Crazy Lawsuit


Licker of Boxes
Apr 5, 2003
Did you ever hear of a crazier lawsuit than this one?

Lawyer Files Suit Blaming Israel for Jesus' Crucifixion

An attorney has taken "frivolous lawsuit" to a new level by filing a petition with the International Court of Justice saying the state of Israel should be held responsible for Christ's death.

Dola Indidis, a lawyer in Kenya and former spokesman for the Kenyan Judiciary, claims the trial and crucifixion of Jesus Christ was unlawful. In addition to Israel, he names as defendants Tiberius, who was emperor of Rome at the time of the crucifixion, Pontius Pilate, King Herod, several Jewish elders, and the Republic of Italy.

"I filed the case because it's my duty to uphold the dignity of Jesus and I have gone to the ICJ to seek justice for the man from Nazareth," Indidis told the Nairobian, a Kenyan news outlet.

"His selective and malicious prosecution violated his human rights through judicial misconduct, abuse of office, and prejudice."

While the individuals named in the petition have been dead for 2000 years, "Indidis insists the government for whom they acted can and should still be held responsible," according to the Jerusalem Post.

Indidis hopes the court in The Hague decides "that the proceedings before the Roman courts were a nullity in law," he told the Kenyan website Standard Media.

"Some of those present spat in his face, struck him with their fists, slapped him, taunted him, and pronounced him worthy of death.

"I am suing as a friend."

The attorney first filed his case in the High Court in Kenya, but it was rejected. He then applied to have it heard at the ICJ.

He asserts that his case has a "high probability of success."

But a spokesperson from the ICJ told the website Legal Cheek: "The ICJ has no jurisdiction for such a case. It is not even theoretically possible for us to consider this case."
It is taught that the Nazarene's sacrifice is the centerpiece of God's plan of reconciling fallen man to Himself..., why is not the Kenya bozo suing Him?
They should sue for actual damages plus pain and suffering and then hold the award in escrow for whenever he comes back.
Suing over a fairy tale is kinda funny. What's next? Maybe we can sue Spongebob Squarepants for his lack of fashion sense.
It is taught that the Nazarene's sacrifice is the centerpiece of God's plan of reconciling fallen man to Himself..., why is not the Kenya bozo suing Him?
They should sue whoever is teaching that story to children.

God made humans imperfect, so we must take the most nearly perfect example of human and kill him to make God happy. It's idiotic.
They should sue whoever is teaching that story to children.

God made humans imperfect, so we must take the most nearly perfect example of human and kill him to make God happy. It's idiotic.

If anyone knows "idiotic", playdeau...