

Tater Queen
Mar 4, 2002
So I'm training this new guy at work. He's creepy enough as it is, but there's one thing that really wigs me out. He's got this one fingernail that's about 2 inches long. It's yellowish and he uses it to point at stuff. Ick!

I swear if he touches me with it I will flip the fuck out.

Does he think it's sexy? Or cool? What's the reason for this grotesque thumbnail? Any ideas?

I don't know why I started this thread....I'm just bored.

Maybe it's his booger picker.


I'll behave now.. promise. :D
Raina said:
Any ideas?[/color]

Say, "Hey, did you know that long yellow nail on your finger looks pretty fucking nasty, would you mind doing something about it."

If that doesn't work, grow one yourself to make him feel bad.
k¡tty said:

Maybe it's his booger picker.


I'll behave now.. promise. :D

ewwwww!! *gag*

Actually, that was my other co-worker's theory. We discussed going after him with clippers. We decided that we couldn't do it though because neither of us was brave enough to actually touch him.
Maybe he uses it to snort coke with, like they used to do with snuff
Re: Re: Creepy

Gunner Dailey said:
Say, "Hey, did you know that long yellow nail on your finger looks pretty fucking nasty, would you mind doing something about it."

If that doesn't work, grow one yourself to make him feel bad.


I thought about taking my manicure kit to work with me and pointedly filing my nails all day....somehow I don't think this guy would get a subtle hint though. I may have to go with telling him it's fucking nasty.
just pet said:
Maybe he uses it to snort coke with, like they used to do with snuff

Ya just may be on to something there....but it's a THUMBnail for cripes sake. Aren't coke users supposed to use their pinky nails?

He has told me all about his drug experiences. :rolleyes: Ugh.

So either way, we've pretty much determined that the nasty nail goes up his nose. Now I'm even more grossed out.
Raina said:
So I'm training this new guy at work. He's creepy enough as it is, but there's one thing that really wigs me out. He's got this one fingernail that's about 2 inches long. It's yellowish and he uses it to point at stuff. Ick!

I swear if he touches me with it I will flip the fuck out.

Does he think it's sexy? Or cool? What's the reason for this grotesque thumbnail? Any ideas?

I don't know why I started this thread....I'm just bored.

which finger is it ?

right hand's little finger ?
Raina said:
ewwwww!! *gag*

Actually, that was my other co-worker's theory. We discussed going after him with clippers. We decided that we couldn't do it though because neither of us was brave enough to actually touch him.


Sad how much I amuse myself at times.

Ooo kinky! Tell him it's a sexual kinky game.. ya'll must tie him up in order for it to begin.

Oh hey.. this might be a bright side to your erotic dreams of your boss, you may start having them about the boogie dude instead.

k¡tty said:

Sad how much I amuse myself at times.

Ooo kinky! Tell him it's a sexual kinky game.. ya'll must tie him up in order for it to begin.

Oh hey.. this might be a bright side to your erotic dreams of your boss, you may start having them about the boogie dude instead.


Oh yuck...just yuck!! Now I can't go to bed for fear of disgusting nightmares. Thanks kitty. You are now an "evil supah bitch".
Not only does he have the nauseating nail, he's got a mouth full of rotten teeth. Ugh. I think my boss hired him just to gross me out...he know I have to spend weekends all alone with this guy.

Rex, it's his thumb on his right hand. He uses it to point out things. He'll call me over to ask me a question about something and use that disgusting thing to indicate something on the screen.

Oh geez. This thread was a bad idea. Now I'm just revolted.
Raina said:
Oh yuck...just yuck!! Now I can't go to bed for fear of disgusting nightmares. Thanks kitty. You are now an "evil supah bitch".
Not only does he have the nauseating nail, he's got a mouth full of rotten teeth. Ugh. I think my boss hired him just to gross me out...he know I have to spend weekends all alone with this guy.

Okay I'd have a bigger problem with the rotten teeth than I would the flicker nail.

Maybe he hired him because he was so yucky, that he knew he'd be assured top spot in your work fantasies. :D

btw ty I try. :eek:
Re: Re: Re: Creepy

just pet said:
The opposable finger, the big one

Raina said:
it's his thumb on his right hand. He uses it to point out things.
In this case I have no clue.

I for one have my right hand fingernails longer for picking guitar strings. But they're manicured

I've heard from people with a long nail of their right hand's little finger in order to show they didn't have to work with their hands.

And then there's this white powder... but someone mentioned that already.
k¡tty said:
Okay I'd have a bigger problem with the rotten teeth than I would the flicker nail.

Maybe he hired him because he was so yucky, that he knew he'd be assured top spot in your work fantasies. :D

btw ty I try. :eek:

You are asking for an ass kicking, ya know that?

The teeth grossed me out at first, but the booger-nail has much more potential to accidentally touch me.

Raina said:
Not only does he have the nauseating nail, he's got a mouth full of rotten teeth.

well, that explains it, don't you think ?

He needs the long nail to clean his teeth every now and then.
Toothpicks are so expensive these days .... OMG:eek:
Raina said:
You are asking for an ass kicking, ya know that?

The teeth grossed me out at first, but the booger-nail has much more potential to accidentally touch me.


Why not just spank me instead?
Rex1960 said:
well, that explains it, don't you think ?

He needs the long nail to clean his teeth every now and then.
Toothpicks are so expensive these days .... OMG:eek:

Okay, now I'm thinking about that. *vomit* If that thing brushes up against me by accident which one of you is going to bail me out of jail when I flip out and break his fingers?

kitty, I can't spank you because you'd enjoy it. :p
I won't.

Because you refuse to spank me just 'cause you know I love that, oh and you brag about your sex life.. knowing that mine is non existant.

Bring it up with Management. Many employers have dress codes that include restrictions on hairstyles, piercings, tattoos, etc.

Something like that is bound to interfere with his ability to work. I imagine he must have trouble even tying his shoelaces.
Raina said:
Okay, now I'm thinking about that. *vomit* If that thing brushes up against me by accident which one of you is going to bail me out of jail when I flip out and break his fingers?
:eek: :D
They wouldn't put you in jail. That's considered pure self defense.
No wait... wouldn't work since you'd enjoyed the breaking fingers part way too much

kitty, I can't spank you because you'd enjoy it. :p

Ok, I'd volunteer to spank kitty....
k¡tty said:
I won't.

Because you refuse to spank me just 'cause you know I love that, oh and you brag about your sex life.. knowing that mine is non existant.



Bitch! :D