Creativity Prt(6)


The Usual.
Feb 25, 2010
That had to be a giant pain in the ass to keep from breaking at some point before/during firing.
I've seen that before. That totally freaks me out. what if she snags a ribbon and it rips a loop out of her back. Ouch!
how much would you charge? me, i would be cheap but not too cheap. that brings more customers if you do it that way.
Oh, you're talking about the piercing? I thought you were talking the workdhop's decor. I'd charge by hole pierced.
(15$ per set is standard in any tattoo parlor.)

Stupidly done! She is going to pull all of those rings out of her back and up with a series of scars. You can already see that. The pull on the rings is too much.

For anyone interested in corset piercing, the best and more expensive and long term way to go is to actually have bases for the rings inserted into your back (I cannot find the information I read about this in the past unfortunately) and then hang the rings off them. Bad bit there is you permanently have 2 rows of metal lumps sticking out of your back.

Basically, corset piercings = stupid