crystalhunting wears muslin, boy he's got a hot ass

It's spelled plebe, baby.

You'd be a lot more threatening if I wasn't laughing at you.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
^^^^^^^^^^^Fuck off you annoying Lit pleb.

Go write up some more recommended behavioural codes that the Lit members should follow

You're a fucking cretin of the highest order and I hope death beckons your saggy ass quick smart

You my hero hanns.. Can i be you slave
Of course they do, darlin. It's is a contraction for "it is."

You're a pretty little script kiddie with a foul mouth and a bad attitude. You think pointing a Glock at a camera makes you sexy badass dangerous.

I think it makes you look like exactly what you are, a little baby 'Net Ranger pretending to be something more than an office chair potato. You may be hot shit with all the crackz you pick up, but you're not a real man. You're about as terrifying as the toys R us stuff animal aisle.

Silly little boy, spray your 950 rounds per minute. You'll just be out of ammo and I'll still be laughing at you.