Copyrighted images: Discussion


Biker Chick
Jun 30, 2001
I removed the photos in question. Sorry! I did it a couple of days ago and should have posted about it.
MissTaken said:
I removed the photos in question. Sorry! I did it a couple of days ago and should have posted about it.

Shame on you sweetie ;)
Sorry if I am out of place being a new poster here, but I have seen several people "restate" the "rules" of Lit in several areas of this site. Obviously not all of them were Moderators. What difference would it make if a person was reminding others of the rules even if they didn't moderate a certain board? According to the main page of the BB, Blessed is a Mod. Even if she moderates another board, she obviously knows Lit's rules.

Anyway, I think I am rambling on now. I am sorry. I just don't understand the snide comment towards someone who was reminding people of rules. That's all.
EnigmaMe said:
Sorry if I am out of place being a new poster here, but I have seen several people "restate" the "rules" of Lit in several areas of this site. Obviously not all of them were Moderators. What difference would it make if a person was reminding others of the rules even if they didn't moderate a certain board? According to the main page of the BB, Blessed is a Mod. Even if she moderates another board, she obviously knows Lit's rules.

Anyway, I think I am rambling on now. I am sorry. I just don't understand the snide comment towards someone who was reminding people of rules. That's all.

Your comments are well taken, and we all appreciate that someone would notify users of the rules of Lit. However, if you keep hearing a whisle blown, it becomes annoying, don't you think?

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lexium said:

However, if you keep hearing a whisle blown, it becomes annoying, don't you think?

I'm sorry, but I never saw Blessed state Lit's rules in this board often. :confused:
EnigmaMe said:
I'm sorry, but I never saw Blessed state Lit's rules in this board often. :confused:

Blessed is cool...If everyone who come here are aware of the rules, but some of us dumb asses try to post something that is against the rules. It's for the good of the sight, but still, no one likes to be SNITCHED on.
sirhugs said:
you coulda just said "Blessed is cool."

Yeah, but I put the pics up there. They were of two hot young babes spread one had the other's toes in her mouth. I figured it would also give Chicklet some more ideas for her story. I mean HOTTIES!
BlackSnake said:
Yeah, but I put the pics up there. They were of two hot young babes spread one had the other's toes in her mouth. I figured it would also give Chicklet some more ideas for her story. I mean HOTTIES!

I saw the pics when they were up. I had forgotten you originally posted them. I agree they were hot.
EnigmaMe said:
How is restating the rules of the site "snitching"? If I ran such a large and popular web site, I wouldn't want to get busted for doing anything wrong either.

Edited to add:
Stealing copy righted material from other locations is plagiarism just as stealing someone's written work is. I'm sure the owners of this site don't want to get in trouble due to their users stealing other people's work.

Yada, yada, yada...

I'm not going to go toe to toe with you on this, but plagiarism? Not! I would have to represent it as my own. Owner's of other site's don't give a shit because it's free advertising for them. Do you think they would search through Lit's message board looking for their images? Get fuckin' real.

It is not what the owner's of this want, so we can leave it at that.
my comment about this picture thing is:

nowadays, most pictures from the internet have this copyright logo, and usually, also an URL. If this logo and the URL still are on the picture, then I think it ain't a copyright stealing.

Of course, if someone takes a picture and removes all this logos and then he says, it was his work .... then it's totally different
NASCARaddicted said:
my comment about this picture thing is:

nowadays, most pictures from the internet have this copyright logo, and usually, also an URL. If this logo and the URL still are on the picture, then I think it ain't a copyright stealing.

Of course, if someone takes a picture and removes all this logos and then he says, it was his work .... then it's totally different

I agree
This will be the last I say on this topic...

I have noticed in the Author's Hangout that Laurel and Manu have strong feelings about plagiarism on the net. I highly doubt they are the only web site owners who do.
It seems that two arguments are becoming muddied here.
First of all, taking someone else's work and claiming it as your own is and always will be plagerism.
Secondly, I have contacted Laurel for clarification concerning the copyrighted photos issue.
~A photo with a marking or url should not be used and is not considered to be "safe" to post. The url and copyright marks are there in order to prevent stealing or "borrowing" of someone else's work.
~She referred me to this link which is rife with information ont he copyright issue. I would encourage anyone considering posting or having posted images to take a look as well.

My take on the issue is this. Feel free to post photos and drawings that are of you or that you created. Anything else is likely to violate the copyright laws somewhere along the line.

In terms of the risk involved, it is my understanding based upon a few posts made, a few months ago, the webmasters were contacted by an attorney who's client's work or photos were posted here. While that incident has been resolved, it brings to light the potential for a lawsuit.

As this is a free site, I believe we should do all we can to support the webmasters and try to avoid such unpleasantness.

Now, I am off to read the rest of this link. :D
Originally posted by EnigmaMe on 10-25-2002 @ 2 pm

This post is not in consecutive order due to it being missed when I separated the thread. I am getting the hang of this, one messy task at a time! :D

Miss T

EnigmaMe's post:

How is restating the rules of the site "snitching"? If I ran such a large and popular web site, I wouldn't want to get busted for doing anything wrong either.

Edited to add:
Stealing copy righted material from other locations is plagiarism just as stealing someone's written work is. I'm sure the owners of this site don't want to get in trouble due to their users stealing other people's work.

MissTaken said:
It seems that two arguments are becoming muddied here.
First of all, taking someone else's work and claiming it as your own is and always will be plagerism.
Secondly, I have contacted Laurel for clarification concerning the copyrighted photos issue.
~A photo with a marking or url should not be used and is not considered to be "safe" to post. The url and copyright marks are there in order to prevent stealing or "borrowing" of someone else's work.
~She referred me to this link which is rife with information ont he copyright issue. I would encourage anyone considering posting or having posted images to take a look as well.

My take on the issue is this. Feel free to post photos and drawings that are of you or that you created. Anything else is likely to violate the copyright laws somewhere along the line.

In terms of the risk involved, it is my understanding based upon a few posts made, a few months ago, the webmasters were contacted by an attorney who's client's work or photos were posted here. While that incident has been resolved, it brings to light the potential for a lawsuit.

As this is a free site, I believe we should do all we can to support the webmasters and try to avoid such unpleasantness.

Now, I am off to read the rest of this link. :D


I'm tired of them thinking I'm a bitch simply because I am not a Mod to THIS board. :rolleyes: Maybe they will obey Laurel's rules now that MissTaken has spoken.
BlessedBe said:

I'm tired of them thinking I'm a bitch simply because I am not a Mod to THIS board. :rolleyes: Maybe they will obey Laurel's rules now that MissTaken has spoken.


MissTaken has a soft voice and a hearty "move thread" reflex ;)

Anyway, if we can all get on the same page with regard to expectations, it can only be a good thing. To everyone's credit, we don't have posters complaining about what the rules are. It seems more like everyone is trying to understand what they are....and yes, sometimes find a loop hole here or there.

as someone who's had their work here on lit illegally stolen and posted as a link on another page (don't get me started on this, i'm still feeling pissy about it) I can say understand the rules very well. I don't want my stuff plagarized anymore than anyone else does.
deliciously_naughty said:
as someone who's had their work here on lit illegally stolen and posted as a link on another page (don't get me started on this, i'm still feeling pissy about it) I can say understand the rules very well. I don't want my stuff plagarized anymore than anyone else does.

I can't blame you for feeling pissy.

Keep me posted if you think there is something amiss or I am dropping the proverbial ball somewhere?

To all

I've read the link on myths, and even though it's a bit light weight, but it covers more than enough for this site.

I understand the rules of this site, and I do repect the works of others...

But, in the heat of the moment the pics relating to the post was the big red button with the label "DON'T PRESS THIS BUTTON" on it. :D
Speaking of red...

In red letters, right above the browse button for adding pics, it says...

Please do not post copyrighted images!
MissTaken said:

My take on the issue is this. Feel free to post photos and drawings that are of you or that you created.
Not exactly. If I take a photograph of the happy crowd at a (non-professional) football match, that is my copyright, not that of the crowd members. Just because it is a picture of you does not mean that you own the copyright.
MissTaken said:
I can't blame you for feeling pissy.

Keep me posted if you think there is something amiss or I am dropping the proverbial ball somewhere?


Thanks hon...Laurel stepped in and took care of it as much as she could. This was back a few months ago.
BlackSnake said:
Yeah, but I put the pics up there. They were of two hot young babes spread one had the other's toes in her mouth. I figured it would also give Chicklet some more ideas for her story. I mean HOTTIES!

okay, 1) Chicklet doesn't much like looking at porn 2) if you want to look at pictures for inspiration or whatnot you can go online and find them easily without looking at them on these boards 3) if those were your images would you want them posted all over the world? I get sick to my stomach when I imagine the pictures on my thread being posted somewhere else without my knowledge.

I have a couple of questions; If you posted a pic that was part of an advertisment, in Cosmo or something, would that be okay? I mean, it's an Ad, and I'd think the owner of the pic would want it all over the place. I ask because I have these pics I tore out of a mag for inspiration and I was just curious.

Another question; I don't understand how people can like or dislike or think people are annoying from this board. I happen to enjoy everyone's posts, and I would never take anything personally from this place. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never harm me and other such junk. How can anyone say puppi/blessed/tiggs/lynds/whoever is annoying or bitchy when all she does is state her opinion? So what?! If we had to give up our opinions, this place would be pretty dull.

Another Question; If people want to post images, can't they just post the link to the picture? I mean, like "Hey everyone two hot chicks going at it check it out" or whatnot??

BlessedBe said:
Speaking of red...

In red letters, right above the browse button for adding pics, it says...

Please do not post copyrighted images!

Funny how the devious will try anything, isn't it?