crackheads post here

I think of you as self-basting.

I post and you roast in your own juices.

luk is more like popcorn.

Click on Post and he jumps around and makes a bunch of noise for a minute.
Yep a series of small gaseous explosions propelling each and every bounce he takes off the wall.
The reason I'm picking on you, is because I think you got adrina wrong.

I started being just as prejudiced against her.
What she does wrong, is she assumes we all know what she's referring to. So because of those implicit assumptions, her posts look coo coo carzy. But once you clear up those misundersandings, she makes a lot of sense.
I learned far more from her, philosophically speaking, than from you (in your trolling mode, otherwise you;re great ) butters and ill74.
I think Adrina is stuck on the erroneous legal logic behind the now struck-down Roe v Wade.

Therefore, everything she says on the topic is irrevokably and fatally flawed.

Plus, her name calling in defence of a position that can’t be defended is low-rent luk-grade nonsense.

As for you, you blow whichever way you think will cause what little drama you can muster, which has a certain naive charm, but no relevance to the core issue.

Thanks for checking in; unlike:

philthy phil

(who tucked tail, ran away, checked out like the cowards they are when they realized they’d been well and truly owned)

you’re here, and there’s honour in that, a quality the others will never possess.

I don't mind Luk or PhilthyPhil. (whoever's alt Philthy is, Rob or Luk)
they're assholes and spammers, but they have a good sense of humor and occ. wit, and often make one laugh.

But ill74 started infuriating the fuck out of me lately.
He sees himself as witty, so he spams & tries to destroy threads with the most inane, meaningless boring shit.
And butters' constant admiration and likes only inflate his self-love.

I'm not trying to put him down, he's an intelligent poster.
But his spamming annoys the crap out of me.
I have lost a child during pregnancy and why I am against abortion. In terms of rape, incest or endangering the mothers life; of course not; most sane people are not against that. Its no longer an argument pro-choicers can even use.

I will always wonder what my child might have been as time passes on, and I know many of the 62 million people who have gotten abortions have wondered the same thing. It is too bad for people to willingly do this to themselves without realizing the repercussions down the road.

That is also with the understanding that so many potential nurses, lawyers, doctors, and artists have perished from the inconvenience of having a child.

As a farmer, I have had to put down a lot of animals, and I never take killing anything lightly. I know when it has to be done, and do it reluctantly. No one understands the circle of life more than me, but you try everything else first. In fifty years we are going to look back at abortion just as we do slavery and ask ourselves, "How could anyone have ever thought that was okay"?
I have lost a child during pregnancy and why I am against abortion. In terms of rape, incest or endangering the mothers life; of course not; most sane people are not against that. Its no longer an argument pro-choicers can even use.

I will always wonder what my child might have been as time passes on, and I know many of the 62 million people who have gotten abortions have wondered the same thing. It is too bad for people to willingly do this to themselves without realizing the repercussions down the road.

That is also with the understanding that so many potential nurses, lawyers, doctors, and artists have perished from the inconvenience of having a child.

As a farmer, I have had to put down a lot of animals, and I never take killing anything lightly. I know when it has to be done, and do it reluctantly. No one understands the circle of life more than me, but you try everything else first. In fifty years we are going to look back at abortion just as we do slavery and ask ourselves, "How could anyone have ever thought that was okay"?
Sounds like that kid dodged a bullet. Lucky kid.
Butters and Adrina have been slamming men in general as control freaks and monsters about their views on abortions… even if thise men have never said the things they are accused of.

They keep talking about rape babies, ectopic pregnancies and carrying dead babies to term as outrage triggers.

Isn’t what they are doing just revenge porn using a different emotional trigger?
Since you have never started a thread about abortions and never post about it, you should definitely be in charge of the Abortion Positing Police.
He recently learned about the edit feature and now thinks he's clever.

A small victory for a small man.
It seems to be a desperate ploy to keep his post count down to not look like he's here as much as he is.
I'm not beneath thanking all of the little people who contributed heavily to the resounding success of that thread, so, thank you 😉