CSI tonight!

pet petra

Dec 1, 2002
There was a great episode of CSI tonight..It was all about a BSDM club..It was quite sexy and very intresting! I hope everyone here watched it! :D Petra
Gill and the Domme

That episode was so cool! One of the best CSI episodes I have seen! (I'm addicted to the series... just about the only thing I watch on T.V. in fact.)

Of course, it does re-iterate that you be careful picking your partners, especially in a situation where you are physically helpless!

Wasn't the Domme so cool though? I wish they'd bring her back for another episode some time.
I hope Gil gets back on her good side..They could have had a great thing going.. What a great show! I'm addicted too.. Makes me want to become a lab rat! Just think, I could save the day!
:D Petra
Great body to!!!

the only Dommes I have seen on TV where ugly LOL almost 300lbs..

I dont mind chubby but..
Pixie Mischief said:
Great body to!!!

the only Dommes I have seen on TV where ugly LOL almost 300lbs..

I dont mind chubby but..

Well to each his or her own, but being overweight does not make you ugly. Ugly makes you ugly. There are plenty ugly thin people.
Ebonyfire said:
Well to each his or her own, but being overweight does not make you ugly. Ugly makes you ugly. There are plenty ugly thin people.

No of course not. My bf is 230 lbs.

A person maybe what society deams as a hottie.. but she maybe such a mean spirited person that you cant look at her because shes so ugly.
"Beauty" is alot how you portrait yourself.
Pixie Mischief said:
No of course not. My bf is 230 lbs.

A person maybe what society deams as a hottie.. but she maybe such a mean spirited person that you cant look at her because shes so ugly.
"Beauty" is alot how you portrait yourself.

I never care what society deems hot. After all, most of the folks I know do not conform to white standards of beauty anyway.

I think that a big dose of self assurance goes a long way. If you think you are beautiful, then others will too.
I live in a small town of 2000 people and very rural. I know how it goes.. But frankly. I told bf on the phone we where talking. I do not care what people think here. I'm sure some people are disturbed that I'm disabled and have sex :eek: if they only knew the things I did in 28 days LMAO more then the AVERAGE person has done in there life. As I told him. Its none of there bussiness.
Society is very narrow minded. And has a unhealthy view towards things. Especially sex. He says its because people fear being deviant. I find it very sad.
I agree with you, Ebony.

How Y/you carry Y/yourself has a great deal to do with how Y/you are seen by other people.

Remember that all submissives are beautiful in their submission.

Helena :rose:
Pixie Mischief said:
I live in a small town of 2000 people and very rural. I know how it goes.. But frankly. I told bf on the phone we where talking. I do not care what people think here. I'm sure some people are disturbed that I'm disabled and have sex :eek: if they only knew the things I did in 28 days LMAO more then the AVERAGE person has done in there life. As I told him. Its none of there bussiness.
Society is very narrow minded. And has a unhealthy view towards things. Especially sex. He says its because people fear being deviant. I find it very sad.

What brought that on? I did not know you are disabled, and frankly it is none of my business.

Ebonyfire said:
What brought that on? I did not know you are disabled, and frankly it is none of my business.


I was talking about society and beauty.
Everyone has beauty.
I agree very much about how if you think your beautiful that you are. What people see is how you project yourself. What maybe beautiful to one.. may not for another also.
Re: Okay, showing my TV ignorance here...

Justina123 said:
what is "CSI"?

- justina

It is a show that airs on CSB on Thursdays night at nine o'clock most of the time.

It is set in Las Vegas. The stars are crime scene investigators. :wink:

It is a very series, IMHO.

Helena :rose:
Goddess Helena said:
I agree with you, Ebony.

How Y/you carry Y/yourself has a great deal to do with how Y/you are seen by other people.

Remember that all submissives are beautiful in their submission.

Helena :rose:

The older I get, the less likely I am to pay a lot of attention to the external package. I have never been one to care for conventional looks anyway. And handsome is in the eye of the beholder.

I am more concerned with their sincere efforts to submit to Me.
I am also a huge fan of CSI. I even saw the first show that featured this same Domme that was in the show last night. Both shows were fantastic. However, I did have one small problem with last nights show. They kept referring to the premise that "the sub has all the power and only has to say the safeword". I believe there is more to BDSM that just that. It's true that the submissive can stop the scene at anytime, however, they are not directing or controlling the scene. The previous statement about "The sub has all the power" implies that they are in control of all aspects of the scene. I think they either didn't research BDSM fully, or they were trying to soften the image of BDSM somewhat in order to draw a bigger audience.

I did however, enjoy the "battle of wills" between Gil and the Domme (Mistress Tina?, I can't seem to remember at the moment). I always imagined Gil as more of a Dom type, so I'm wondering if that was battle of the Dom/mes, or if it was her saying she thinks he has a subby side and that he just needs to let it out. Or if she was letting out her subby side. But it was clear she was not pleased with Gil. LOL.

I hope they bring her back. :)

PBW, I wanna say she was called Mistress Heather.

I think Gil is a subbie deep down. Every time he looks up from his desk, I can see him looking up at his Mistress with that eager to please face. :p

Helena :rose:
Mistress Heather is correct.

I loved the tea session! How often do you see that in BDSM?

Actually, I got the impression she was showing Gil the pleasures available in being served. For my money, Gil's a switch.

So hang on, this is another episode with Mistress Heather? I thought everyone was referring to the first one. If so, oh goodie goodie goodie!
My favourite show and my favourite topic. It was great night on TV! I hope they do bring Lady Heather back. I loved the interaction between her and Gill.
Yes, this was an entirely new show about BDSM... and yes Mistress Heather did return.

I absolutely loved that line from Mistress Heather, right in the middle of a serious discussion, just point blank question toward Gil, "Do you like my lipstick?". Heh. Threw him for a loop. Then he just came right out and said she had very nice lips. There is definitely some serious sexual tension there.

Overall, I think they still put BDSM in a bad light. The husband was just plain whacko in my opinion.

Pixie Mischief said:
I was talking about society and beauty.
Everyone has beauty.
I agree very much about how if you think your beautiful that you are. What people see is how you project yourself. What maybe beautiful to one.. may not for another also.

Oh. I didn't get the message! Like i said, I must be tired!
Goddess Helena said:
...I think Gil is a subbie deep down. Every time he looks up from his desk, I can see him looking up at his Mistress with that eager to please face. :p

Helena :rose:

You saw that too? I keep seeing the exact same thing! ;)
Ebonyfire said:
I have only seen that show once. I may have to watch it more.

I've found it entertaining. But I like watching crimes solved like this show portrays it. I don't always get a chance to watch it but when I do it is well worth the hour! :D Hope you get a chance to check it out!