Contribution frequency?


Literotica Guru
Nov 10, 2000
I've been wondering?

When you contribute to a story, do you keep contributing, till "you burn out"?

Do you return to old threads / stories you have written, and try to revitalize them?

Do you simply let stories die, without ever finishing them?

Sometimes I find myself having a lot of thread ideas for one story at a time, and write a burst of threads for that story... then move on to a different story. There's usually more I want to write, but I burn out on the idea, so I look for something fresh.

Lately, I've tried to go back through all my stories and threads and add at least one thread for every story, I've already written to.

I'm just curious if others are running into similar problems? Could that be part of the reason why CHYOO is seemingly "dead" at this point? Has everybody burned out from such "great writing" over that last several months?
List of Threads

I keep a list of threads that I am working on, currntly 20 thread ideas for about 11 stories. I try to finish one a day or so. I think you definitly get to the end on some story lines.

For instance if you look at your story Paying the Rent . I went on a tear and added nine or ten threads in a short time. I haven't been back since, but over the past week I have been working on some ideas for Sammy to gain his revenge, or at least try to.

I think the best thing to do is not over analyze the whole thing. Just write what you like, when you like, and for stories you like. I have written a dozen or more threads that have never been approved as the authors have not bothered to look at them. At this point I don't care I just move on and find people who are active and will approve threads quickly.

Have fun, write and don't worry what other people do or don't do. At least that's my take on it.


Is it really better to burn out than fade away?

well time for my 2 cents...

I keep a very detailed tracking system. I have a chart with about 12 stories on it and it's in a grid with dates across the top. When I write a thread I pup an O on the date I wrote it for which story. When it is approved I put an X on that square. Then I draw a line between the two. When I am in the writing mood I look at my list and which ever story I haven't added to for the longest amount of time is the one to get a thread. Unless I am really inspired by a different story. I can't remember off hand, but I think the next story I will be adding to might be Jake's.

When I've burned out on a story I take it off my list. Or if the editor suddenly goes absent, as Thisnameismine has done. I've had a thread waiting since the begining of December for Alien War. So once it is approved I will cross that story off my list. Unless the Editor returns for good. Another way I will take a story off my list is if I've written tons of threads for it and the Editor hasn't even wrote one in response for my story. I hate lack of comments too! I am just venting. Don't worry about it. lol.

How come nobody has said anything about my Avatar yet? Anybody know who the porn star is?


-Tim (niceguy2002tim)