cops use helicopter multiple times to order kids out of pool


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009
Baltimore city council member Zeke Cohen said on Twitter he's "repeatedly" asked the police department to stop using the helicopter to "chase away kids at the pool."

"While I do worry about the safety of children swimming at night without a lifeguard, this ain't it. Totally excessive," Cohen wrote in a tweet.

i think they've grown up watching too many movies. ffs. not really financially responsible dept.
The thing is, this is all by design, not accident. This is being done for a reason and they don't care how much waste it makes to do it.

and it won't hold.
As long as Americans behave like savages, they’ll be policed like savages.
Yes, the Police are Government.

It may be more financially responsible for a PD airship already in the air and on patrol to take action than to have them call in ground units that may not be close by.
Yes, the Police are Government.

It may be more financially responsible for a PD airship already in the air and on patrol to take action than to have them call in ground units that may not be close by.
Or, you know, fix the fence. Just sayin'.
Fences are only part of the answer. There was a story not too long ago about a four year old girl that drown in a neighbor's pool after stacking a number of lawn chairs to climb over the fence.
Fences are only part of the answer. There was a story not too long ago about a four year old girl that drown in a neighbor's pool after stacking a number of lawn chairs to climb over the fence.
Merely proving that where there's a will, there's a way. But, without a fence what you have is a helicopter burning lbs of fuel at taxpayer expense while polluting the air, hovering over inhabited dwellings... to chase kids out of a pool "for their own safety."
Send the police, make arrests, hold the parents of juveniles responsible put any 18 or over in jail, and prosecute all for trespass. If there are no consequences nothing will change.
Send the police, make arrests, hold the parents of juveniles responsible put any 18 or over in jail, and prosecute all for trespass. If there are no consequences nothing will change.
It's summertime.

It's a pool.

they're kids.

there's a way to do this that doesn't cost $1,000 an hour while burning costly fuel and making noise pollution and I bet you grew up with that solution in your community just fine.