Cry towels on sale at Target


Literotica Guru
Aug 26, 2003
Crying towels are on sale now through November for you shitbags voting for your installed puppet Joe Douchefuck Biden
Two for one sale …

Lowest approval rating in history
The stupid installed brain dead fuck Joe Biden is now in the history books as the worst President in history

He’s been so awful that orange man bad will be elected

Suck it bitches !!!
Suck off Big Mike and his hubby Barry
You’ll enjoy his penis you fucked up democrat shitbags
Crying towels are on sale now through November for you shitbags voting for your installed puppet Joe Douchefuck Biden
Two for one sale …

Lowest approval rating in history
The stupid installed brain dead fuck Joe Biden is now in the history books as the worst President in history

He’s been so awful that orange man bad will be elected

Suck it bitches !!!
Suck off Big Mike and his hubby Barry
You’ll enjoy his penis you fucked up democrat shitbags
People like you contribute to the horrible environment of two sides not being able to talk to eachother and find common ground.
Reverse this thread to a Trump rant and all the usual lemmings would be cheering it on.

Only a fool would vote for either of these disgusting old slugs, but know what they say, nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool, and this forum has some serious talent on both sides of the shit show.
Reverse this thread to a Trump rant and all the usual lemmings would be cheering it on.

Only a fool would vote for either of these disgusting old slugs, but know what they say, nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool, and this forum has some serious talent on both sides of the shit show.
It would still be a stupid thread