Crime, hopelessness forcing Jamaicans to flee by any means necessary, say advocates


Literotica Guru
Mar 22, 2020
Desperate for a better way of life, some Jamaicans are willing to be part of the human smuggling trade, by whatever means necessary, as they seek to flee from violent crimes, poverty and a growing distance from the State, according to some persons who are doing missionary work in inner-city communities.

Dr Henley Morgan, who has been working in several inner-city communities for decades but is now based in Trench Town in South St Andrew, said, for the last 25 years, Jamaicans have been using illegal channels, including through Mexico, to enter the United States in search of a better life.

He said news of the recent distress of a woman from Waterhouse, St Andrew, whose child had been reported missing in their quest to reach the US via the Mexican border, is unfortunate, but Jamaicans have been doing it for many years.

“I can’t say that in recent times there has been a mass movement in the number of persons fleeing via this method, but it has been going on for years. I would put it on the same level as those in the gun trade who would hitch a ride on a boat out of here,” he told The Sunday Gleaner.

According to Morgan, data from various studies done over the years showed that 70 per cent of Jamaicans would leave the country if they could, noting that only Afghanistan did not appeal to them.

Last week, it was reported that Teresa Wilson fled Jamaica with her two children, five-year-old Malaisha Miller and an eight-month-old. The three left Jamaica for Panama on May 25, but only Wilson and the baby entered the US. Jamaican and US officials have been working to find Malaisha, nicknamed ‘Million’.

Miller was reported to be trying to escape poverty and crime in her community.

Immigration authorities have said there has been more than a 60 per cent surge in illicit travel between Jamaica and Mexico in 2021, with that country clamping down on locals taking the dangerous voyage.
After losing two of her brothers to gun violence and narrowly escaping the same fate, Teresa 'Stushy' Wilson, 30, decided to flee Jamaica with her two children.

On May 25, Wilson left Jamaica with her five-year-old daughter Malaysia 'Million' Miller and her eight-month-old baby. They journeyed to Panama then to the Mexico, where she hoped to cross over into the US. According to relatives, Wilson and her children reached the US/Mexico border on June 5 but Malaysia got separated from her mother and sibling.

Wilson's mother Lorna Pryce wore a worrisome expression when the news team visited her yesterday. News that Malaysia had drowned have been circulating on social media but the family has dispelled the rumours. Pryce, however, stated that she has not heard from her daughter since Sunday when she was at a detention centre in the US state of Arizona.’can-5-y-o-missing-mom-tries-sneaking-us
Third world people escape the dysfunctions of their countries, and bring those dysfunctions with them to the United States. The United States lacks the responsibility and the ability to serve as the third world's welfare department. It is in our interest to keep those people out of our country. Immigration should be restricted to Orientals, Jews, and East Indians. They behave and perform well. Nevertheless, even they contribute to the growing income gap. By competing for jobs they enable employers to hold the line on pay raises. By competing for apartments they enable landlords to raise rents.

The problem of jobs Americans will not perform can be solved by eliminating the welfare system and by increasing the severity of the criminal justice system. If we do that we will enjoy considerable tax savings, and have an easier time controlling our boarders.
After losing two of her brothers to gun violence and narrowly escaping the same fate, Teresa 'Stushy' Wilson, 30, decided to flee Jamaica with her two children.

On May 25, Wilson left Jamaica with her five-year-old daughter Malaysia 'Million' Miller and her eight-month-old baby. They journeyed to Panama then to the Mexico, where she hoped to cross over into the US. According to relatives, Wilson and her children reached the US/Mexico border on June 5 but Malaysia got separated from her mother and sibling.

Wilson's mother Lorna Pryce wore a worrisome expression when the news team visited her yesterday. News that Malaysia had drowned have been circulating on social media but the family has dispelled the rumours. Pryce, however, stated that she has not heard from her daughter since Sunday when she was at a detention centre in the US state of Arizona.’can-5-y-o-missing-mom-tries-sneaking-us
I take it Teresa Wilson and her mother do not have have husbands. I suspect they never had husbands. Nevertheless, they had illegitimate children they could not afford to support.
Third world people escape the dysfunctions of their countries, and bring those dysfunctions with them to the United States. The United States lacks the responsibility and the ability to serve as the third world's welfare department. It is in our interest to keep those people out of our country. Immigration should be restricted to Orientals, Jews, and East Indians. They behave and perform well. Nevertheless, even they contribute to the growing income gap. By competing for jobs they enable employers to hold the line on pay raises. By competing for apartments they enable landlords to raise rents.

The problem of jobs Americans will not perform can be solved by eliminating the welfare system and by increasing the severity of the criminal justice system. If we do that we will enjoy considerable tax savings, and have an easier time controlling our boarders.
Man your racism just never ceases does it? There is no evidence of the third world bringing their dysfunctions to the United STates. WE DO have the ability to serve as the third world's welfare. Speaking of the term 3rd world is dated and needs to be retired ASAP.

Your argument about employers and landlords is something we can and should solve via government intervention. Letting the market decide is absolute hogwash.

Eliminating the welfare state will simply cause more crimes be commited, will rip apart families, primarily in the minority community which is of course your goal. IT the same as the drug law. You are literally trying to bring back slavery. That's the level of racism on display here.

There is NO reason to think we would enjoy any tax savings. Its not as if we wouldn't still be feeding the people behind bars. Still providing medical care. Shelter. We would obviously need more gaurds and more facilities.

Additionally this would encourage cops, judges and prison operators to issue harder and harder sentencing. We already see this with for profit prisons. I think the fact that after our failed (contrary to you're idiotic belief) that the War on Drugs solved our crime problem rather than exaperate it for profit prison populations, made necessary by said War grew five times as fast as nonprofits. There is a reason for this. A very simple one.

A Prison that recieves funding based on how many seats it fills has an interest in getting people in and keeping them. Which means in places where judges are elected not assigned it encourages THEM to get support from these same people. Goes from there to the DA, to the police. Shit that they would have let walk they won't.
Man your racism just never ceases does it? There is no evidence of the third world bringing their dysfunctions to the United STates. WE DO have the ability to serve as the third world's welfare. Speaking of the term 3rd world is dated and needs to be retired ASAP.

It is not in our interest to allow the immigration of people with low IQ's and high rates of crime and illegitimacy.
Your argument about employers and landlords is something we can and should solve via government intervention. Letting the market decide is absolute hogwash.
The law of supply and demand can be tweaked around the corners, but it cannot be ignored.

Trying to repeal the law of supply and demand requires those for whom the law works to make sacrifices for those for whom it does not work.

The New Deal worked because 90% percent of the American population was white, and because most blacks were subjected to second class citizenship. Taking from the talented to help the untalented will not work for a diverse society. For most people most of the time loyalties of race, nation, and ethnicity are stronger than loyalties of class. That is why the white working class left the Democrat Party, where it was during the New Deal, and became a Republican constituency.
Eliminating the welfare state will simply cause more crimes be commited, will rip apart families, primarily in the minority community which is of course your goal. IT the same as the drug law. You are literally trying to bring back slavery. That's the level of racism on display here.

There is NO reason to think we would enjoy any tax savings. Its not as if we wouldn't still be feeding the people behind bars. Still providing medical care. Shelter. We would obviously need more gaurds and more facilities.

Additionally this would encourage cops, judges and prison operators to issue harder and harder sentencing. We already see this with for profit prisons. I think the fact that after our failed (contrary to you're idiotic belief) that the War on Drugs solved our crime problem rather than exaperate it for profit prison populations, made necessary by said War grew five times as fast as nonprofits. There is a reason for this. A very simple one.

A Prison that recieves funding based on how many seats it fills has an interest in getting people in and keeping them. Which means in places where judges are elected not assigned it encourages THEM to get support from these same people. Goes from there to the DA, to the police. Shit that they would have let walk they won't.
One of the few successful social experiments in the United States has been the increase in the prison population.

From 1960 to 1970 the prison population declined from 212,953 to 196,429

The civil rights legislation was passed. Poverty declined because of a broadly based economic expansion, and War on Poverty Programs.

During this time the crime rate per 100,000 inhabitants increased from 1,887.2 to 3,984.5

From 1980 to 2016 the prison population increased from 315,974 to 1,380,427

Poverty increased because the economy became more competitive, and because of cuts in welfare.

During this time the crime rate per 100,000 declined from 5,950,0 to 2,489.3.

The high cost of incarceration can be eliminated by the thorough exploitation of prison labor, and the end to educational and recreational opportunities. A prison system can be run at a profit to the government.

When Aid for Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) was introduced it was specifically restricted to widows, deserted wives, and their legitimate children. The War on Poverty extended it to unmarried mothers and their illegitimate children. This resulted in very significant increases in illegitimacy.