Crunchy Nose Hairs?


Literotica Guru
Feb 20, 2002
so it's really cold down here in south Louisiana dipped below 30 last night....going to freeze again tonight....brrrrrrrr.....

i just zipped outside to smoke....and as i was coming in shivering and saying, "omg it's cold outside!"....our receptionist, who is from Indiana originally, said, "It's not really cold outside unless your nose hairs are crunchy."......of course i had a giggle fit....i've never thought about nose hairs being crunchy....

so all of you northerners:.....are your nose hairs crunchy? :)

I love it when the moisture freez and make nose hair crunchy.
teddybear4play said:
I don't know . . . I've never eaten mine.

well that lil admission should keep you marketable in babeland....;)
brokenbrainwave said:
They are yummy as a bullion for soup...

i can sooooo see you leaning over a pot of boiling water, trimming your long nostril hairs.....singing the Campbell's Soup song, "Mmmmmm, Mmmmmmm Good"....and of course you're on a major footstool....since you're a short lil penguin and stuff....
Ginny said:
i can sooooo see you leaning over a pot of boiling water, trimming your long nostril hairs.....singing the Campbell's Soup song, "Mmmmmm, Mmmmmmm Good"....and of course you're on a major footstool....since you're a short lil penguin and stuff....
hence supper on yesterdays snowy eve...and they thought that was ground sirlion in my soup, the fools, FOOLS I say
teddybear4play said:
But there are a multitude of things that don't.

ooooh must emphasize the pluses, downplay those negatives....THINK POSITIVE!.....I DON'T EAT MY NOSE HAIRS!.....;)

that's a great bumpersticker.....<nodding>...of course, bbw couldn't have it on the penguinmobile...since he wuvs eating his....
brokenbrainwave said:
hence supper on yesterdays snowy eve...and they thought that was ground sirlion in my soup, the fools, FOOLS I say

i'm seeing that ancient chinese secret commercial...with the actor having a regular face but penguin body....
Ginny said:
i'm seeing that ancient chinese secret commercial...with the actor having a regular face but penguin body....
shhh, dont tell anyone it was catmeat....
you have catmeat stuffed up your nose? very unusual

oh....i get were down there munching away on "pussy" some juicy stuff in your noise....went froze....back in to cook supper....did the nose hair trim...."catmeat" adhering to the hairs.....i gotcha....
Ginny said:
ooooh must emphasize the pluses, downplay those negatives....THINK POSITIVE!.....I DON'T EAT MY NOSE HAIRS!.....;)
How's this? vvvvv These are down arrows. Look down.

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I hate it when my boogers freeze.

And since I'm an outdoor smoker, and it's 10 degrees up here ..

yepper, ginny-pimp
its so cold up here that we dont have nose hairs anymore!

You must love snow and freezing temp to live in Quebec!
Ginny said:
i can sooooo see you leaning over a pot of boiling water, trimming your long nostril hairs.....singing the Campbell's Soup song, "Mmmmmm, Mmmmmmm Good"....and of course you're on a major footstool....since you're a short lil penguin and stuff....


Just goes to show ya, penguins should not be allowed in the kitchen!
teddybear4play said:
How's this? vvvvv

oh man....this post took me awhile....i studied the v's....thinking...hmmm...are they teeth?....then i thought...nooooo....they must be v's......some code for vixenshe? i stewed a bit....figuring something was zooming right over my head....per usual....and my eyes lowered......lmao at your sigline......fucking chick magnet city!....yay for you....;)

i don't i've ever mentioned this before, Teddy....but i have a recurring just flashes every so often.....i've never even mentioned it to the involves a hotel's pretty wild....with lots of cum....hard cocks....i have a great time with it.....<nodding>....there's just something about really, really extra horny young guys....that drives me wild.......
Ginny said:
oh man....this post took me awhile....i studied the v's....thinking...hmmm...are they teeth?....then i thought...nooooo....they must be v's......some code for vixenshe? i stewed a bit....figuring something was zooming right over my head....per usual....and my eyes lowered......lmao at your sigline......fucking chick magnet city!....yay for you....;)

Thank you for explaining it to the blonde over here in the corner :)

And no.. I can't recall my nose hairs ever freezing.. Thank gawd Washington State doesn't get that cold.
Ginny said:
oh man....this post took me awhile....i studied the v's....thinking...hmmm...are they teeth?....then i thought...nooooo....they must be v's......some code for vixenshe? i stewed a bit....figuring something was zooming right over my head....per usual....and my eyes lowered......lmao at your sigline......fucking chick magnet city!....yay for you....;)
I fixed it.

Ginny said:
i don't i've ever mentioned this before, Teddy....but i have a recurring just flashes every so often.....i've never even mentioned it to the involves a hotel's pretty wild....with lots of cum....hard cocks....i have a great time with it.....<nodding>....there's just something about really, really extra horny young guys....that drives me wild.......
Not really my thing, but I'm glad you get a kick out of it.
