Title: Tales from The Bad Girl Bar - Chapter 1
Author: LWulf
Editor: YDB95 (note: additional self-editing was done after the fact)
Category: BDSM
Description: Family Values - Lashley auditions & Summer's 1st time on stage
Story tags:
Accompanying Illustrations:
Outside The Bad Girl Bar - Scene 1
Tales from The Bad Girl Bar - Scene 4
edit: ...and to the anonymous poster, I have NEVER considered myself normal. roflmao
Author: LWulf
Editor: YDB95 (note: additional self-editing was done after the fact)
Category: BDSM
Description: Family Values - Lashley auditions & Summer's 1st time on stage
Story tags:
- Comedy/Serious
- Non-Consent (light)
- Bondage
- Spanking
- M/f
- F/f
........... - A play within a strip club
- Mother (acted)
- Father (acted)
- Incest (acted - Domestic Discipline (non-sexual))
- Exhibitionism/voyeurism
- First time
........... - Oral sex (suggested)
- Older man/young woman
Accompanying Illustrations:
Outside The Bad Girl Bar - Scene 1
Tales from The Bad Girl Bar - Scene 4
edit: ...and to the anonymous poster, I have NEVER considered myself normal. roflmao
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