Cross-Examining the Climate Change Cultists


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017

Cross-Examining the Climate Change Cultists​

Kurt  Schlichter
Kurt Schlichter
Posted: Jul 28, 2022 12:01 AM

If you want to watch the pinkos fret, simply state the indisputable truth that what they call “climate change” is a massive hoax. Their fallback is inevitably that “science” – which they purport to love except when it demonstrates that there are only men and women and that you can’t change the sex you are born as – has decreed that because we peons insist on not living in caves like primitive tribesmen (okay, non-binary tribespeople) the Earth is going to cook. And, of course, the only solution is to do a whole bunch of things that leftists always wanted to do anyway. There’s no time to think, no time to reflect, and certainly no time to argue. Why, who are you to question the scientists?

Well, I’m a lawyer. I question scientists for a living.

Now, I have no scientific training to speak of. I majored in communications and political science, so the only science I studied at UC San Diego had to do with the physics of foaming when I poured Coors into a glass, as well as the mechanics of human reproduction. Don’t expect me to discourse deeply on the heat retention coefficient of CO2 – I don’t even know if that is a thing, but it sure sounds sciency.

Instead, I hire scientists in most every case I try. Sometimes I hire several in different disciplines. The other side does too, and here’s the weird thing – at trial, the other side’s scientists always, always, disagree with my scientists.

Weird, huh? Because I was told that in the context of climate change the science is settled, that there is only one possible answer and that anything else is at least quackery and possibly felony denial.

Much more here:

Environmentalists are dumb automatons. They sleepwalk from one séance to another. Don't forget to click on the cartoons for some truth.
Every Rightguide thread...


Cross-Examining the Climate Change Cultists​

Kurt  Schlichter
Kurt Schlichter
Posted: Jul 28, 2022 12:01 AM

Now, I have no scientific training to speak of. I majored in communications and political science, so the only science I studied at UC San Diego had to do with the physics of foaming when I poured Coors into a glass, as well as the mechanics of human reproduction. Don’t expect me to discourse deeply on the heat retention coefficient of CO2 – I don’t even know if that is a thing, but it sure sounds sciency.

So out of the gate he admits he can‘t think critically about the topic.

Instead, I hire scientists in most every case I try. Sometimes I hire several in different disciplines. The other side does too, and here’s the weird thing – at trial, the other side’s scientists always, always, disagree with my scientists.

Then he admits he hires stupid scientists.

Weird, huh? Because I was told that in the context of climate change the science is settled, that there is only one possible answer and that anything else is at least quackery and possibly felony denial.

Then, in a righteous courthouse steps shout out to reporters, he mumbles something about Giuliani and goes further off topic to steadfastly affirm that water is carbon based, revealing he is…actually Harpy in disguise!
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It's a hundred and four as I type this.

Come move here and hang out here for a summer and try and tell me climate change is a hoax.

On second hand, don't- too many idiots are moving here as it is.
I can't find one case record of this idiot trying any environmental cases....but he claims he does it for a living....
Wait a fucking minute there, fuzzdog... are you saying vettedummy C&P'd a sensational headline without reading the article he linked? AGAIN.
There will be some turbulent decades, but the eventual result of global warming is heat becomes more efficiently circulated, so there will be less temperature difference between equatorial and polar regions. The earth is becoming more like the steamy jungle planet it has been for most of its existence. Many regions currently inhabited are becoming uninhabitable. For most of humanity's existence, that's no big deal, we can move to other regions becoming more habitable, but now we have civilization, cities, suburbs, and very expensive infrastructure. Suckers with suburban mortgages in deserts don't want to be told they're suckers.
Besides the exploitation of climate change for government money, many people are desperate to believe in climate change apocalypse because they don't want to face ordinary lives of poverty, with walking to work, manual labor, hand washing their clothes, etc.
There will be some turbulent decades, but the eventual result of global warming is heat becomes more efficiently circulated, so there will be less temperature difference between equatorial and polar regions. The earth is becoming more like the steamy jungle planet it has been for most of its existence. Many regions currently inhabited are becoming uninhabitable. For most of humanity's existence, that's no big deal, we can move to other regions becoming more habitable, but now we have civilization, cities, suburbs, and very expensive infrastructure. Suckers with suburban mortgages in deserts don't want to be told they're suckers.

Besides the exploitation of climate change for government money, many people are desperate to believe in climate change apocalypse because they don't want to face ordinary lives of poverty, with walking to work, manual labor, hand washing their clothes, etc.
I suppose that you can clearly delineate a difference between “turbulent decades” and “apocalypse.”
I suppose that you can clearly delineate a difference between “turbulent decades” and “apocalypse.”
Kentucky is having some turbulence. Some people died and more are homeless. The survivors can adapt to valley flooding, or move out of the valleys. Apocalypse originally meant revelation, which maybe some people are having now. As global destruction and human extinction, apocalypse is probably out of our reach. The earth's resilience as a living organism trumps anything humanity can do. But some regions will be uninhabitable for millennia due to nuclear waste dumps. The fear of poverty by energy scarcity is pushing many former environmentalists to advocate more nuclear energy as "green" energy.
Besides the exploitation of climate change for government money, many people are desperate to believe in climate change apocalypse because they don't want to face ordinary lives of poverty, with walking to work, manual labor, hand washing their clothes, etc.
Yes, we do have four seasons.:D
Wasn't it a few years back the ozone layer had holes in it caused by the big scary R12 refrigerant?
90%of the population has no idea about chemistry or that the wind mills will never produce the amount of energy it requires to build them? Clear cutting the rain forest for balsa wood to build the blades that are not recyclable?
The absurd amount of fresh water( that is so contaminated it becomes unusable) it requires to refine lithium for batteries let alone lithium batteries are not recyclable at this time... plus the wind towers are disrupting local weather patterns
There's more.... oh! one more it requires 1 and a half gallons of petroleum to produce a gallon of ethanol...... the best I can come up with is 2 words.... ponzi scheme .......
Wasn't it a few years back the ozone layer had holes in it caused by the big scary R12 refrigerant?
90%of the population has no idea about chemistry or that the wind mills will never produce the amount of energy it requires to build them? Clear cutting the rain forest for balsa wood to build the blades that are not recyclable?
The absurd amount of fresh water( that is so contaminated it becomes unusable) it requires to refine lithium for batteries let alone lithium batteries are not recyclable at this time... plus the wind towers are disrupting local weather patterns
There's more.... oh! one more it requires 1 and a half gallons of petroleum to produce a gallon of ethanol...... the best I can come up with is 2 words.... ponzi scheme .......
Big oil has enjoyed record profits since the pandemic's onset while raping your pocketbook and depleting the reserves. They are raping you now because they know their dream of generational wealth is dwindling and they're buying EV and electric power companies by the truckloads.

But hey, keep on truckin'!
Rotadom, thank you for not being a smart ass..... I won't dispute what your saying. Also I'm not defending Corporations they are in business to make money. The petroleum industry is nessary. As a result of it you have/had plenty to eat, a warm home, able to commute with relative ease, all and all you have enjoyed a very comfortable life...
I have a farm tractor that consumes 300 gallons of diesel a day pulls a 60 foot blade machine to till the earth. Does the new green deal have anything to replace this tractor?
The calculation was made a few weeks back if someone were to drive an electric tesla car from New York to Los Angeles the drive would take 2 weeks, are you willing to give up that amount of time? To be fair, I produce some of my own electricity and it's fairly reliable also I'm my own water company. It takes work lots of work... ask yourself these questions
Do I have the skills to garden, raise animals, produce your water,electricity believe me it is a dondting task. In closing do take the time a research how the price of fuel is set... this may very well surprise you. Do enjoy your day
There's definitely a learning curve and we will have to waste millions of tons of pollutants to get there but we simply have to start if there will be a future and I'm not talking 50 years -- I mean like hundreds. It will absolutely take a long time but we literally have no other choice.

The Green New Deal isn't there to subsidize you tilling the earth with your tractor.

I'm well aware of how fuel prices are set and that has nothing to do with the crisis we're in now.
My mistake.... I should have asked does the new green deal have the technology so that I may replace my tractor? No one subsidizes my farm... I stand on my own... I also will not borrow money to fund my operations.
Less than 3% of the population of the United States feeds the 97% I am unable to do so without this heavy equipment. Thing is, we do have choices other question is will China, India, and the Middle Eastern countries do the same? Or will people such as ourselves bare the cost and burdens.... as you stated, time and technology.....
I have a farm tractor that consumes 300 gallons of diesel a day pulls a 60 foot blade machine to till the earth. Does the new green deal have anything to replace this tractor?
Yes, in the long term. In the short term, no one is trying to take away your tractor or its fuel.