Cosplay favorites & stories


Kink Lord
Apr 9, 2015
Do you like cosplay? Has it been a feature of any of your stories? Are there particular cosplay characters that appeal to you?

The cosplay phenomenon fascinates me. I'm on the old side to appreciate it, and I've never been to a cosplay convention or anything like that, but I'm enough of a sci fi fan and nerd to enjoy it, especially when it concerns characters that I encountered when I was young. Like the Princess Leia bikini outfit in Return of the Jedi. Or Jessica 6 in Logan's Run (I think I discovered my sexuality when I saw that movie when it came out).

I'm working on a story that involves some Star Trek cosplay, because I'm a big Star Trek fan. I won't say what character, because I want to keep it a secret until the story is published.

The character that most fascinates me is Velma from Scooby Doo, because she was the nerdy one next to the much hotter Daphne in the original cartoon, but it seems like Velma cosplay is much more popular than Daphne cosplay. At the time, way back when, there was nothing sexy about her. But she's been reclaimed from the past to be a staple of sexy cosplay fantasy. It's interesting.
I like cosplay in stories because it instantly plants a specific image in the reader’s mind. We all know what Batman looks like. In one story I had characters in Tarzan and Princess Leia bikini outfits because those sexy pop culture references are useful shorthand. Another character in the same story wore a Cleopatra costume but that required more description because it’s not as definitive an image.
I did a bit of cosplay… before anyone called it cosplay. It was SCA. But that was a long time ago (decades). Just as I started, I relocated cross-country, and in the churn never picked it up again. Still have the sword, but the clothes are long gone.

I follow a few cosplayers on IG, not because I’m a dirty old man, but… uh… anyway. I’ve had plenty of ‘costumes’ in stories, but always for Halloween. Although, ironically, mostly as parts of other stories and not for the Halloween contest. Demons, angels and Dr. Who (Tracy likes to dress as Sarah Jane Smith) are some repeated ones. I’ve never thought about a ‘cosplay’ story, though.

The character that most fascinates me is Velma from Scooby Doo, because she was the nerdy one next to the much hotter Daphne in the original cartoon, but it seems like Velma cosplay is much more popular than Daphne cosplay. At the time, way back when, there was nothing sexy about her. But she's been reclaimed from the past to be a staple of sexy cosplay fantasy. It's interesting.
I think it isn't that surprising. Cosplayers are nerds after all, and somewhat unconventional (going to conventions doesn't count) so that Velma is more popular than the more conventionally pretty Daphne in terms of cosplay can be expected.
And maybe since Velma at the base is a bit frumpy it's also easier to make her a bit more attractive, even for an average-looking cosplayer. While with Daphne you need already to have the good looks to pull it off.

ETA: Maybe also because Velma as a character is more interesting.

Of course, just my opinion, which is worth what you just paid for it.
I love cosplay and cosplayers are great. In stories I think it could be fun. I’ve never wrote about cosplay or characters that would be fun to cosplay as. It’s rare when I get to online roleplay with someone in one of those cosplay characters but it’s always fun when it happens.
Cosplay features sometimes in the Alexaverse (there a whole arc dedicated to it when the crew goes to a NerdCon). One of the girls is a closet furry. 🤣

I guess in Time Rider it's kind of a default, since they need to dress up in period clothing when visiting different eras. It often feels like they're cosplaying, which is amusing.
I think it isn't that surprising. Cosplayers are nerds after all, and somewhat unconventional (going to conventions doesn't count) so that Velma is more popular than the more conventionally pretty Daphne in terms of cosplay can be expected.
And maybe since Velma at the base is a bit frumpy it's also easier to make her a bit more attractive, even for an average-looking cosplayer. While with Daphne you need already to have the good looks to pull it off.

ETA: Maybe also because Velma as a character is more interesting.

Of course, just my opinion, which is worth what you just paid for it.

These are all good explanations, and some hadn't really occurred to me. Another, I think, is a cultural shift. The rise of technology as an economic and cultural force has created a new "nerd is cool/sexy" perspective, and Velma embodies that.
I went to a Con with a group of friends a while back. One of the "friends" was friends of my friend, that I vaguely know through him. The girlfriend dressed as gender-bent Robin and her boyfriend as Batman. God damn was that a painful ninety minute van ride there, several hours at the con, and back. She was... Let's just say she checked almost all the boxes of my "type". Sweet nerdy gal with some BIG tits. Somehow he was able to be really rude and inconsiderate of her, like she was annoying him by being around. I had to tell myself to take breaks from talking to her, her little voice was about all I wanted to hear. Not surprisingly soon after he broke up with her, and the girl he showed up to a party with (Seems to like much more.) is bafflingly boring. At some point Robin Cosplayer going to end up in a story. Probably the whole situation will.

So yeah... I like Cosplay, I don't really do it myself that often. Except my Halloween costumes tend not to be "Cheap disposable store bought" stuff and more like items I put together and bring back every couple of years.
Never used it in a story, but I set up at comic cons all the time so I enjoy watching all the women in their often times sexy cos play outfits. Its become a legit fetish with not just porn parodies of some of the characters, but there's a lot of women on only Fans and Patreon type platforms making bank on it.

The Batman female characters seem to be the most popular, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, Cat woman. As someone above mentioned I've seem some good Rogues out there, and of course the OG of women super heroes Wonder Woman.

I have two models that go to cons with me cos playing as characters from my novels. "Bad Kitty" a serial killer and Abigail the witch. They bring a lot more traffic to the table than my ugly ass.

My wife has dressed up with me at the shows and...well, seeing this is an erotica site I can say the costume stays on for later, and I always wonder if that's the case for all the couples I see at the show...hard to think anyone would waste that chance.

My favorite is Zatanna (top hat fish nets...yup) and Raven from Teen Titans.

This is a picture of my wife from a couple years back as Jack Skellington
In the UK where a 'costume party' is a 'fancy dress party', there's a distinction between fancy dress (ie costumes), and cosplay, aka 'taking fancy dress way too bloody seriously'. Acting in character is one thing, getting pissy at people who don't treat you as the character is another. I'm well up for the former, not the latter.

My story 'Homesick Halloween' (Romance) has an American guy in London whose housemates try to cheer him up with a Halloween party. Only it's all different - Brits only wear scary costumes, if any. He makes a toga and confuses them all.
Last year's comic con with my cos play girls. The woman on my left is model Sara Pain (posting her name stage name with permission) Simon may want to look her up on Instagram, she has a great shoot as Daphne, and I think Velma as well.

Last year's comic con with my cos play girls. The woman on my left is model Sara Pain (posting her name stage name with permission) Simon may want to look her up on Instagram, she has a great shoot as Daphne, and I think Velma as well.

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Lovecraft... This makes me happy bud. You're out there doing your thing like a boss. Getting paid.
Do you like cosplay? Has it been a feature of any of your stories? Are there particular cosplay characters that appeal to you?

The cosplay phenomenon fascinates me. I'm on the old side to appreciate it, and I've never been to a cosplay convention or anything like that, but I'm enough of a sci fi fan and nerd to enjoy it, especially when it concerns characters that I encountered when I was young. Like the Princess Leia bikini outfit in Return of the Jedi. Or Jessica 6 in Logan's Run (I think I discovered my sexuality when I saw that movie when it came out).

I'm working on a story that involves some Star Trek cosplay, because I'm a big Star Trek fan. I won't say what character, because I want to keep it a secret until the story is published.

The character that most fascinates me is Velma from Scooby Doo, because she was the nerdy one next to the much hotter Daphne in the original cartoon, but it seems like Velma cosplay is much more popular than Daphne cosplay. At the time, way back when, there was nothing sexy about her. But she's been reclaimed from the past to be a staple of sexy cosplay fantasy. It's interesting.
Love it. It was so fun and I get upset that I'm aging out of the hobby.

(Velma is awesome, Daphne is eye-candy and useless even tho the purple is rather sexy)
My favorite cosplay character is Rogue from X-men. I've never dressed up as her, but I should one year, lol.

Most of my costumes are original characters rather than cosplay of popular ones. People can be really bitchy about perfection of the characters rather than giving leeway for creativity.

Some of my favorite cosplays other people do are usually gender bent characters, so female joker and male sailor moon type of things. I like the creative aspect of taking a character and making it your own in some way. It's easy but expensive to perfectly recreate an established character. Doing your own twist on it, though? That's fun.
Rogue is amazing. All outfit orders for her have been fails sadly, but yeah, there can be a lot of judgement if you are perceived as not trying.

Nichameleon on insta does a fantastic female joker! omg.
I'll be using it in my entry for the Nerd challenge. I'll be looking into it on Reddit, strictly for research purposes you understand. Lets see now, searching posts with Busty Cosplay MILF.