Curb your enthusiasm


Scuttle Buttin'
Sep 22, 2002
I've said it before and I'll say it again. This is the funniest show I've seen in a long time. Then again, I don't watch much TV.
I would agree with this assessment, if Cops was the only other show on TV.

To each his own.
juicylips said:
I tried to watch it once...but I couldn't get into it.

I couldn't either the first few times. Someone told me about it and I was kind of dissapointed. However, once you understand Larry David's character it's very funny. He's like Archie Bunker in that he's so obnoxious that you have to laugh.

Well, it makes me laugh anyway.
acitore_vuli said:
I couldn't either the first few times. Someone told me about it and I was kind of dissapointed. However, once you understand Larry David's character it's very funny. He's like Archie Bunker in that he's so obnoxious that you have to laugh.

Well, it makes me laugh anyway.

I only watched it because of the Seinfeld connection. Not that I expected that...but I thought it would be laugh out loud funny.

Maybe I need an
Like vuli said, you need to relate or understand Larry David's character. Understanding his wife should follow (whoever that is does a great job playing his wife!). After that - it all falls into place.

But it isn't for everyone. I had two roommates last year. Two of us loved it, the other just watched to hold it against us when Sex and the City returned later that season.

*sigh* I wish I had HBO this year.
guilty pleasure said:
"Coupling" is the best written comedy around today.

I thought I was the only one who watched "Coupling".
I never thought I'd like it, but now I'm hooked.

acitore vuli , here it's aired on Saturday at 11pm on WPBT.
IMHO Curb Your Enthusiasm is the Lamest show on the air right now. I also think it was a scam, and a shame that Larry David won a Golden Globe for that junk.

He should have left the premise alone when Sienfeld went out on top.....but most hollywood producers and writers never leave well enough alone.

It screams lack of creativity, and " I have no new ideas"
Killswitch said:
IMHO Curb Your Enthusiasm is the Lamest show on the air right now. I also think it was a scam, and a shame that Larry David won a Golden Globe for that junk.

He should have left the premise alone when Sienfeld went out on top.....but most hollywood producers and writers never leave well enough alone.

It screams lack of creativity, and " I have no new ideas"

It's really a simple show. Nothing brilliant about it, just funny things that are true to life. It's not for everyone though.

Some people find "friends" funny. To each his/her own.