
Trey Fitty

Really Experienced
Jan 27, 2002
Welcome to the new world.
A world where the past, the future, and especially the present, no longer have meaning.
In this world, time was once set in stone. No going back. Everything that happens stays happened, and so do the consequences.
Not anymore.

The world began the descent into dark timelessness in the year 2065 with the creation of the prototype cronosphere BETA and it's maiden voyage.
The cronosphere was designed to warp time itself, so that one human pilot could travel forward in time and return to warn the newly formed World Government of future threats. The pilot, Jacob Simmons, was chosen as the world's first ever crononaut.

Something was horribly wrong in the future Jacob travelled to. BETA had been a success. New cronospheres had been built, and humanity had taken one small step into another dimension. They couldn't handle the responsibility of ultimate freedom. The government had new power- the power to change the past. However, no human had yet succeeded in changing the past in the way it was intended to influence the future.

Time was fractured. Past, Future and Present were changed too much. The crononauts were becoming crazed, all on personal missions behind the Governments back. Some to change their own histories, some desired to reshape destiny and others desired only to destroy time travel and bury it in a non-existent history. However some of the crononauts began to understand the nature of time, to see the equations behind everything that happened. These crononauts were forming a new secret power. A society that could cause their enemies to have never been born. To cause wars and kingdoms that never existed.

Jacob returned, not to 2065, but to 30 years ealier, in an attempt to permanently stop the development of the cronospheres, but instead caused himself to have never been born, and faded from existence. The cronosphere was developed on schedule.

Now, in the present with no meaning or lasting consequence, some brave individuals seek to destroy the cronospheres and the malignant government they support. The small groups of these individuals must try to reverse the events that led to the non-existence of Jacob Simmons and use his knowlege of the first cronosphere to acheive their goal.
Sounds awesome. I'm in. Post a character and I'll look at the style and post one after.
Name: Mike
Age: 25 linear years
Goal: Mike is a crononaut, recruited 5 linear years after Beta's Maiden voyage. He Pilots one of the first Generation 3 Cronospheres. He knows of a secret society of crononauts attempting to end time travel and wishes to join. His parents recently died in a plane crash, which he suspects was caused by the government Crononauts.

OOC Jump in as anyone in any time period, for whatever reason your character has. Just post your stats and a little about the character and start playing!
The planet shudders in pain.

Time and space are irrevocably connected. Both are natural elements as much as the ancient elements of Fire, Water, Air, and Earth, or the scientific elements of Energy, Liquid, Gas, or Solid. You can name them whatever you like, based on your petty philosophy or theology--it will not change the reality. Arguably, there are other elements, such as Aura, the spiritual force generated by living cells working together in abundance. But these are irrelevent, for now. Time is being crushed and compacted and ripped into shreds, and someone has to do something about it.

And he may not be up to the task.

(I like playing kids. What can I say?)

Name: Claude
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Occupation: Assistant Scientist

Claude has completed his high schooling already, excelling in both academic and social environments, as well as maintaining a good athletic record. Son of a famed cronosphere scientist, rather than enter college, he has decided to wait a year and train under his father. In this modern, advanced age, religion and beliefs have taken a back seat to amazing scientific progress, for good or ill. However, Claude has a fascination with philosophy and theology, which his father generally discourages.

Fire -- the human element of Nature. Energy. The staff or phallus.

The human control over time is a bizarre thing. Who should bow to any god, when a mere human being has the power to tear the fabric of history to shreds? Claude's father personally plans to go back in time to see what Jesus and the Buddha and other such figures were really like, which worries Claude tremendously. Perhaps the past does not matter so much--rather, how the followers of such faiths act in modern times. His father, of course, pays little attention.

Air -- the human element of Science. Gas. The sword or seed.

Claude's research brings him all over the map in terms of knowledge; but that's what he prefers. Generally an easygoing and well-rounded person, he considers tolerance to be the greatest virtue of all and loves listening to other people's opinions, though he generally never expresses his own. His father wonders if Claude actually has any opinions. Claude has no idea, himself.

Water -- the human element of Faith. Liquid. The cup or womb.

Perhaps that is why he is so intriguing; Claude's ability to understand just about everyone and not impose his will on others. His empathy is often a comfort to everyone around him. However, his leadership ability is surprising, and the sternness he exibits when the going gets rough sometimes amazes his friends. Perhaps his greatest weakness is his frustration whenever he fails -- he tends not to mind his own powerlessness, but whenever he is unable to grapple with a concept or lets down his friends, he curses himself for his failure.

Earth -- the human element of Trade. Solid. The coin or egg.

Claude is a good-looking fellow -- very short blonde hair, lightly spiked by the wind and the work in his father's large backyard, a medium build with enough muscle to get him along in most sports, and slightly taller than six feet. He tends to be unassuming, however, and wears dark blues, light blues, tan, or grey, so as not to stand out too much in crowds. If he wants to draw attention, he likes to feel that he's done it with his own magnetism. He's still a virgin, but isn't too afraid of sex, and certainly not uninterested -- the opportunity just hasn't really presented itself.

Aura -- the human element of Art. Plasma. The lamp or excrement.

Claude knows there's something wrong with his father. Anti-social, absorbed in his work, obsessed with time; Claude seems to vaguely remember that things were better when his mother was alive. Of course, he wouldn't really remember--yet, Claude worries about how much time his father spends on the cronoglobes. Claude has heard of people who are anti-timetravel, and he begins to wonder if they may have a point; but he feels no real reason to seek them out.

Until his father suddenly disappears....
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"Pilot 000 109, step forward."
Mike stepped forward.
"You have been briefed and prepared. Do you understand your mission and the safety requirements involved?"
Mike nodded. He was to collect data from future Intelligence Organization GIA regarding the record to be of the latest recruits for crononauts. He did, of course, have other plans...
"Attatch helmet!"
Mike strapped his helmet to his head.
"Strap in!"
He boarded his 'sphere. They may have been the cause of the world as it now was, but his 'sphere, El Draco, felt like home.
"Commence initiation sequence!"
As the lights blinked in the cockpit, and the electro-magnetic- pulse thruster (EMP) began to hum, Mike pulled a small square of paper from his leather jacket... a photo of a young man with initials JS.
An anomaly of time is not such an uncommon thing...

The world after 2065 cannot be defined in terms of time or technology. Anything is possible.
The demonic society of Crononauts who have discovered their ability to understand time have discovered how to shape the past to produce products, knowledge, technology, beings etc. in the / present and the future.
In fact, none of the past or present can be defined in these terms either.

Say a government scientist in 2085 wants to create a spaceship capable of reaching the sun. He simply leaves appropriate equipment in the hands of cavemen in the year 1000bc and returns to his own time to reap the beneefits.

Make the world I've created seem a little unbalanced and hectic? That's because it is.

This story does not occur in any specific time, since time has become like distance- simply a matter of going there.
Maya groans under the rape of time.

"Yes," murmurs Claude, "I can feel it too."

Kotie glances at him worriedly, her cute face unhappy.

"He's gone," says Claude, talking to himself more than anything else. "He's finally left me. But I always knew he would.... he's going to bring back mom, isn't he? Didn't it make us stronger? Wasn't it meant to be? ...wasn't it?"

Kotie seems to agree, but she says nothing.

"Or was it meant to be?" Claude continued his dialogue. "Maybe it's meant to be that he goes back and saves her. But what will he mess up? Tomorrow, can I expect to be completely different? Was I completely different yesterday, and didn't even know it? Was there a yesterday? Or is time simply fake?"

Claude bows his head in thought.

"Did we evade God, or has God been evading us?"

Kotie looks as though she wants to says something, but just can't.

"I need to find the answer, Kotie. I need allies. I need people who really understand the system. Where can I find them? Where can I find a man or woman who can help me? Others who are lost in Time, so to speak?"

Claude chuckles, as the silence pervades the empty laboratory. "We are the ones who are lost in time, aren't we? The ones who really care. Kotie, do you think there are some who aren't affected by time? Do you think we can spare the people?"

He glances at the computer, the test printing up. "Silly, huh, Kotie? You'd think I'd have more confidence. I always thought I had more confidence. But I guess even the most confident need reinforcement..."

Claude pulls the paper out of the printer and scanned it.


Claude O'Reilly
Age 17
IQ: 133 Visual Learner
EIQ: 132 Empathy Expert
LEAD: 88/100 High Teamwork/Confidence

"I like it so far," murmurs Claude, grinning. "I feel a bit like a prig, though. It was kind of easy to figure out what the right answers were to max out my score. Wonder if I really told the truth about myself..."

Personality: Golden/Seeker
Secondary Group: Chosen One

Claude paused for a few moments. There were no sounds except for the eerie buzzing of the lab, which Claude had gotten far too used to. Kotie waited patiently.

"...Chosen One... huh..."

Kotie whimpers, her mute voice unneeded to portray the anxiety in her adorable face, her love for Claude obvious.

Claude smiled, looked down at Kotie, and patted her on the head. "It's okay, girl. Good dog. We'll be on our way soon..."
This sounds like a great idea...I revel in chaos... that and peanut butter ice cream. ;)

Char: Jacobuce Featherton (Jace Feather)

Height: 6' 0"

Weight: 120

Age: 22

Apearence: Short black hair falls about in bangs around his face usually hiding a sadistic grin. Lithe yet muscular is almos talways waring a black combat uniform with a belt full of tech gadgets. Though that is hidden by a long brown trench coat with many pockets. Also wares high soft black boots.

Bio: Has been in servece of the crononauts that want to destroy the spheres for 50 years both in the future past and present what the hell those terms ment now.

He's seen the future it's not pretty though it has a few benifets as in the tech to slow his aging considerbly or... turn him in to a wrinkled old bastard. Has been to the moment before total time armagedon and only surving form his most treasured possesion.

The time sheild it wraps time around him self in a kind of bubble so that any thing touching it ages millions of years in the blink of an eye. Also usful for randomly jumping to different time period very dangerous and quite nifty.

Carries on his belt along with other gadgets two .45 pistols old ware but his most prized possesion. Has enough training as a crononaut to operate a sphere but is far from an expert.

IC: A sadistic grin spread across his face as he looked around. He swipes a strand of hair from his face his eyes narrowing.
"This seems like the right place." He looks around seeing the crowd of military people lined up all silent. The only noice is shouted comands and the sounds of the spheres starting up.

"Pilot 000 109, step forward." The genrel shouted.
Jace grins and says quietly. "Right on time."

Theres a confused shout and people are rushing towards the sphere yelling. "Stop him! Hes with the-" The man was cut off as Jace dropped down doing a spinning trip sending the man flying.

The men around him yelled and looked around taking out laser guns. One of them spotted him and shot missing by an inch.

Jace smiles sadisticly and mutters. "And the fun begins."
As the sphere powered up Mike heard something outside the cockpit. He strained his neck to see past the narrow plastex window, but could only see the launch circle in front of the sphere.

The sounds grew nearer and he began to worry... he could hear fighting. As his sphere, El Draco, reached 100 per cent power-up he punched the emergency launch-abortion switch.

The sphere continued to power up.
"Oh shit- something must be seriously wrong!"
Mike heard the klaxon warning that announced his imminent slide outside time... and heard something slam onto the top of the cronosphere.
Beginning to panic, Mike tried to force the door open and succeeded, just as he, his sphere and his mysterious passenger on the roof of the sphere vanished into the fourth dimension.
OOC: Trey, tell me if this is acceptable

Name: Mavius Sortha
Age: ??
Height: 5'8"
Build: Regular, a little on the frail side.

Appearance: Mavius dresses in beggars clothing: ripped green pants that have never been washed, a pair of worn out black boots, and a tattered black t-shirt. His skin is severely blistered from exposure to flames. All his hair has been burnt off, leaving only a scorched red scalp. His eyes are constantly bloodshot from too much direct sunlight as well.

Background: Mavius was originally a member of an elite military team, sent to secure the cronospheres. However, during one of his trips, something went wrong and his transport unit got too close to the sun, disfiguring Mavius. Before being totally incinerated, Mavius attempted to go into another reality but instead was sent through numerous timelines, aging beyond comprehension. He has visited so many timelines he has forgotten was his orginal mission was and tends to flip back and forth from protecting the cronospheres to destroying them.
A warning light was blinking in the cockpit of Mike's Cronosphere, El Draco.

Flashing on and off.

Getting slower.

The alarm klaxon was getting faiter too.

Mike watched the light.

All he knew was that something was wrong. El Draco had punched through the wall of time, but had failed to wrap it around itself and punch back through at the appropriate time, and it was something to do with his unseen and silent stowaway on the top side of the sphere.

The light flashed slower, and the klaxon was almost inaudible.

As El Draco slowly lost power and drifted through the abyss of time Mike could feel time coming to a halt for himself and his passenger. Not long now, until time stops.

He looked at the light flashing.

On and off.

And off.

Time did not stop. Mike looked up, and for the first moment in his life, Mike saw time. All of it. He was no longer drifting, insted he was suspended in not an abyss, but an ETERNITY of time.
He knew suddenly that this experience could not be remembered, that it was comprehended in eternity captured within a moment and within that moment, in the frozen tick of the soul of the universe, Mike understood the nature of time.
Mike now saw what the inhuman secret society of crononauts saw.He also understood that the moment could not continue, that time must flow, and that should he and his silen't passenger remain in this moment for too long their human minds would expire.
The crippled craft was no longer a concern. Mike didn't need the sphere. He closed his eyes and removed himself, El Draco and the stowaway from time, and back to a random moment and place in the mortal world.
"I know where Jacob Simmons is," he thought, in the instant before he passed out and lost all but a small part of his experience.
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Time... I had no time I had to get out of here.

Jace ran slammming his elbow in to a solder passing by. He felt the all too fimilar searing pain of bullets entering his skin right below his shoulder in fact. His eyes slanted as he took out one of his .45's and blasted the leg out of one of the solders infront of him.

The crono-sphere gatta get to the crono-sphere. He didn't know why but he had to. All sound was silenced and time seemed to slow down, though it was just his training in affect. He watched slowly as the man fell his lips parting in a silent screem. He saw the other solders guns raised and bullets streaming out of there guns silently flying towards him.

His foot plants on the mans back and the muscles tense as he launches him self from the mans body flying through the air slowly. His hand shoots down painstakingly slow reaching under his jacket grabbing the small glassy box colers swirling in it with curcits. His fingerflows towards it and he spins it around on the top then tapping as new colers appear.

" Froughsh!" In a rush of noice all sounds flooded back and he speeded up the bluish buble wrapping around him. He slams in to the roof of the sphere slamming hard his head knocking as he drifted in to unconsiosnus.


Not enough time.

to much time.

To much of no time.

Time was to fit together like a jigsaw puzzle. No more like dominos you take one and the rest don't fall. No more like a card cstle you tkae one almsot all fall and lay on top of each other. But you jus thave to rebuild... but you won't ge to so... you've got one last chance grab the cards and stop them for falling cause if ya don't... ROYAL FLUSH!

His head jerked to life as his mind screemed that one last message at him. He looked around he saw the man he was supposed to save standing next to him with a dazed look on his face.
Mavius in..........All Mixed Up

Mavius slowly opened his eyes, to see a huge pair of tits right in his face. Startled, he jumped back, causing the other patrons and the strippers to laugh. The blonde giggled, "Relax sugar, they won't bite, not unless you give them $20 that is." Apparently he had blacked out again, this time waking up in a strip club. He dashed into the bathroom, hearing a fat patron with greasey hair and a mangled mustache say, "Geez I guess he got a little too excited."

He turned on the faucet and collected a small pool of water in his hands before splashing it on his face. The water refreshed him for a moment, but soon felt like acid seeping through his paper thin skin. Clenching his teeth, he waited until the pain subsided before looking at his complection in the mirror. It took him awhile before he realized he wasn't looking at another person but his reflection. Had his misfortune on the sun really burnt him that badly?

His pockets felt heavy and overloaded. He reached inside of the right pocket and pulled out a scrap of paper with a name written on it, "Simmons, Jacob." He didn't recgonize the name but knew it had something to do with his mission, which also remained a mystery to him. In his left pocket, he felt the cold steel of a berretta, and a few extra bullets. Looking at the gun and the paper, he realized what he had to do, kill Jacob Simmons.
Mike, currently unconscious in the cockpit of El Draco, had seen what gave the hidden crononauts had seen. He had taken the plunge onto the path of enlightenment, or power, or both, that seduced, made and ruined the powers of politics. He understood but a little, and yet he was more aware of the universe and the shiftings of time than ever before in his linear life.
Mike had discovered what had happened to Jacob Simmons. Jacob had FAKED his own non existence and hidden himself when he discovered what the future held for him. He was hiding on the other side of the time wall, and must have figured out how to remain in that state. That was how he had become an anomaly of time... he did not historically exist, but he was yet a tangible being.
How had he achieved this? How could he be found in an eternity of time?
Above all, how would Mike get back on the Otherside for another perfect moment of infinite?
Mike awoke and instantly realised his situation: he was lost in an unknown timeline, there was a possible hostile somewhere on board and his cronosphere was damaged.
His training for the situation came to him instantly.
Step One- determine threat factor:
He came to his feet unsteadily as a wave of dizziness overcame him. He clambered outside and scaled the external rungs. On the topside of the sphere was a large piece of a supporting strut from the time-launch pad. Somehow, a man was entangled and unconscious beneath this piece. No immediate threat.
Step Two- eliminate or restrain hostiles:
Still shakey, Mike disentangled the unknown man and tied him, fairly poorly, to a standing position against the strut using his own jacket.
Step Three-repair cronosphere:
Mike was about to re-enter El Draco and retrieve his repair kit, when he saw something around the stranger's waist - guns. It seemed, in Mike's confused state, that the man was indeed a hostile. As he reached for the weapons, however, the man's eyes snapped open.
For a moment Mike and the stranger were caught in the moment. A fraction of a second seemed to drag on for hours as adrenaline surged through Mike's overloaded system and the two men stared at each other.
He sighed in dismay as the man began to struggle against the jacket tying him and was easily escaping the feeble restraint. Gritting his teeth against the wave of dizziness and fatigue that would ensue, Mike swung his feet into the air above his feet, planted his hands on the metal dome beneath him and backflipped down beside the entrance to the cronosphere. He dropped into a crouch and instantly reeled onto his side in a mixture of faintness and pain in his ankles. Beginning to crawl he dragged himself inside, heading for the cockpit- and his gun duct-taped to the underside of the control panel. Rapid footsteps pounded El Draco's hull.
Mavius returned from the bathroom and took a seat next to the laughing drunk. "Hey you were in the bathroom for awhile bud, I hope you at least washed your hands!!" The strippers and other patrons laughed as Mavius' composure wore thin.

Without a word, Mavius brought the back of his left hand across the fat laughing bastard's face, knocking the drunk on the ground. The bouncer ran over and grabbed Mavius from behind. "Alright pal, that's enough for one nigh---oooof" Mavius' right elbow went crashing into the bouncer's rib cage, cracking the bones and causing the guard to double to the ground. By this time, people started to run out of the club, leaving Mavius alone with the two battered men.

The place was completely quiet except for the blaring television, "Looking for someone?" Mavius turned around and saw an image of James Earl Jones on the screen. Not knowing what to do, he answered back, "Where is Jacob Simmions?" "Whenever I can't find the number I'm looking for, I look in the Yellow Pages." Mavius watched as the picture faded out. "Where is it !?! Where are the yellow pages??" The screen flickered with an investment commercial before Mavius drew his firearm and fired three shots into the screen, watching as it buzzed with electricity.

He turned to see the bouncer stir in the corner. Mavius rushed over to the man and picked him up by the neck of his shirt, "Where are the yellow pages??" "Be--Behind the bar." Mavius dropped the man and went behind the bar. After a few moment he pulled out the thick phone book and began searching. "How can this be? There are at least 30 Jacob Simmions here!" He used a napkin as a bookmark and went outside, he would have to go to all the addresses listed for Jacob Simmons...
I'm bumping this thread just in the hope that it sparks some interest again...