Consistent Updating.


Literotica Guru
Jul 11, 2002
this is my opinion but I think there are people on Chyoo who will agree with me. I think the site needs to have a consistent updating of new stories. The approval of stories can take anywhere from 1 day to 3 weeks. Lately it's been a lot shorter and too short even.

A lot of stories are great, but lately I have noticed a lot of stories which are not even great ideas and don't have any legs. Having legs means the story can run on it's own and can be built more than a couple threads long. Perhaps a Short stories section could be useful.

Back to approval length. I think Chyoo would benefit from having a set period of time. For example approve stories every 10 days. The wait will discourage people from submitting story after story after story and so on. I've saw members with 25 stories or more and many of them are a waste of Chyoo space. With waiting 10 days for a story to be approved the writer won't submit unless their heart is in it.

Those are my thoughts. Any comments from other Chyoo'ers?

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think they should get more guys doing chyoo. I know its free so it a tad hard to complain but maybe they can ask for help from people who willing to do it for free. Pretty sure some will help hell some may be more choosy about some of the stories that come by

Don't think bad stories really clutter because you can just skip them. Also raiting is a good idication of whats sucks and what doesnt

That be good for a search to do things by raiting, views, author, catheroy all in one