
Heat. If you've got a heating pad, it rocks. If not, use a wet washcloth and the microwave (be smart about it).
No hot water bottle but I do have a heating pad. I'll try that. My pain meds aren't working well.

It always helps if I lie down on a towel that has been heated a little and folded. Lie down so that it is right under your tummy. Then a nice massage in your lower back...HEAVEN.


I'm a human fly
and I don't know why,
I say buzz buzz buzz
and it's just because

I'm a human fly...

I bought these today.. they work great.. but are a tad spendy. Thank god they last 12 hours.
antiinflammatories are your best bet motrin aleive etc...heat is good....if they are severe then perhaps a mild narcotic like darvocet or vicodin could be prescribed by your doc...

nutritionally vit b6 magnesium and calcium supplements may help as well
I'm thinking the only relief from cramps I'll ever get.. is if I get a hysterectomy. :)

I'm about to die.. the heat helps reduce them.. but the cramps are still killing me.
A Desert Rose said:
PB? How old are you that you need to be asking this question now?

You question is phrased a bit bitchy.

I have tried the remedies that usually work in the past and none are working. So, I was merely asking if anyone had other ideas. Instead of listing what I had already tried, I used a generic title header.

Oh but I forgot, you know everything and can't possibly think that there are things you haven't heard of yet. <--- that is a bitchy response back.
PacificBlue said:
You question is phrased a bit bitchy.

I have tried the remedies that usually work in the past and none are working. So, I was merely asking if anyone had other ideas. Instead of listing what I had already tried, I used a generic title header.

Oh but I forgot, you know everything and can't possibly think that there are things you haven't heard of yet. <--- that is a bitchy response back.

I agree. As a husband of over 20 years of wife who has periodically experienced severe cramps (bad enough to be disabling), I can attest that sometimes none of the usual remedies work (and wife works in the medical field). Aside from her being sick with flu or something (never experienced childbirth with her, so that doesn't count), I have never felt so much sympathy for her as when she is cramping really badly.

What works best for her is a hot bath with the water as hot as bearable. Sometimes crunching on ice chips helps; sometimes warm tea...but the hot bath is a standby that always seems to work better than anything else. It also helps if I sit by the tub and let her squeeze my hand as hard as she wants.

Any man who can witness this and not have increased empathy and respect for his wife/girlfriend is not much of a man. If this happened to males every month, we would be howling for hysterectomies!

P.S. I am reading this thread to get any new tips to pass along.
I'm lucky in that the Aleve always works for me.

I don't understand ADR's question either. Maybe she needs some pills too. ;)
Hot Tea , is supposed to ease the cramps. My other responce is eat lots of chocolate;)