Couple of questions?


Aug 24, 2008
I've yet to submit any story, and I'm already a little confused.

Has anyone written a story that's hard to categorize within the genres offered here? The story I am writing involves some degree of multiple genres, it is interracial, while at the same time (sort of) S&M focused, but somewhat "Non-concent" oriented, and also specific to mostly one particular fetish. It is also not an all sex, all the time, kind of story. As you can see, it's very cross-genre, so it's hard to know what to label it.

What do you do when you have a square story they're asking you to fit into a round peg?

My second question is two parts, is there a limit to the length of a story? Do readers here actually read/enjoy lengthy stories? It seems like most stories here are only a couple pages in length.
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I'd say whatever the primary theme in your work is, go with that. If it's more non-con than BDSM, for example, you should probably put it in non-con. Others will have more input, but there's a bit of an informal hierarchy, it seems in terms of story categories. But you do have to choose a category, and only one. You can use tags as well, when you submit the story, to help it show up on searches.

Length varies. There is no maximum length, but there is a minimum length of 750 words.

For the second question, about readers, that's almost impossible to answer. Some people will read long stories, some will not. It depends on too many factors to give one answer. A very general guideline would probably be that if your story interests the readers, they will finish it, regardless of length.
As for where to put it it's mostly what is the prevailing factor to it? I mean you mention interracial, is a black guy doing a white girl, or whatever version of interracial you have, through the whole story? If yes than it is interracial. BDSM as near as I can tell is only done when it's all there is, if the girl calls the guy master throughout and all refferals to master are in capitals than it's BDSM. If you only once say, tie her up and have sex it's not for that section.

There is only one story section that overrules all others, incest. I mean just one instance of daddy getting a blowjob from his kid and you are in incest. If it's just one instance best to rewrite so there's lots they are a little odd in that section. :rolleyes:

As for how long, that is a personal question, you are the one writing the story, if you think it's good at 750 words, then post it. If you think you need a million words, then post it. Some won't read War & Peace but many will, besides the posting a story to this place is something for you. If you want others to have a chance at reading it post away. If you don't want people to read it don't post it. Though I'm pretty sure some would want to read it anyway. There's all kinds here and some are real perverts. :D
If you plan to break the story in chapters (and submit them as a series) you have the option of posting each chapter into whatever category that suits them. That's what I've done to my story and others have done that as well. There are pros and cons about doing it that way, but it's available to you. Also consider if the stories are appropriate for the Novels and Novellas category since that can be a little generalized.
I would recommend including a short note at the beginning of your story briefly describing some of the themes involved. That way, regardless of which category your story ends up in, your readers will have a good idea of what to expect and won't be surprised.

If you'd rather not categorize your story as one thing over another, I think dawei's "Novels and Novellas" suggestion is a good one to consider.
Dawei's suggestion is a good one, and one that I've used with most of my stories. It depends on how long your story is. Mine have always been multi-chapter stories, and they are not themed to a particular category/fetish/orientation/practice. So I've usually submitted chapters in different categories depending on where the story is in that chapter.

I don't know how long your story is (as to whether or not multiple chapters would be possible or appropriate). I've submitted stories from five chapters to thirty-one chapters, and I've always made it a priority to bring in chapters at between one full to two full Literotica pages (a Literotica full page - in the form the story actually appears on the site - is about 3700 words).

Every reader is different. Some like shorter stories, some like longer stories. Because I write longer stories I tend to attract the readers who like a continuing story.

One thing - if you're submitting a multi-chapter story I've found it best to submit a chapter, then wait the few days it takes for the chapter to go through the process and post, make sure the chapter is posted entirely and correctly, and then submit the next chapter.