Cowardly Racist at our Workplace


"Simply.....the best"
Jul 25, 2000
Earlier this week when I got to work, we were all called to a meeting with the shop supervisor. He gave us the grim news about the tragic death of one of my coworkers. The guy was only 22 years old when he had gotten into a fatal auto accident. What's more sad is that he had only been back to work for about 2 months after a long work injury.

Let me be upfront to explain that alot of us, myself included, often complained of his laziness and how he would go out of his way to avoid work. We even tried to convince him to put some effort into his job because another shop supervisor wanted to get him fired. However, he was a pretty cool guy and everyone pretty much got along with him.

Needless to say, we were all stunned to hear of his death and how graphic the accident was. To show our respect, many of us wrote our thoughts on his locker, which is very near mine. All seemed well at the time.

But I got to work Thursday night and noticed his locker covered with plastic and duct tape. I laughed and told some coworkers in the locker room with me that it looks like a police crime scene. One of my coworkers replied, "It is". Then he proceeded to show me what was written on the guy's locker recently. Some asshole wrote directly under the guy's name, "Finally got rid of your black n_gar ass." Yeah, that's right. Not only is there a racist at our job but he's illiterate as well.

I can't tell you how uncomfortable it has made the entire workplace at my job. Currently, we have a few guys under our suspicion of it. But for now, we are only concentrating on arranging a collection for the guy's family.
Isn't "cowardly racist" redundant? And why is it surprising that he would be illiterate?
That's kind of low, but apparently, the person who did it knows he's wrong, or he would have told everyone else of his handywork. It's easy to hide behind anonimity and say that stuff, but to bring it out in the open is another thing.

btw, when will you be writing more stories, I them.
Thrillhouse said:
Isn't "cowardly racist" redundant? And why is it surprising that he would be illiterate?

You got a point there, Thrillhouse.
Aren't most racists illiterate? LOL

EVE: You've hit the nail on the head. One of our leaders say that he's going to open up eventually because that's the only way he can get a "high five" from his buddies. That is, the person whom we suspect.

As for my stories, I'm currently working on a couple of ideas as we speak. My only problem is that I've had writer's block for a year now.
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So low, so low. :(
Hope they find and fire their @ss quicker than they could say redundant.

It must be so uncomfortable not knowing. (hug)
GuyJD said:

But I got to work Thursday night and noticed his locker covered with plastic and duct tape. I laughed and told some coworkers in the locker room with me that it looks like a police crime scene. One of my coworkers replied, "It is". Then he proceeded to show me what was written on the guy's locker recently. Some asshole wrote directly under the guy's name, "Finally got rid of your black n_gar ass." Yeah, that's right. Not only is there a racist at our job but he's illiterate as well.


I'm sorry you're having to deal with that idiot, GuyJD. It's unfortunate that this coward chose this time to make his feelings about your co-worker known but it doesn't surprise me. You and the other decent people you work with just concentrate on doing what you can for this guy's family. Even if he's not taken care of through your managers, he will have to answer for his cowardly actions eventually.


:kiss: :rose:
Mona said:
So low, so low. :(
Hope they find and fire their @ss quicker than they could say redundant.

It must be so uncomfortable not knowing. (hug)

That's what pisses us off the most. If it is who we think, that SOB always get away with the low down shit that he does. As if the company is scared of him.
That's messed up. Are they related to mgmt. or something?
Employment suicide by stupidity...

The lunkhead just lost his job when he's found out, rightfully so.
All employers have a "no tolerance" policy, and by agreeing to work for said employer, you agree with that code. He violated that contract, and should be terminated as soon as he's discovered.
They are a dying breed, and hopefully at least unemployed.
Mona said:
That's messed up. Are they related to mgmt. or something?

Ironically, he's the son of a supervisor but not at our shop. I believe in another field but same company.

I am shocked and bewildered, ya'll.

Of course, many of us at work had individual suspects of the incident. My brother, who works with me, had suspected a white guy whom I totally eliminated as a suspect and I explained to him the reason. The fact is, the guy's locker is too far from his in order for him to take that kind of chance of getting caught.

I suspected another white guy merely because he had made a racial comment of the deceased employee a week prior to the accident. I found that strange because I am also Africa-American. But my suspicion was changed when another coworker suggested a Filopino coworker because he disliked the guy. I remembered that the Filopino guy's locker was closer and alot of us have often complained of his attitude with others.

Well, to my surprise, when I got to work Sunday night I was told that the white guy who made the racial remark was suspended and escorted off of the property until further investigation is completed.

It just goes to show you that you have no idea of the masks that hide the people with whom you work.:confused:
I hate racist people. I once played on a hockey team with a racist player...he even had the balls to put a swastika on his jock. A year later, after I was traded, we played my old team. I picked a fight with him and destroyed him...he needed cosmetic surgery after that. I'm not saying I'm proud of that--if I could, I'd take it back (not the beating, but the severity of it), but it felt good to know that he got the message.

If I worked where you worked, and I found out who did that...I'd probably do it again. And I wouldn't have to worry about finding out that it's a friend of mine, 'cause we have almost every race represented in my group of friends.
KookyDooky said:

If I worked where you worked, and I found out who did that...I'd probably do it again. And I wouldn't have to worry about finding out that it's a friend of mine, 'cause we have almost every race represented in my group of friends.

Same here, KD. There is, basically, every race and nationality working at my job. In fact, Caucasian is a minority there. That is certainly not a place where one would want to protray themself as a racist. Afterall, they're too outnumbered.