Connecticut: dumbest State ever?

Byron In Exile

Frederick Fucking Chopin
May 3, 2002
Since Newtown, we've been treated to quite the heart-wrenching sob-fest. But it seems that the anger of the victims' families isn't focused much on the murderous psychopathic monster who committed the crimes as it is on the type of gun that he used. As if it had been the gun that was floating from room to room seeking out victims, and he was just hanging on for the ride.

And so, in meeting after meeting, a common theme emerged: "We must take action! We must ban these weapons!"

Well, you can't make them illegal.


Possession of an "assault weapon" (as defined by Connecticut - a definition which includes the Bushmaster rifle) is a Felony.
Hold on...the left wing will be in to tell you why we need another one of those failed rifle body kit bans and how fucking good they are at making them fly off the shelf LOL.

Maybe Costal boy will come and sing them merits of the gun free school zone act...
Hold on...the left wing will be in to tell you why we need another one of those failed rifle body kit bans and how fucking good they are at making them fly off the shelf LOL.

Maybe Costal boy will come and sing them merits of the gun free school zone act...

Except this wasn't a gun free zone.
Everyone is a victim.

Even cop killers get great sympathy because, we, like, man, hate the PIGS!
my brother's wife's cousin got caught about 2weeks ago with an AR 15 (loaded)

he's still waiting on his sentence.
Since Newtown, we've been treated to quite the heart-wrenching sob-fest. But it seems that the anger of the victims' families isn't focused much on the murderous psychopathic monster who committed the crimes as it is on the type of gun that he used. As if it had been the gun that was floating from room to room seeking out victims, and he was just hanging on for the ride.

And so, in meeting after meeting, a common theme emerged: "We must take action! We must ban these weapons!"

Well, you can't make them illegal.


Possession of an "assault weapon" (as defined by Connecticut - a definition which includes the Bushmaster rifle) is a Felony.

A few years ago a teen, driving recklessly, lost control of his car, hit a tree and killed himself and a classmate. The rest of the class cut down the tree, an ancient oak. I suppose the theory was that if the tree just wasn't there everything would have been alright.

It seems to be a human frailty to blame inanimate objects for the stupidity and/or willful heinous conduct of themselves or others. It seems to satisfy the urge to "do something" no matter how meaningless or counter-productive that 'something is. Sorta like the person who, after leaving the cupboard door open bangs their head then slams the cupboard door (sometimes several times, breaking the door). Emotionally based irrational behavior. And they get mad at others who;

a.) don't dive into that pool of emotions with them


b.) actually dare to point out the irrationality of their behavior.

... they get mad at others who...actually dare to point out the irrationality of their behavior.


I would mention that this is a classic case of "the pot calling the kettle black", but Ishmael gets angry and would claim I'm playing the race card by bringing up his octaroon ancestry.
California and Illinois are still running an extraordinarily strong second...

In a head-to-head match-up Illinois would TROUNCE Connecticut in idiocy, corruption, incompetency and hubris.

California has an excuse because of its proximity to ocean tides & Jerry Brown's medicine cabinet.