Creamy, frothy pussy


Seraphically Disinclined
Jul 29, 2000
I like Lasher's av. He's sweet and adorable. So is Aiko, when she shows up ever once is ever so long.

So I'm unimaginative. Sue me.
LovetoGiveRoses said:
And I thought this was going to be a thread about rabies.

You cruel bastard!

I was hoping for a simple Killer Canestan story with maybe a sidetrip to the Menstrual Hut.
Okay, I can see calling the avatar creamy but frothy? Frothy?
You were stretching more than a bit there.
Oscar is the coolest cat at lit. lol I love the facial expressions in his pics.

His current battle for control of Lasher's keyboard is making conversation difficult though. lol
KillerMuffin said:
I like Lasher's av. He's sweet and adorable.

Oscar says thank you.

He's actually sitting here reading this. He's trying to take control of my desktop and succeeding. He's nearly got the keyboard pushed all the way into my lap.

It used to be cute when he was a kitten and did this - but he does weigh over 20lbs now...
I think Oscar looks like the softest kitty hellion ever. :)

I love that avatar, Lasher.
I know Cheyenne, there's nothing like taking a nice swig of kitten on a nippy 'tober morn.

Just oh good gawd.

Main Entry: frothy
Pronunciation: 'fro-thE, -[th]E
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): froth·i·er; -est
Date: 15th century
1 : full of or consisting of froth
2 a : gaily frivolous or light in content or treatment : INSUBSTANTIAL <a frothy comedy> b : made of light thin material
- froth·i·ly /-th&-lE, -[th]&-/ adverb
- froth·i·ness /-thE-n&s, -[th]E-/ noun
KillerMuffin said:
I like Lasher's av. He's sweet and adorable. So is Aiko, when she shows up ever once is ever so long.

So I'm unimaginative. Sue me.


Hmmm... sounds like that would be good with biscotti.
I'm sorry KM. The judges say 'nay'.

You can't fight the system babe.
KillerMuffin said:
I like Lasher's av. He's sweet and adorable. So is Aiko, when she shows up ever once is ever so long.

So I'm unimaginative. Sue me.

What....NO visual pics Killer???? Damnit!