Creatures of the Knight

Daren Ramius

Oct 9, 2002
The Knight Hotel was the very picture of victorian beauty in America. Standing three stories high, made out of brick and beautiful cedar wood, it was a very welcoming sight to travellers leaving New York City, or heading towards it. The gorgeous restruant that served some of the finest english breakfasts, american-style lunches, and french dinners could please even the staunchest of visitors. The rooms were large, the beds being equally so, and could be well lit by oil lamps that encompassed them. Presidents had even stayed here, from time to time, and left quite pleased, making sure to come again in the future.
However, recently, guests had heard very odd noises such as eerie howls...and sometimes even screams. Guests would be missing, but everyone would be too scared to inquire further. Bell boys would often be seen carrying large bags out of a room--bags that looked like they could have a person inside. The Knight Hotel's reputation preceeded itself however, and many people continued to arrive to stay at such a classy, fantastic, and beauitful hotel. But the strangeness surrounding it continued to grow....

NAME: Daren Ramius
SPECIES: Werewolf
HAIR: Brown
EYES: Brown
HEIGHT: 6'1"
STATUS: Guest at the hotel.

I, Daren Ramius, am a werewolf. Though they are renowned for being savage beasts, I consider myself to be quite civil. You see, my family came over to this country from Russia--and from sratch--started one of the most successful tobacco businesses in the country. I have eaten with the very rich...and on occasion have also eaten the very rich. I am a firm believer in etiquette, especially around the table, and also find the way a man dresses and composes himself to be of the utmost importance.
Some scholars that study werewolves (though I've yet to meet one) would probably say that I am a contradiction. This "savage beast" that I become, is not savage at all. Though my lusts lead me between a woman's legs, as well as the devouring of those legs, I am in control of both these desires. They are not uncontrollable as many would believe. I, after all, am a gentlemen.
And as a gentleman I am to go to New York City. The tobacco business is quite the boom overseas, and New York is a leading area for country to country dealings. My father has become quite ill of late, and would not be able to travel from the Carolinas in his condition, so I was sent in his stead.
I personally cannot wait to get to New York. I myself have never been there, but I have heard a great many things that interest me. The Knight Hotel though, that I have stayed in for two nights now, has proven to have its own interests as well. I imagine I'm not more than a day's travel from my destination of New York, but for right now, it can wait, for I am enjoying my stay here far too much.
The enjoyment at this very moment, is a woman named Anastasia. I could smell her russian blood from outside the hotel this fine evening, and having fed on one of my cousin's bodies, I knew the taste to be too good to deny. These rooms have conveniently large windows, and so the leap inside was a stealthy and effortless one. I had caught her in the middle of dessing; only her corsett on at the moment. She had a very nice locke of brown hair hanging along her right shoulder, and her skin was oddly tan for a russian. The fear in her deep, brown eyes was a look I took great pride upon, and was quite used to when in my wolfish form as I was now. She just stood their, gazing into my yellow eyes, hypnotized like a deer is to the light of an oil lamp. I slowly prowled around her, my paws not making a single sound against the wooden floor. My large tongue slowly extended to the back of her thigh, just below her buttock, the point of it touching her creamy flesh, then licking upward. I brought my rough tongue between her legs, slowly licking through the patch of hair. She finally muttered something now out of her fear...just a light moan. I remember being told to not play with my food, but I saw that to be a rule for peasants that should not waste time during dinner when there is work to be done.
Werewolves have hightened senses, you see. It is a useful thing for not only does it allow one to hear oncomers, but it also gives you the ability to sense when someone is going to scream. The pulse quickens, and the throat tightens. And before my air of fear is dissolved to allow someone to do so, they are my defeated prey. Just as she was to become now.
I lunged towards her neck, biting down upon it just as a small peep of noise that was to become a cry for help escaped her lips. Her throat was crushed, she could no longer utter a sound, and then I quickly ripped and ate the flesh of her breasts (where I always start). Eventually I consumed the rest of her that was worth eating--her thighs, her stomach, some of her arm as well. As I expected, she was delicious, and now it was time to bed.
I quickly lept from the window, landing with a grace that I taught myself over the years, then began to run towards the area the nearby forest where I left my clothes. Returning to my normal appearance, that of a somewhat roguish young man, I walked back to the hotel. The hotel maids would find the mutilated body in the morning, but would keep it quiet so not as to lose business. It was the same at the many inns in Carolina. A lesson I learned well.
Osmond Harrison - I just checked in.

NAME: Osmond Harrison
SPECIES: Human (by the look of me)
HAIR: Brown
EYES: Brown
HEIGHT: 6'4"
STATUS: Guest of the Holding Corporation.

IC: Unpacking my suitcase, I was still shaking my head. Why did I even accept this assignment? My own fault though. The new owners, representing a group of small investors, found out about some of my past exploits and sought me out.

Practically begged me to help. They didn't even know what I had done, just that their friends were "satisfied with my services." So, now, here I am. The Knight Hotel. According to the CEO, unexplained disappearances, strange long-term guests, mysteries and the mysterious. I'm thinking "overactive imaginations." But the retainer was impressive and the back half, if successful, is actually a bit boggling. That in itself is strange, because it is quite a bit more than the Knight is worth. Maybe that's something I'll have to find out about too, just so there are no surprises. I hate surprises.

The Knight's front desk staff was courteous enough, but they definitely gave me an odd look, more so when they noted I was "literally" a guest of the hotel. No nightly rate and an open account on my room. The bellhop was a bit sullen though. Still, I gave him a twenty. That caught him by surprise, and I may need a willing aide at some point.

So, here I am, unpacking my suitcase.

Heh! Well that didn't take long. --- Some kind of animal, a large animal, has just jumped from a nearby window, from a floor below me, and run off into the woods. Too bad I didn't see which window it came from. I'd like to find out what is in that room, but it would be unwise to appear too inquisitive immediately upon my arrival. But I think I'll go down to the lobby bar. I could use a drink and maybe I'll meet some of the other guests, maybe I'll get lucky and even see who comes in the front door next.
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IC: Darien Ramius

I gently placed my top hat upon my head as I walked up the few steps to the front of the Knight Hotel, and then just as soon as I entered, as was mannered, I removed it, running a quick hand through my slicked-back hair. I smiled cordially at the attendant at the desk, then at a young couple that seemed to be waiting for their luggage to be taken to their room. To be perfectly honest they looked quite scrumptious, but I was quite full this night, already. Perhaps tomorrow, I thought to myself.
Standing beyond them was a rather interesting fellow, that appeared to be studying me, though to his credit it was as indiscreet as were humanly possible. Removing my right hand from under my long coat, I extended it to the man, "Hello, sir," I smiled wolfishly at him. I always liked to describe my smile as wolfish, considering the beautiful irony of it. The handshake was a firm one for both of us--this was not a man quick to being fearful. I like that. "Beautiful hotel isn't it? Whomever owns it certainly puts their money into it. I'm pleased that they do." I kept a very close eye on his expressions.
Majestic (location: The Roof of the Hotel)

NAME: Majestic (no last name, or even clan name)
GENDER: Female (obviously)
COUNTRY: United States
SPECIES: Gargoyle
HAIR: Pure, jet black
EYES: a peircing purple...
HEIGHT: 5ft 4in
STATUS: She lives at the hotel semi-perminatly, she protects the place at night, and she's allowed to stay in her stone sleep on the roof (or bedroom, depending) during the day. Though she has been known to wander, she useally stays near the hotel.

I am Majestic, called "Maj" by those who meet me and those who get to know me. I have been living at this hotel since before I can remember, which is a long time to you I'm told... Anyways, I'm what you people generally call a "Gargoyle" one of the same kind that was in the news everywhere a few years back... While I'm not part of their clan, or even related to them, I have a similer appearence.....Large, batlike wings on my back, long thin whip-like tail, talons and clawed hands, Etc. I am probably one of the last Americain born Gargolyes left, as I have yet to meet any others...... Oddly enough, I seem to get along well in the company of most humans, useally male ones....I've yet to understand their intrest in me..... At the moment....I am on the roof of the hotel.....awake, but perched, watching new guests arrive with a bit of wonder, as i know the "Third" and "Fourth" races have been known to frequent this place...hence the reason why I'm still around...sometimes they can be a little.....roudy...for lack of better term.....I smile as I watch them arrive from my perch on the roof.....knowing full well they sure as hell aren't human....but I cannot tell what they are from here....


(OOC:*Edit*....I love it, I go to all the trouble to type this and I see one tiny little typo...*MURDERS a typodemon*)
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Osmond Harrison - in the bar

Sitting in the bar, nursing my first drink, watching the comings and goings. Nothing out of the ordinary, the desk clerk, a young couple checking in. Three or four others in the bar.

What's this, a rather good looking, tall gent, wearing a top hat of all things, has just walked in. I couldn't help but stare for a moment.

Must be a guest or picking someone up, maybe for the theater, can't get over the top hat. No luggage, so he's not just checking in.

He takes off his hat and I notice he's wearing his hair slicked back.

Pomade? or has he been exerting himself?

He is really staring at the couple at the counter, but then, I can't blame him, the woman is very pretty. Whoa, bold as brass, he walks right up to me and sticks his hand out, like he already knows me, with a big toothy grin.

We shake hands, strong, but I don't think he was trying to test me.

"Beautiful hotel isn't it? Whomever owns it certainly puts their money into it. I'm pleased that they do." he says to me.

"Well, yes it is." I answer. "Quite unexpected. I've never stayed here before. Name's Harrison, Osmond Harrison. How about you? Are you a guest as well?"

I motion him to join me if he wishes.
Checking into the Hotel...


Name: Rhiannon Petrova
Gender: Female
Country: American born but of Romanian descent
Species: Vampiress
Hair: Jet black w/white streak at crown, when released from confinment, hangs to back of knees.
Eyes: Ice blue
Height: 5'3"
Status: Guest at hotel. I'm wealthy beyond all reason and one of the owners is my cousin... I've come to see what the fuss is all about.

As soon as I have checked in to my room. I set about having the hotel maid putting my things away and then draw me a bath. The trip to get here was long and the road dusty. I just want to get out of these grimy clothes and into fresh ones.
Once clean and freshly coiffed, the maids here are superb just as I've been told, I decide to take a stroll. Firstly, to get my bearings and next to see if I recognize any of the guests, as it is a popular spot I've been told.
Daren Ramius

I sat down, taking the gentleman's invitation. "Wine, please...white," I motioned to the bartender.

"A pleasure to meet you Mr. Harrison. And to answer your question, yes. I am a guest. I have some commercial business in New York City. Just passing through here. Though I must say I am entranced by this hotel. It has a very interesting...feeling to it." My eyes wandered around, sensing more dark presences amidst this hotel. I quickly broke from that train of thought, "Don't you think so, Mr. Harrison?"
Osmond Harrison - in the bar

Hmmmm, a wine drinker.

Funny guy though, funny strange, not funny ha ha. He tells me all about himself, his business. But not his name.

My attention is diverted by someone walking through the hotel lobby.

Damn, it's Rhiannon.

That's always my first reaction. By the end of the day.... and of the night, I always seem to think differently. Not that we've ever.... Just that there's always a certain tension in the air when we're in each other's vicinity. Rhiannon's an exceptional beauty, jet hair and blue eyes. Her skin reminds me of porcelain. She has this shock of white running through her hair though, a silly affectation, well, I don't think it's natural.... Anyway, seems like whereever I go, Rhiannon shows up. Not that I mind. Not really.

I think Mr. Top Hat noticed her too!

"Don't you think so, Mr. Harrison?"

"What?, oh... excuse me. Yes, this hotel does have an aura about it, or at least it's guests do." nodding Rhiannon's way.
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Daren Ramius - in the bar

"Oh my," I couldn't help but say at the sight of such beauty. "Would you look at that." I was awestruck. From time to time I would play with my prey before I devoured them. Sometimes a woman would encapsulate such a divinity that I thought it a waste to merely eat her flesh. So I would take them to bed, enjoy a night's pleasure, and then enjoy a feasting of fair skin. But this specimen before me was far beyond anything I had seen before. A regality, a pride in each step. From the look of her however, this was no ordinary woman, I knew. But as to what she was exactly I was unsure. I felt my eyes glaze to their feral design, the yellow-green tint with the slit of black in the middle...following her every move. I quickly shook my head and smiled at my drinking companion of the moment, "My apologies, Mr. Harrison, I did not properly introduce myself." Putting a hand to my heart and with a little bow of the head, I said, "My name is Daren Ramius. And, by the nod of your head, I'm inclined to think you know that fetching woman over there. I don't suppose you would tell me her name?"
Osmond Harrison - in the bar

"Pleased to meet you Mr. Ramius" I replied. "Yes, I do know her. Shall I see if she will join us for a drink? Yes, that would be a pleasure. And with her permission, I shall introduce her to you. One moment."

I rise and walk across the lobby, knowing full well Rhiannon has already seen me, and is of course, making me come to her. Always the minx. Or should I say vamp, I know her little secret and she knows I know. How could I not, considering our last little adventure together.

"Rhiannon my dear, How are you and whatever are you doing here?"
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Rhiannon ~ In The Lobby

Inclining my head I extend my hand in greeting, "Osmond darling! How are you,' I ask him as I lean forward kissing the air next to his cheek. "I didn't know that you were staying here, what brings you to the Knight? I have heard so much about this place that I simply had to come see for myself what all of the fuss was about. Have you been here long? And will you be staying long. Who else is here? Any of the old gang still haunt this place, I had heard that several of our old chums used to spend quite a bit of time here..." *Oh, shut-up I tell myself!*
I don't know why I always turn into such a chatterbox whenever I'm near this man. There's just something about him that leaves me feeling like a silly schoolgirl that can't seem to keep her mouth shut. At this thought I color slightly, knowing that I must really look ridiculous chattering away. Especially when he gets that wicked gleam in his eyes, I can tell he knows what I'm thinking, which deepens the color on my cheeks. Abruptly I look down, unable to meet his eyes, feeling the complete fool. I don't understand why I act this way! I never act this way with other men, it's just him. Giving myself a mental shake I paste my most brilliant smile on my face and look up to see where he's leading me.
We come to a halt in front of a devastatingly handsome man whom he introduces me to as Mr. Daren Ramius. Mr. Ramius, I say as I allow him to take my hand, "A pleasure to meet you. Are you a guest here also?"
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Re: Creatures of the Knight
Name: Vicky Benfield
Gender: Female
Country: American
Species: Half vampire half unknown (mom thought it best not to tell me)
Hair: Medium long and light brown with an eggplant (purpelish) glow to it when in the right lighting usually worn lose or in an interesting bun
Eyes: Depend on the angle you look at them from they change from blue to grey to green
Height: 5'8
Status: Just checked in, I´m here because I was curious what it was like plus I heard the forrests surrounding it were very pretty...
Discription:I´m quite strong, stronger then my mother (who was a 100 procent vampire and wiccan [I picked up a few tricks] she say´s I get that from my fathers side but I have no idea about who or what he was) I have a will of iron and am almost always in complete controle over myself, I refuse to show fear and only very seldom experience it, mostly stick to animal blood but when I´m with a lover I´ll take some of their blood but not enough for them to really notice it I also eat normal foods and drink normal fluids, I´m quite fond of having fun flirting nad seducing men (and sometimes women) and I love the thrill of hunting and being hunted at night... in the dark... Though I dont perticulairly like the sun it doesnt burn me it just tires me a little nor do crosses or any other of those myths work on me (again my fathers side acording to my mom)

As I walk into the hotel I look around and I see another one of my species a woman I wonder if she´s teritorial and will mind me being here? and there are two men who both have an interesting vibe around them sitting at a table drooling over the other vampire and I have to admire how she goes to work to have them drooling so fast...
Then I walk to the register and check in the young man that helps me seems quite nice though a little inexperienced, when he hands me the key he offers to carry my bag´s upstairs I´m about to say no but then realise again where I am and after taking the first steps away myself quickly walk back hoping noone noticed and accept his offer and follow him up. Once I´m in the room I have a good look around and unpack, freshen up and I get dressed in a long flowing shiny black gown that´s slightly revealing and a necklace that fits tight around my neck and has a celtic cross with colord stones in it have one last glance in the mirror decide that I look ok and go down stairs to have a drink and see if I can get to know a bit more about the people I just saw...

edited because of stupidity please ignore the post above
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Osmond Harrison - in the bar

Rhiannon and I exchanged pleasantries. As has happened before, a certain electricity seemed to be in the air, as if a lightning storm were raging.

I ask if she would like to join us for a drink, pointing out my new companion, whom I will introduce her too. She nods her consent and I take her hand, note a small tremble, and lead her to the lounge.

"Mr Ramius, Mr. Daren Ramius. Allow me the pleasure to introduce you to my dear acquaintance, Miss Rhiannon Petrova."

Daren takes Rhiannon's hand, bows and kisses it as he expounds his pleasure at meeting her. Again, this fellows demeanor puzzles me. Much as had been when I first noticed his entrance and observation of the couple, of the woman checking in, his gaze upon Rhiannon, it was that of a rogue! a rake! A wolf, I believe is the vernacular for this type of behavior towards a woman. Strangely, Rhiannon didn't seem to notice. I remind myself to ask her about this later.

We sit and I ask the waiter to bring Rhiannon a glass of wine and another for Mr. Ramius. I order another bourbon and branch water for myself, never having been one to enjoy wine without an accompanying meal.

As we got to know one another, I slowly become aware of another young woman in the lounge. My god!! Dressed most peculiarly for a woman. Perhaps she intends to go out on a night ride, the moon is quite bright, waxing as it is. But still, and then I realize, her hair.... seems to be..... Yes! Purple!!

It is then I realize that while first talking to Rhiannon, I had subconsciously noticed this strange woman when she had first checked in. She created quite the stir when she checked in. I do believe she took her luggage up to her room herself!

It became clear to Rhiannon and Daren that I had become distracted. I think the woman herself noticed me...., well, to put it bluntly, I was staring!
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Daren Ramius - in the bar

"Rhiannon!" I thought loudly in my head. A name that truly belongs to this woman. But as I kissed her hand I smelled something...different. Usually when I would kiss a ladies hand I can smell the blood lying beneath, a bit of a copperish scent at best, but her blood smelled...different. I paused for a moment, gazing once again into her entrapping eyes.

I exchanged pleasantries with her and then continued on with a certain small talk, inquiring into where Mr. Harrison and she had known each other from, but they kindly avoided the topic with quaint conversation that led to other topics. Which for me was fine, for I certainly wouldn't want to discuss my past in any great detail, either.

I noticed that my new acquaintance, Mr. Harrison, was staring at an interesting young woman with purple hair. She also, like the beauty before me at the table, had something odd about her. Odd in a good way, of course. Why, Osmond seemed quite taken with her and I'd noticed he'd been staring for sometime. I looked at Rhiannon and nodded Osmonds way and we both laughed a little at him. Her laugh, like the rest of her, was captivating and gorgeous.

"Miss is indeed an absolutely gorgeous night, I was just out there myself not more than a half-hour ago. I was wondering if you would join me for a walk?" I thought to flash my yellow-green eyes at her--their hypnotic effect had worked on everyone I had ever come in contact with--but something told me to not try such things on her, or around Mr. Harrison, so I kept them their usual brown, and gave her a charming smile instead.
I walk down stairs and find myself I nice little table nearby the two men and other vamp I noticed when I walked into the hotel in order to maybe get to know them a bit better. And order myself a red wine, whilest I´m doing this I notice one of the two men looking at me so I smile friendly in his direction.....
Osmond Harrison - in the bar

"Miss Petrova" My attention returns to my companions as I hear Daren address Rhiannon.

"It is indeed an absolutely gorgeous night, I was just out there myself not more than a half-hour ago. I was wondering if you would join me for a walk?" he continues.

Normally this would rankle me. The gall, only just introduced and he is inviting her for a stroll! in the dark! Alone!! Obviously meaning to exclude me. I'm having trouble liking this fellow. A lot of natural charisma one moment, rude, self-centered behavoir the next.

On the other hand, of all my acquaintences, Rhiannon is more than amply able to take care of herself. It will be interesting to see if she accepts his offer, and if she does, if she invites me to join them. Yes, she's quite safe, Daren's grinning that grin again and I don't detect any hint of vampire fangs.

Vampire fangs? Why would I now be noticing if someone has vampire fangs? Well, Rhiannon's here. I always seem to get into trouble with vampires when Rhiannon's around.

Picking up my bourbon, waiting to hear Rhiannon's reaction to the invitation, I realize the strangely attired woman with purple hair is now looking at me! Smiling! Lovely full lips, slightly parted. Not enough to show any teeth though. Not that I would want to jump to any conclusions, but the kind of smile you usually get from a vampire.

What have I gotten myself into? Again!
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Rhiannon ~ In The Bar...

As I sit here at this table with these two enigmatic men, I see another vampiress enter the hotel and check in. She's very..... interesting looking. I don't believe I've ever encountered another of our kind that had quite her coloring... and she certainly has captured Osmonds attention... Why he's practically drooling in his bourbon at her!

And just who does Mr. Ramius think he is, or for that matter just whom does he take me for! To have the gall to ask me out for a stroll.... alone! And in the dark! Well! Turning on my coldest stare, I turn and look at Osmond and he's practically laughing into his glass at this infringement of my sensibilities! Throwing daggers at him with my eyes, I turn back to Mr. Ramius and tell him, my voice dripping venom, "Thank you, but no. Perhaps where you come from, it is permissable for single young women to go out walking alone with a gentleman, but not where I am from! Now if you'll excuse me I've had a long day, and I'm feeling a bit peaked at the moment."

"Osmond, perhaps you could walk with me to my room, I certainly wouldn't want to be accosted on my way, and I've heard that there are some strange goings on in the hotel these days. You wouldn't know anything about that would you, Mr. Ramius?"
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I see the man I smiled at respond a bit wearily and that makes me wonder maybe I didnt smile friendly enough? But he does look at me a while longer so I suppose it couldnt have been too bad and I attempt again hoping I wont seem too eager...
Then I notice the lady is watching me as well but I dont detect any hostility just curiosity so I extend my second smile to her too wondering what will happen next I sit back and take a sip of my wine.
Osmond accompanying Rhiannon

Trying to keep from laughing out loud, I stand as Rhiannon rises in mock indignation, as she gives poor Daren her iciest glare and a stinging tirade.

"Yes Rhiannon, at your service." I reply as I take her arm.

I give Daren a small nod telling him it was a pleasure to meet him, and raise my eyebrows trying to indicate that I was sorry, though I knew it was his own fault.

"Perhaps we can take breakfast together?" I ask, and Daren gives me a non-commital nod.

I was worried though, that Daren might try to take up with the other vampire. I hadn't been concerned with Rhiannon because I knew her to not be in the habit of preying on humans, though she might make an exception in Daren's case. I wondered if I should warn him but Rhiannon firmly began guiding me away. Well, if Rhiannon wasn't concerned about this new vampire I figured I needn't be either.

As we exited the lounge, I gave a nod to the purple-hair vampiress, gaining me a squeeze on the arm as Rhiannon dug her nails into me. Sigh, we'd been down this road before. I would take Rhiannon to her room, she'd invite me in, and somehow, some way, we would have a fight. Probably ending with her throwing some quasi-lethal porcelain or glass projectile at me.

I led Rhiannon through the lobby and up the stairs. Gathering stares, we do make a striking couple. And I swear I could feel two pairs of eyes burning into my back. Or at least so I imagined.

As we mounted the first flight of stairs Rhiannon began leading me, as I didn't know where her room was. We ended on the second floor, more or less, directly under my room. We came to her door as she pulled the key from the handbad around her wrist.
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Brother Sancti

Name: Brother Sancti
Gender: Male
Country: Canada, in a underground Cathedral where he was raised and trained.
Species: Human
Occupation: Cleric
Hair: Short and black. Like Keanu Reeves short.
Eyes: No pupils. Completely blue eyes. Yet, he is not blind.
Height: 6'0"
Status: Kneeling at the feet of christ at a local church, and saying his daily prayers. He is about to leave.

Info: Hes... different from most clerics.

ic: The sound of prayers echoed through the church halls. He simply knelt before the great wooden cross, as he continued to chant his prayers like a song. Ending with a amen, he stood, and turned around. He grabbed his hat from the rack near the large oak doors. The sound of the real world could be clearly heard through the these thick doors. He could make out the sounds of carriages, and shouting citizens. Pushing the doors open, he took two steps outside, before saying, "another fucking day".
Majestic, Still on the roof

I sigh......and move from my normal place of watching guests enter to more towards the center of the roof......Thinking back, I had remembered how I had come here......and why.....

It was 40 years ago, putting me today, in human standerds, in my early twenties... Anyways, I had lived outside a town a few hundred miles away with what few Gargoyles with me that could be called a 'Clan.' Eventually....the humans became spooked of the "monsters" that lived outside thier little town.....and just before nightfall they had apperently discovered my clan, as when I awoke from stone sleep, they had smashed all of the others with a large club.....they saw me awaken from my sleep and went for thier weapons, which i eventually learned were guns.....I was lucky that it was a windy night..... I was the only one who survived....I had started wandering around for several years, from place to place, after about ten years of wandering, it was close to dawn and I had to find a place to roost for the day and this Hotel was the only building in the area.....I landed on the roof and stayed the day. When I awoke, I found the hotel owner standing infront of me, he had discovered me! However, before I could flee, he spoke to me and made a bit of a deal......He would allow me to stay at the hotel as long as I kept a general eye on things and acted as a "bouncer" even though I am female..... He would also supply me with clothes, a room, and anything to that effect....he even set up a large plateform so that when I go into stone sleep when dawn comes, it looks like I was "made to be there" as he put it....

I sigh and glance around a bit....I decide to go on one last patrol before dawn, I take a running start, and spread my wings and take to the air....the wind rushing over my body as I glide along the windcurrents, some of the people already in their rooms see a dark blur pass by in the night sky....


(How's that for a charactor history? I came up with that on a whim! *Smirks*)
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Rhiannon In Room

I had hoped that I had given Mr. Ramius the cut that I felt he had so richly deserved, but I feared that he was the sort that wouldn't be swayed by the words of a 'mere' woman.

As for Osmond, he'd get a piece of my mind as soon as we were out of earshot of any other guests. The unmitigated gall of the man! Really, it was beyond the pale! To actually interact with that hussy while he was with me, the nerve! He lusts after her so badly that it makes no matter to him that I was sitting right next to him! Ooooooohhhh!

As we walked through the lobby, I took note that there were several others that had either come from their rooms or were new guests. It was rather hard to tell as they all seemed to be loitering around the front desk... The strangeness of this scenario would come to me much later in the evening, but I was just too furious for it to sink in at the moment.

As we approached my room, I reached for my key from my reticule and turned to smile sweetly at Osmond, asking him in for a bit of catching up, he never suspected that behind that sweet smile was a mouth full of venom.

He took the key from my hand and opening the door, he ushered me in. Almost before he had the door shut I had rounded on him and brought my hand up to lay a slap across his cheek that would show bright red for a week at least, I hoped. I launched into a tirade at the same moment telling him exactly what I thought of the way he had treated me, and why in heaven's name hadn't he said something to that cad for asking me out for a stroll all alone and at night to boot!

"What had happened to that fine art of chivalry, was it a thing of the past as I had heard? I had thought that you were more of a gentleman than that! Or perhaps you thought that I *was* the type of woman that would be seen strolling alone with a man?"

And then there was that purple haired trollop that he was flirting with! And in my very presence! Had he no couth? If that's the type of woman he was interested in, well then she must herself re-evaluate her taste in men!
And on and on...
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I notice that neither the man or the other lady respond well to my smile in fact I think I do detect some hostility from her and the man seems a bit weary but for whom? me or the other I wonder to myself. Whilest I´m thinking this over I see her react a bit madly to the second man at the table and she and the first man walk upstairs I wonder if perhaps they are a couple or if he was just being a gentleman or if there is something going on beneath the outerlayer of manners that I have no idea about? Ah well I suppose I´ll find that out later perhaps for now I´ll just stay seated here and watch as more people walk in the hotel
Brother Sancti

He made his way towards the Knight hotel. He took his time as he walked, looking a tall building, and glancing at nearby shops. The streets had a nice sparse population of people. Not too little, and not too many. It was a typical small street.
He was going to the hotel for more than just a nights stay. He had recieved messages from holy spirits telling him that something evil was amidst the Knight hotel, although he is not sure what. It may be a great demon, or something more sinister. Missions like these always had there twists and turns.
All he knew was that there was something very evil and bad that was going to happen. Something that was so bad, that it was evil. An evil beyond all the badness of evil. In fact, screw bad! Whatever was going to happen there, was going to be so very, very EVIL, that it was beyond evil. In fact, it was so bad and evil, that it deserved a new name... like ba-vil. Yes, thats the word. It was going to be very ba-vil.

ooc: forgive Brother Sancti. His mind tends to wander now and then.
Osmond in Rhiannon's room

Rhiannon must be in high spirit. No sooner do I escort her into her room than she begins a tirade. We've been here before, fighting with each other, but usually not so quickly. As if her patience with me has worn thin.

The difference this time is the slap. She raises her hand to slap me across the face and, well I can't help it, my reflex takes over and I stop her from slapping me. I think I could have restrained myself and taken the slap if she had been a human woman, but she's not, Rhiannon is a vampire and I've fought far too many vampires to not instinctively react.

I stop her hand, in mid-air. And Rhiannon's eyes grow wide. I push her further into the room, away from the open door. And then I shut it. The same way, all with my mind. I think that's when the realization hit Rhiannon. In a flash she understands how I have been able to fight and defeat vampires in the past, despite their superior physical strength and speed.

Rhiannon's eyes flash rage, but I don't let her move. I smile at her. Into her deep blue eyes. Trying to get her attention, to get her vampire fury under control.

"Rhiannon, listen. Listen to me!" She continues to struggle but to no avail. When she had calms a bit, I continue.

"Now that you know my little secret...." Well that starts another spat of invectives.....

"I couldn't tell you before, a secret shared is no secret at all. You're all too familiar with the hypnotic powers of vampires. Even among yourselves, you can penetrate each others' secrets. And going forward, we'll have to figure out a way to keep this particular secret from our mutual foes."

As Rhiannon calms down and listens to my words, the rage in her eyes changes. Changes from fiery to.... let's call it smoldering.

"You know I've always been attracted to you and, I think likewise, you to me."

"But then why..." she begins.

"I discovered my abilities with the onset of puberty, Rhiannon. You can't imagine what it was like. Always having to keep myself under tight control. Even when I'm with a woman. Especially when I'm with a woman. Always, under tight control."

"That's why I've always held myself back, from having a relationship with you that was more than, well, what it's been."

"But now that you know...... well...." I smiled at her.

And her eyes grew wide and round as she felt it. Felt my power! I release her hand, and start unbuttoning her waistcoat, and slide tendrils of wispy presence up the backs of her legs. My smile turns to a grin as I step forward to within her reach.

She slowly lowers her hand, still upraised from her initial attempt to slap me, brought it to my chin, and pulls me towards her for our first kiss. I could feel her heat. Different than a woman's kiss; headier. A vampire's kiss.

As our lips part, so does her waistcoat, her blouse, and her camisole, for I hadn't stopped unbuttoning her during the kiss. That's the part I can't control when my passion is inflamed.

I'd seen Rhiannon naked before. We'd fought other vampires together and when vampires fight each other, well it's hard on the neighborhood. Stuff gets ruined.

But this is different. Oh yes, this is definitely different.
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