Curious And Frusrtrated


May 22, 2010
My nickname is Char and for the time being I will go with that. I have had interest in the BDSM lifestyle for awhile, particularly the D/s relationship. I believe myself to be a Switch. I have recently come into some added stress which has made it damn need impossible to control my frustration. when I think of relaxing BDSM was the first thing in my mind.

I am looking for someone to help me out, a friend. Someone with patience, I can talk to about everything and bounce ideas off of. This person will hopeful help me find my place or footing to hit the ground running. I also seek help with defining my limits, if you don't mind.

Age?: 19
Interest in Sex?: Still a Virgin
Gender?: Female
Race?: African American
Weight?: 228 last time i was weighed
Height?: 5'6, I might've gotten taller
Eye color?: Dark Brown
Position?: Switch, more Sub than Dom

anyone can reply
Advice to offer

55, M, Dom for females only.
PM me if you have it, I'd be happy to discuss your conflicts and desires.

amd she's closed ladies and gents thanks for playing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!