

Loves Spam
Jan 23, 2022
You're naked with your new lover, done some foreplay, you're wondering would she like cunnilingus but don't quite know how to ask. So as an ice breaker I say 'Would Madam like some cuntylictus,?' She gets it and either gives a smile, a nod or opens her legs some more. Do you guys have similar 'ice breakers'?
You're naked with your new lover, done some foreplay, you're wondering would she like cunnilingus but don't quite know how to ask. So as an ice breaker I say 'Would Madam like some cuntylictus,?' She gets it and either gives a smile, a nod or opens her legs some more. Do you guys have similar 'ice breakers'?
If you’re naked with your new lover, having “done some foreplay” why would you stop to ask? If your foreplay is that far along, that’s the next step. IF she doesn’t want it, she’ll tell you but I can’t imagine a woman not wanting her lover going down on her.
If you’re naked with your new lover, having “done some foreplay” why would you stop to ask? If your foreplay is that far along, that’s the next step. IF she doesn’t want it, she’ll tell you but I can’t imagine a woman not wanting her lover going down on her.
Because I'm a gentleman who would never presume that I just had a right to start such an intimate act, knowing that it's not for everyone, with a lady.
that word would put me right off immediately? what kind of freakin' immature twat would even say that? not one i'd want between my thighs, that's for sure.
I think if a guy said that to me it'd turn me right off. If a guy's not already on his way down there, what's he in my bed for?

It's not like you're saying "Can we try anal fisting". Very few women are going to be surprised or upset if you go down on them.