend gave me a wink and I offered to buy her a drink she said something and I said, "Hell I know this sounds pathetic, but would you like to go somewhere quiet and talk? I've been told I'm an excellent listener andd feel free to tell me I'm a total loser and to get lost." I offer as I take a drink wondering how guys ever get up the courage to talk to beautiful women if it was this hard.

Well, I have to admit, he got a laugh out of me. I must look pretty pathetic or really pissed off.

“Well, ah… Max,” I use the name he supplies at my hesitation. “How about we talk here. I’m Tandy.”

He’s nice looking and dresses exceptionally well. Good taste. I motion for him to take the seat Beth had so eagerly vacated.

“So what do you do Max, when you aren’t out charming ladies by being a pseudo shrink?” I say with a smile to take some of the bite out of my words.

I cross my legs, take a drink and blow my bangs from my eyes. At least a good conversation may take the sting out of the evening.
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I was a little shocked as I sat down, "I have a rather boring job, but I get to work with money," I paused smiling at her. "I'm a banker. How about you?" It was tempting to place my hand on her knee and caress the soft exposed skin, but I knew that I wouldn't take that kind of behavior as I took a drink and rolled an ice cube around in my mouth. "I'm surprised you are alone, you are quite," Max wasn't sure what word to use and finally said, "lovely." Okay now I sounded really lame and I changed my tact, "So how is it that a nice girl like yourself ends up alone at the bar?"

I laugh a bit and tell him about my ‘good’ friend Beth, she of the insatiable appetite… As we talk and laugh about this and that, I find myself enjoying his company, his crisp good looks and strangely empathetic personality. He’s very easy to talk to and has a certain hesitant charm, almost boyish? That’s not quite right, but it’s a close as I can come to describe it.

I notice him eyeing my legs, one of my best features certainly. I look into the bar mirror and find that my brunette coloring and rather robust frame looks good next to him.

We order more drinks and I must admit to getting quite pleasantly buzzed. Not drunk, but certainly not sober. It’s actually the most fun I have had in a long time. It’s been a long time since I have had masculine company. The possibility of spending some quality intimate time with him is not only flirting around in my mind, but also starting to be a priority. Much as I would have said differently a few hours ago…

I had a high tolerance for alcohol and was not even matching this vivacious lovely drink for drink. We talked about everything and I found it amazingly easy to talk with her. Unfortunately I was also feeling my cock, it was odd at first I'd never had a wet dream or experienced a morning wood and it hadn't occured me to jack off, probably because I didn't want to know if I actually produced sperm yet. Right now I was seriously considering loosing my male virginity with this lovely woman.

I would let things happen at her pace however and just let myself enjoy a normal conversation that did not revolve around cars or babes, it was great to speak like myself.

"You have beautiful hair, I bet it is softer than it looks," I said as I slowly reached up and brushed a strand away from her face and let my fingers play with the silky strands. "I was right," I murmur softly a bit confused at my attraction to you and that I wanted to please you both as a man and a woman. It all spun crazily in my head and just let her decide how far things would go, I was not going to pressure here into anything. If anything I felt it would be amazing if I just got to taste her lips.

I can’t get over how nice Max is. His opinions when voiced echo so many of my own. He certainly wasn’t the typical bar bloke. When he reaches to smooth a strand of my hair from my forehead and twines around a few locks, it’s such a curiously gentle and seductive gesture. Erotic in its simplicity.

We’ve moved closer until my knee touches his, a little current between us. I find nothing else really to say after thanking him for the compliment about my hair. I shift a little self-consciously and re-cross my legs, then excuse myself and head for the ladies room. When I am finished and washing my hands, I look at myself and notice a lightness of expression I haven’t seen in my face for quite a while. My color is high and my eyes are bright. The tension that was beginning to show always has faded.

Returning to my seat, I smile into Max’s eyes. His eyes seem so knowing, like he knows me better than I know myself… Strange. I watch as his eyes drop to my legs when I hike up onto the barstool. I lean forward and kiss his cheek

“Thanks for saving my seat Max.”

Okay I admit it, I was looking at her legs and I smiled at her, after all every woman likes to be looked at now and then. The kiss, was unexpected and made me shift a little as my cock literally jumped at the sensation. I was trying my hardest to not let the damn thing rule me and I smiled and said, "I know you came back for your seat, but would you mind if we danced?" I wondered how well my feminine grace would serve in dancing in my large somewhat clunky male form.

"Thanks Max, I'd love to."

He took my hand and I followed him to the floor. We started out a bit awkwardly at first. But soon it didn’t matter as the dance floor filled up and we moved closer together. He was light on his feet and very careful of me. He’s charming me more and more. I drop my head on his shoulder and just relaxed into him and the music.

Was she actually snuggling closer? I thought as I realized that she was letting me get closer to her. It didn't take long before the rhythm paired us up and we were moving rather sensuously together. I hoped that if she could feel my erection that it didn't bother her as we moved around the floor. I noticed my buddies were giving me approving looks and a few rude gestures. Man, if I got lucky enough to see her panties I was not going to be telling. I found it humorous that I knew most of their stories were mostly bluster.

I deeply regretted that I could not wake up next to her in the morning. My hands slide up and down her back feeling the line of her bra as my hands finally rested on her waist, which I figured was the safest place to touch her as we swayed together to the pulsing beat of the music.

I liked the feeling of his hands on my back. He wasn’t rude, not mashing and rubbing against me as so many men did at the slightest opportunity especially on a dance floor. I felt his erection, and it excited me, but he wasn’t pushy about it. It felt nice, sort of flattering as it pressed lightly against my belly.

And he smelled great. My mind returned to sleeping with him. I wouldn’t mind a bit. But he really doesn’t seem to want to make a move. I began to doubt myself a little. Maybe I misread him. Well, I’d been without for 8 months. Sighing… and I rather resigned myself to being without a little longer.

When the dance ended. We walked back to the bar. I glanced at my watch and checked the time against the bar clock. Well, perhaps time to call it a night. I could give him my number…

"Max, I think I need to get going, it's late."
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It looked as if I were also cursed with bad luck right now as we parted ways. I slide my fingers through my dark short hair and found myself taking the risk as I moved behind her, and whispered along the back of her neck, "I'd love to see more of you," before placing a soft light kiss against the back of her neck. I was sure I had gone to far until she turned around and I saw her eyes widen as if surprised and I wondered if I was attractive to her. Sure I had been and was a sexy woman but as a guy? I mean I was in great shape, taller, still with black hair, smouldering green eyes, and amazingly soft lips, but did she want me? I wondered what size cock I had and half hoped it was in proportion to my breasts in my female form. I shrugged it all away and figured nothing lost nothing gained as my thumb caressed her chin as my hand gently held her face.

"What do you say?" no wonder guys had to drink bravery, I certainly felt out of my league.

So what was he asking me? Did he want to see more of me tonight? Some other time? The light kiss on my neck made me shudder, the desire I felt earlier returning quick. My body decided it didn’t matter as I leaned back into him. His caress is soft fire where it touches my face.

What do I say? Nothing. I nod and take his hand, the hand that caresses my face, turning the palm to my lips and kiss him there, my tongue darting out for a moment, my answer to him.

Oh my, she was saying yes. The way she kissed the palm of my hand, damn women had no idea how erotic that was. I did now but I merely took her hand and we slowly made our way through the crowd. I let my thumb caress the palm of her hand as we headed out. I could not take her to my place, but would she allow me into her place? As we left the bar and they cool air hit I gently took her face in my hands and lowered my lips to hers and we kissed. Her lips were so soft and I could feel my body responding and I knew I would have to adjust myself soon or face an uncomfortable ride to her place.

I smiled and took a deep breath as our lips finally parted, "Your place," I softly asked looking into her eyes, not sure where this was going but knowing it was worth it to get to know her better.
"Did you drive?" I asked him. At his nod I tell him follow me.

Getting into my car and waiting until I see lights pulling behind me, I swing out of the parking lot. In no time we were pull into the lot at my building. I get out and motion him to a spot and lean nervously against my car waiting for him to park and join me.

Practical, smart girl, I thought as I followed her to her place, at least this way I would have an easy way out afterwards. I got out of the car and moved towards her. I wanted more and I gently lowered my face and was glad she parted her lips in response. We shared one suculent kiss before she led me to her place.

Before she opened the door words tumbled out of my mouth. "I just want you to know that I'm not looking to do anything you are uncomfortable with, so feel free to tell me to stop if it this stops being fun." Shut up my mind told me as I heard the words spill out and her turn the key unlocking her door.

I have no small amount of anxiety when I see him get out of his car and come toward me. I look again at my motivations and worry that I have left good sense back at the bar. My apprehension fades when he bends to kiss me. Soft kiss, it leaves me feeling quite tingly.

My uneasiness was nearly dispelled at his words, "I just want you to know that I'm not looking to do anything you are uncomfortable with, so feel free to tell me to stop if it this stops being fun." Who was this man? This good looking, black-headed, emerald eyed guy? So non-threatening. So attuned to my feelings.

Leading him in through the foyer, to the living room, I ask him if he wants a drink. His half-smile when he answers is almost shy.

“Have a seat Max, I’ll be right back.” In the kitchen I grab a bottle of white, some glasses and a corkscrew, put it on a try and take it in. Setting it down on the coffee table.

“Can you open this Max? I’m going to …freshen up.”

I do the manly thing and open the wine, eltting it breath before pouring the glasses as I wonder what she is doing. I try and act normal whatever the heck that means and take the moment to readjust my cock as I glance around her place noticing her tastes and interests. I kick off my shoes, glad that my feet don't sweat as I pick up my glass and am taking a drink when she returns
Escaping into the bedroom and my bath beyond, I peel off my clothes taking the fastest shower ever. Leaving my hair to air dry I pull on a conservative robe and finish cleaning off my makeup.
Brush my teeth. I needed the shower, I felt grungy from the cigarette smoke in the bar. And wanted to be so fresh and smooth and clean for Max.

I try and calm down a bit and move back into the living room to sit by him on the couch. Clinking glasses, I take a look and see him watching me so intently. He has such amazing eyes. Soul eyes. They look right through me.

How come those eyes always seem to come on men? The fringe of his lashes is enviable and his lips are sooo kissable. I feel my nipples hardening just with the slight chaffing against my robe.

We talk again of just stuff. I curl my legs up under me and it's so amazing when I realize how late it's gotten. Glad I don't have to drag myself to work in the morning.

We have moved closer and closer on the couch until my knees are touching his thighs. We grow quiet and in the lull, I surrender to impulse and lean forward, touching his lips softly with mine.

she looked amazing, no make up, and clean, I felt lucky and when we kissed it was just incredible, soft sweet, romantic. I felt a little grungy next to her and my hand rested on her leg and she shifted and my hand was on her bare thigh. it was a surprise at first and then i just let my fingers softly massage the smooth skin. Damn she smelled terrific and I nuzzled her neck briefly my lips looking for the sensitive spot on her neck.
Mmmm, such a great kiss. Warm, sensual. His lips were wonderful. Responsive and fluid against mine. When his lips trailed down from my mouth to my neck grazing seductively along my collarbone, I shiver.

His hand on my thigh is a soft glow. Caressing so sweetly. I move again toward him, my hand on the back of his neck and kiss him again. This kiss turns into something not so gentle. His arms come around me and he pulls me into his lap.

The kiss deepens until it's hot, wet, our tongues dancing and diving together. I am quite breathless when it ends.

"Care to see the bedroom?" I asked him with a smile.

She captures my lips and we tangle again and my fingers move along her body pulling her closer, and when she asks if I want to see the bedroom I gladly say, "I'd love to," I'd loosened the tie on her robe and got a fabulous view of her breasts before I follow her eagerly, and notice how her bedroom is cozy and personal and I feel pretty honored to be there. I pull her against me again and savour a long kiss as I manage to untie her robe and my hands slide down to cup her firm ass.

Max's mouth is sooo sexy. Soft and firm. When he pulls me against him, I can feel his erection and when he unties my robe and caresses my ass, I moan.

It has been so long, and to find this guy, this made-for-me lover that is sooo right. It's a huge turnon.

I let my hands go to his buttocks pulling him tighter against me and my body justs starts to move against him. He's opened my robe and I want to see him too.

I move back from his embrace and tug at his shirt. Lifting it up, he helps peel it off.

My fingers fumble on his buckle until he helps me and I unzip his pants. They drop to the floor and he steps out of them. I see his cock straining up against his boxer briefs and move into his arms again.

My mind is a blur as she presses against me and undresses me, I slide her robe off and enjoy the full effect of her luscious body. "You are beautiful," I whisper before we kiss again and I pull her down with me onto the bed. My hands roam along her back just enjoying to feel of her skin, wanting to drive her crazy long before I ever move between her legs. I can feel my cock pulsing and I mentally measure it and hope she likes a nice thick prick as it rubs against her belly as the tip has wiggled it's way out of my boxers.