Cures for a hangover?


large coke
mandarin oranges

hair of the dog

large coke

Re: Re: Cures for a hangover?

ChilledVodka said:
Shouldn't drink excessively in the first place.

My version of excessive drinking is three beers and two shots of whiskey. :( Ive turned into a cheep date.
I found the key is prevention...but since we have past that... Lots and lots of water and advil. A long hot shower a little toast with honey and tea and a nap.
I always tried taking aspirin, before going to bed. It seemed to help with the next morning.

Drink plenty of fluids, some aspirin, or other pain killer.
Water, water, water.

Ideally, before you go to bed. Three or four big glasses of water before crashing nips most hangovers in the bud before they happen.

Failing that, water, water, water the next day.

Drinking alot of water and taking a few Advil before going to bed usually keeps the hangover down to a dull roar. It's been a while since I've had enough to drink to cause a hangover, though....

Menudo is a good cure. The soup, not the group...
Re: Re: Re: Cures for a hangover?

Aquila said:
My version of excessive drinking is three beers and two shots of whiskey. :( Ive turned into a cheep date.
Cut out the whiskey, the next time. The worst thing you can do is to mix drinks.
Before you go out, put a pint of water and 2 pieces of bread by your bed. When you come in, eat the bread and drink the water.

If you have one already, drink water. A hangover is caused by dehydration and toxins in the alcohol. Water will alleviate the dehydration and flush out the toxins. Leaving you free to get pissed again.

The earl
Here is my old college formula:

Before going to bed:
2 aspirin
2 vitamin C
1 vitamin E
3 12-oz glasses of water

In the morning:
2 12-oz glasses of water

Never failed me.
Not that this helps now, but...

GNC is supposed to start carrying an anti-hangover pill. The deal isforevery so many drinks, you take one pill. It's supposed to fend off a hangover at point A, while you actually drink.
Don't know if it works, but something to think about if you're a heavy drinker.