Crossdressing guys only into Women


Literotica Guru
Apr 11, 2014
I wear panties 24/7, 365. I like to fully dress when I get an opportunity. I first had thoughts about wanting to be a girl when I was in Kindergarten. I have accepted that I will never be a woman. I can only emulate, admire, and serve them. I have no plans or desire to transition. I guess that makes me a Crossdresser.

I’ve looked in this GLBT section of the forum for threads for and about other “straight” crossdressers like me, but all the threads I’ve seen so far are about hooking up to suck cock or things like that. Since the overwhelming majority of crossdressers are 100% heterosexual, I’d like to see a place (a thread) where we can discuss our interest in feminine things without the implication (and intrusion) that crossdressing is a “bi” or guy hookup thing.

Just to start it out, question, a couple questions:
1) Is your wife/partner okay with you wearing panties?
2) Do you switch to cotton or microfiber panty fabrics in the summer to stay cooler?
3) Do you have any “skorts” and would you wear them in public?

Thank you, Nancy
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There's a thread on here somewhere about MF couples who both wear lingerie.
I have been a straight cross dresser for 40+ years, the last 8 I have moved into being a straight tgirl, transforming as best I can and thoroughly enjoying it.

My SO at one point a long time ago tried it out with me in her stockings and panties, even a skirt.. it lasted 6 weeks and I was deemed odd, or my fetish was deemed not masculine and off putting.

I took it underground

Since then I have met a few woman who have been tolerant and a few who have positively pushed me to do it and enjoyed a physical meet with me en femme. It is the unicorn moment though, so I dress for me mostly xx
I wear panties 24/7, 365. I like to fully dress when I get an opportunity. I first had thoughts about wanting to be a girl when I was in Kindergarten. I have accepted that I will never be a woman. I can only emulate, admire, and serve them. I have no plans or desire to transition. I guess that makes me a Crossdresser.

I’ve looked in this GLBT section of the forum for threads for and about other “straight” crossdressers like me, but all the threads I’ve seen so far are about hooking up to suck cock or things like that. Since the overwhelming majority of crossdressers are 100% heterosexual, I’d like to see a place (a thread) where we can discuss our interest in feminine things without the implication (and intrusion) that crossdressing is a “bi” or guy hookup thing.

Just to start it out, question, a couple questions:
1) Is your wife/partner okay with you wearing panties?
2) Do you switch to cotton or microfiber panty fabrics in the summer to stay cooler?
3) Do you have any “skorts” and would you wear them in public?

Thank you, Nancy
My partner has no issues with me wearing panties. She has picked some out for me when shopping together, given me some that where purchased for her but she won't wear and also picked up some for when shopping on her own.

I don't like cotton panties

I have quite a few skirts that I wear in public
I don't know if the computers on Literotica will permit this, but if you are interested in a forum where hetero married crossdressers discuss their situations with each other on a site where there is absolutely no discussion of sex whatsoever, I can recommend the site called simply Crossdressers dot com (obviously the word "dot" stands for the symbol . ) The type of thread where you can discuss feminine clothing, feminine feelings, and your relationship with you significant other/spouse without the undercurrent of Bisexual or Gay activity.
Thanks. I am well aware of that site and have been on it. As you probably know, (and I am not critical of this, the site serves a good purpose), that site is extremely vanilla. No discussion or mention of sex is allowed. What I am asking about is crossdressers who are into heterosexual sex— which, I believe, is the majority of men who crossdress, but you’d never imagine that from the postings on Lit.

I like femme clothing and I am only attracted to women. I am not attracted to pre-op trans women.
I've known or chatted with several men like that over the years. I know some bad ass straight drag queens. Crossdressing isn't a sexuality. Honestly it's just wearing clothes.
Statistics indicate that a large majority of men who crossdress are heterosexually oriented. But, the Vanilla Site is no more interested in hearing about the sex lives of the hetero CD's than the pansexual ones. The vast majority of threads on it are aimed at the type of questions you raised in your OP, such as the one about wearing skorts. The GLBTQ board on Literotica is definitely aimed at a different demographic.
Yes, exactly! And us hetero CDs do, of course have sex lives. I, for example, am in an FLR and submit to my wife. (You can check out my various postings to see that I am far from vanilla.) I would love to see more dialogue between us hetero crossdressers about our sex lives. Does crossdressing interfere? Does she participate? Does she tease you about it in a fun way? Does she call you by your femme name? Etc.
I wear panties 24/7, 365. I like to fully dress when I get an opportunity. I first had thoughts about wanting to be a girl when I was in Kindergarten. I have accepted that I will never be a woman. I can only emulate, admire, and serve them. I have no plans or desire to transition. I guess that makes me a Crossdresser.

I’ve looked in this GLBT section of the forum for threads for and about other “straight” crossdressers like me, but all the threads I’ve seen so far are about hooking up to suck cock or things like that. Since the overwhelming majority of crossdressers are 100% heterosexual, I’d like to see a place (a thread) where we can discuss our interest in feminine things without the implication (and intrusion) that crossdressing is a “bi” or guy hookup thing.

Just to start it out, question, a couple questions:
1) Is your wife/partner okay with you wearing panties?
2) Do you switch to cotton or microfiber panty fabrics in the summer to stay cooler?
3) Do you have any “skorts” and would you wear them in public?

Thank you, Nancy
i always like micro fiber panties and sheer energy suntan pantyhose, under corlorful skort.I like wearing a skort with just pantyhose on if its too hot.
I wear panties 24/7, 365. I like to fully dress when I get an opportunity. I first had thoughts about wanting to be a girl when I was in Kindergarten. I have accepted that I will never be a woman. I can only emulate, admire, and serve them. I have no plans or desire to transition. I guess that makes me a Crossdresser.

I’ve looked in this GLBT section of the forum for threads for and about other “straight” crossdressers like me, but all the threads I’ve seen so far are about hooking up to suck cock or things like that. Since the overwhelming majority of crossdressers are 100% heterosexual, I’d like to see a place (a thread) where we can discuss our interest in feminine things without the implication (and intrusion) that crossdressing is a “bi” or guy hookup thing.

Just to start it out, question, a couple questions:
1) Is your wife/partner okay with you wearing panties?
2) Do you switch to cotton or microfiber panty fabrics in the summer to stay cooler?
3) Do you have any “skorts” and would you wear them in public?

Thank you, Nancy
It's like that old childhood taunt: "You like women so much maybe you want to BE a woman." Has nothing to do with attraction to guys
I wear panties 24/7, 365. I like to fully dress when I get an opportunity. I first had thoughts about wanting to be a girl when I was in Kindergarten. I have accepted that I will never be a woman. I can only emulate, admire, and serve them. I have no plans or desire to transition. I guess that makes me a Crossdresser.

I’ve looked in this GLBT section of the forum for threads for and about other “straight” crossdressers like me, but all the threads I’ve seen so far are about hooking up to suck cock or things like that. Since the overwhelming majority of crossdressers are 100% heterosexual, I’d like to see a place (a thread) where we can discuss our interest in feminine things without the implication (and intrusion) that crossdressing is a “bi” or guy hookup thing.

Just to start it out, question, a couple questions:
1) Is your wife/partner okay with you wearing panties?
2) Do you switch to cotton or microfiber panty fabrics in the summer to stay cooler?
3) Do you have any “skorts” and would you wear them in public?

Thank you, Nancy
i wear Almost Bare nude, pantyhose in the summer , under my skorts and tennis shoes. i hate cotton panties.They make me sweat and smell down there.I prefer the micro fiber granny panties or french bikinis.
I wear panties 24/7, 365. I like to fully dress when I get an opportunity. I first had thoughts about wanting to be a girl when I was in Kindergarten. I have accepted that I will never be a woman. I can only emulate, admire, and serve them. I have no plans or desire to transition. I guess that makes me a Crossdresser.

I’ve looked in this GLBT section of the forum for threads for and about other “straight” crossdressers like me, but all the threads I’ve seen so far are about hooking up to suck cock or things like that. Since the overwhelming majority of crossdressers are 100% heterosexual, I’d like to see a place (a thread) where we can discuss our interest in feminine things without the implication (and intrusion) that crossdressing is a “bi” or guy hookup thing.

Just to start it out, question, a couple questions:
1) Is your wife/partner okay with you wearing panties?
2) Do you switch to cotton or microfiber panty fabrics in the summer to stay cooler?
3) Do you have any “skorts” and would you wear them in public?

Thank you, Nancy
1. Yes, but it’s a bit more complicated than that - see my bio
2. No, prefer ‘comfies’ for everyday and ‘sexies’ for playtimes or when I want to feel sexy
3. No and no. It’s underwear only for me
I saw a video of two cd m sissy’s in elaborate pink super feminine outfits and they just kissed and kissed and kissed soooo sensually … quite something and very confusing to a straight man !
I wear panties 24/7, 365. I like to fully dress when I get an opportunity. I first had thoughts about wanting to be a girl when I was in Kindergarten. I have accepted that I will never be a woman. I can only emulate, admire, and serve them. I have no plans or desire to transition. I guess that makes me a Crossdresser.

I’ve looked in this GLBT section of the forum for threads for and about other “straight” crossdressers like me, but all the threads I’ve seen so far are about hooking up to suck cock or things like that. Since the overwhelming majority of crossdressers are 100% heterosexual, I’d like to see a place (a thread) where we can discuss our interest in feminine things without the implication (and intrusion) that crossdressing is a “bi” or guy hookup thing.

Just to start it out, question, a couple questions:
1) Is your wife/partner okay with you wearing panties?
2) Do you switch to cotton or microfiber panty fabrics in the summer to stay cooler?
3) Do you have any “skorts” and would you wear them in public?

Thank you, Nancy
I am genderfluid.

My male and female personas switch continually. To keep all us in check, they empower me to maintain a balance. There are three of us in one brain.

Others only see my male image. My female persona is very private. I am the personality that we exhibit to others.

My female persona started dressing in our mother's lingerie to masturbate as we entered puberty. She was deathly afraid of being caught, and never was.

From adulthood on, we've secretly maintained a stash of lingerie, and have purged several times.

My male persona is heterosexual, and has had numerous short and long-term relationships with women.

My female persona has kept her fear of being caught and remains private. In her dreams, she is a lesbian. She has no desire to be with men.

My question to all of you is "Is my female persona technically a lesbian?"

Honestly, I'm still figuring things out and I'm finding masculinity less and less attractive. I'm much more drawn to women, other CDs, trans women and other feminine presenting people.

Finding out that I'm primarily interested in cocks but not the masculinity of CIS men has been interesting...
I went through a stage where I thought that I was transgender, that if I wasn’t married that I would transition. Now, however, although I do think I am on the trans “continuum,” I know that I am a hetero male who loves feminine things. I have come to terms with my desires to be sexually submissive to women (as a lesser male). I admire and wish to emulate women. I know that I am fortunate to have a wife who understands my need to wear panties, for her control, and who sees the wisdom in managing my orgasms.
I too have been blessed with a wife that accepts my wanting to be her sissy. It took us a long time to get to this point with a lot of talking and listening to each other. One of the most important things I’ve learned is that my fantasies are my fantasies and that I can’t expect her to change just to please me. But I can do a lot of changes to please her. Maybe this is TMI but then again maybe it’s just what someone else needs to hear.