

Nov 15, 2011
SO: I came to the conclusion that no1 (particularly) has really looked at what the constitution could be and/or thought to actually interpret it clearly.

Maybe they have, but the way I see it, the document is terribly manipulated and taken out of context.

SO:: Fuckit, I'ma doit::
C: A BIT @ atime

DISCLAIMER: I don't really care what you think the truth is.
There is no A or B. This translation is obviously for UNLimited Times.
I haz proof. Fuck the Fucking Fuckers.
The difference is all the difference. (++ = @)

Partial use of the American Heritage Dictionary, 4th Edition

A Translation of The Constitution of the United States of America::
Cc:: @ START

We the People (n. pl. 1. Humans collectively)
of the United States, in Order (n. 3b. A condition in which freedom from disorder is maintained through established authority)
to form (v. 4. constitute a part of)
a more perfect (adj. 4. Accurate; exact)
Union (n. 1a. The act of uniting or the state of being united.),
establish Justice (equity; Positive Law is called Equity = Rough Justice.)
insure (1. To cover with insurance (4. A protective measure or device) 2. To make sure, certain, or secure.)
domestic (5. Produced in or indigenous to a particular country)
Tranquility, (1. Free from agitation, calm)

provide (v. 1. To furnish; supply.)
for the common (Most widely known; ordinary)
defense, (2. A means or method of defending or protecting.)
promote (v. To contribute to the progress or growth of; further)
the general Welfare, (n. 1. Health, happiness, or prosperity; well-being.)

and secure (adj, 1. Free from danger; safe)
the Blessings (v. Approbation (n.. 1. Approval; praise , approval) of Liberty (Love Eye ++88 Brew Why)
to ourselves (b. 2. Our normal or (and) healthy condition)
and Posterity, (n. Future generations)

do ordain (dictate, organize)
and establish (4. To prove the truth of)
this Constitution (+++ ASIN:: n. 1. The act or process of composing or establishing(+) + 3a. The system of laws and principles that describes the functions and limits of government(+) + 3b. The written document describing such a system)
for the United States of America.
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C:: and then

Article. I.
Section 1.
All legislative (adj. 1. Of or relating to the enactment of Laws 2. Having the power to create Laws.)
Powers (Authority)
herein (adv. In or into this.)
granted (v. To consent to fulfillment of (past tense))
shall (aux.v. p.t. An order, promise, or obligation (should))
be vested (adj. Settled, fixed, or absolute; being without contingency)

in a Congress of the United States, which shall
consist (v. 1. To be made up or composed)
of a Senate and House of Representatives.

Section 2.
The House of Representatives shall be
composed (adj. calm = See 1primary Love Mind)
of Members (n. 1. A distinct part of a whole)
chosen (adj. Selected from or preferred above others)
every second Year by the People of the several (2. Respectively different; various)

States, and the Electors (n. 1. A qualified voter)
in each State (n. 1. A condition of being)
shall have the Qualifications (n. 2. ability that makes a person suitable for a particular position or task.)
requisite (adj. Required; essential)
for Electors (n. 1. A qualified voter)
of the most numerous (adj. many)
Branch (n. 3. A limited part of a larger or more complex unit or system.)
of the State Legislature (n. A body of people empowered to make laws.)
and then

(-)[No Person (n. 1. A human)
shall be a Representative (2. A delegate or agent acting on behalf of another.)
who shall not have attained (that Isn't)
to the (at least)
Age (n. 2. The time of life when a person can assume certain civil and personal right and responsibilities)
of twenty five Years (Age #),
and been seven Years a Citizen (n. 1. A person owing loyalty to and entitled by birth or naturalization to the protection of a state or nation)
of the United States, and who shall not, (won't)
when elected, be an Inhabitant (a permanent resident)
of that State in which he shall be (should)
chosen (adj. selected from).
and then

The following section was modified by Amendment 14:

[ Representatives and direct (adj. 2. Straightforward)
Taxes (n. 1. A contribution for the support of government required of persons, groups, or businesses within the domain of that government)
shall be apportioned (v. To divide and assign by a plan)
among (prep. 3. With portions to each of: )
the several (adj. 2. Respectively different; various: )
States which may be included (part of)
within this Union (see: AMERICA: United),
according (adv. 2. So; consequently)
to their respective (adj. Individual; particular)
Numbers (n. 7. A multitude),
which shall be (can be)
**by adding (v. 1. To combine to form a sum + [ >(-ing)^2 = ASIN:: (suff. 4.Something connected with a specific thing or concept)< ] = ++MATH )
to the whole (adj. 1. Containing all parts; complete + 2. Not Divided = @)
Number of free (bound by Liberty (seealso: Equality))
Persons (Human + People: n. 4. a. populace; Individuals of the Peoples: see above)
including those bound to Service for a Term of Years (elected),
and excluding (removing from inclusion: Independent of populace)
Indians not taxed (reserved for Persons of classic American Indian descent: see Reservations/Tribes),
three fifths of all other Persons (Compromise X Halfway:: Peoples granted Temporary Status: ASIN:: Green Card, etc.). ]

...more aswego ::eek::
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The following section was modified by Amendment 14:

[ Representatives and direct (adj. 2. Straightforward)
Taxes (n. 1. A contribution for the support of government required of persons, groups, or businesses within the domain of that government)
shall be apportioned (v. To divide and assign by a plan)
among (prep. 3. With portions to each of: )
the several (adj. 2. Respectively different; various: )
States which may be included (part of)
within this Union (see: AMERICA: United),
according (adv. 2. So; consequently)
to their respective (adj. Individual; particular)
Numbers (n. 7. A multitude),
which shall be (can be)
**by adding (v. 1. To combine to form a sum + [ >(-ing)^2 = ASIN:: (suff. 4.Something connected with a specific thing or concept)< ] = ++MATH )
to the whole (adj. 1. Containing all parts; complete + 2. Not Divided = @)
Number of free (bound by Liberty (seealso: Equality))
Persons (Human + People: n. 4. a. populace; Individuals of the Peoples: see above)
including those bound to Service for a Term of Years (indentured servants),
and excluding (removing from inclusion: Independent of populace)
Indians not taxed (reserved for Persons of classic American Indian descent: see Reservations/Tribes),
three fifths of all other Persons (slaves).

Just a few needed corrections.