Cuban coast guardsmen defect to U.S.


Now 40% more Lesbianism!
Nov 28, 2001
MIAMI, Florida (AP) -- Four Cuban coast guardsmen defected Friday, docking their patrol boat at a Key West resort, walking into town and surrendering to a police officer, authorities said.

The men, dressed in their military uniforms, approached Officer Matt Dorgan at about 4 a.m. and told him they wanted to surrender, Key West police spokeswoman Cynthia Edwards said. One man had a Chinese handgun holstered to his side, which he allowed Dorgan to take.

Officers searching their boat docked at the Hyatt Marina Resort found two loaded AK-47 machine guns along with ammunition. The boat was still flying a Cuban flag.

"My impression is that it was a last-minute decision," Koenig said. "They were patrolling, talking about living at the poverty line when they said 'You know what, the United States is only 90 miles that way.' So they set the heading on their boat, terminated communication with Cuba and headed straight here."

Interesting, Cuba, one of the last bastions of the Cold War...Should not be long now...

Cuban coast guardsmen defect to U.S.
Funny how the countries that the "peace" demonstrators LOVE to LOVE......seem to have people defect......and come to the country the "peace" demonstrators LOVE to HATE!
wtf are you talking about?

Peace demonstrators are all pro Cuba? Pay attention, they only want the insane and unjust sanctions dropped.
It was a nice boat, too. 30'er with twin outboards. An Offshore member put it up on that site. for you boaters. The #1 performance boating website in the world!:cool: :) My name there is catmando(I like catamarans). Check us out!
brokenbrainwave said:
wtf are you talking about?

Peace demonstrators are all pro Cuba? Pay attention, they only want the insane and unjust sanctions dropped.

Castro is their hero......and to drop the sanctions will perpetuate his rule.....
this might be the most asanine statement I've personally seen you make. BB, the fucker has been the leader there for how many years now?

Yeah, Castro would only be empowered by such a move.

PS, I did not quote so you could save some form of face with an edit.
In related news abou Cuba.....

Cuba harassing US diplomats


Cuba is stepping up its harassment of American officials stationed on the island according to a recently declassified US State Department document.
The document lists a litany of alleged offences from sexual entrapment to unauthorised entry of official homes.

American officials based in Cuba say that they have been subject to a campaign of sexual advances by Cuban agents carefully timed to when their spouses are out of the country.

The document also alleges that US diplomats' homes are regularly broken into and grim calling cards including human faeces are left behind.

US diplomatic cars are also allegedly tampered with, their tyres slashed, their radios tuned into pro-Castro stations.

Those US officials who have contact with Cuban dissidents are apparently singled out for particular attention, including being woken up in the middle of the night by mysterious phone calls.
I wonder what kinda vacation spot Cuba would make?? Bet it'd be great for scuba diving?
American officials based in Cuba say that they have been subject to a campaign of sexual advances by Cuban agents carefully timed to when their spouses are out of the country.

Sounding even better now!!!! I'll bet they have good salsa down there too???

was that not a movie plot with Tom Cruise? Who says this admin does not mimic fiction....
It was a nice boat, too. 30'er with twin outboards. An Offshore member put it up on that site. for you boaters. The #1 performance boating website in the world! My name there is catmando(I like catamarans). Check us out!

Thanks for the link, but I can't find the pic. :(

It's the Cuban thread by gdfatha. You'll find a pic in post #9 and a link in #13.
Yeah, to keep people there as much as possible!

Every country that has a coast has a coast guard.
Sounding even better now!!!! I'll bet they have good salsa down there too???

I agree; if I ever went there while it was still under communist domination I would let rumor leak out that I was the new U.S. attaché to the consulate! :D

The prostitutes are supposed to be dirt-cheap there and don’t forget about the cigars. ;)

Of course Cuba has a coast guard, they have a Navy too with Frigates, fast attack missile craft, and attack submarines as well.


thanks sexyguy2, that speed boat that defected is pretty sweet, it looks like that one in the Vice City commercial! :)


And I raaaan, I ran so far awaaayay.....Coulden't get away. :cool: