

Literotica Guru
Feb 14, 2013
The first time I was corseted was in a store in Washington D.C. called Dream Dresser. (They've since closed but I think there is one still open in L.A. or not based on the Bing results). The saleswoman was very comfortable with crossdressers. Considering how fetish the store was, that was a major part of their clientele. She stripped me to my panties, garter belt, stockings and I slipped on heels. She tried a couple different corsets on me until there was one that was long enough in design to flatter my long torso. She showed me how to lace it and put it on myself.

I'd never experienced anything like how it felt the first time she really brought it in tight. Not only did I suddenly have an hourglass figure, but I felt my insides move in a rather pleasing way. Once the right corset was found, I tried on a few sissy dresses which suddenly looked damn hot on me with the right curves to follow. Made my credit card scream on that visit.

What have your corset experiences been?
Unfortunately I am still looking for that perfect corset. I have several but none of them fit the way I need them to. We don't have stores like that where I am that I have found. I have tried buying some online but without being able to try them on first it just ends in disappointment.