Congratulations to November's Author Nominees!


Kitty Mama
Aug 27, 1999
Hey all!

On the 15th of every month, we tally up the votes from stories submitted during the previous month. The story in each category with the best voting score compared to all other stories submitted that month is automatically eligible for the 2002 Literotica Author Awards voting.

At the end of the year, we will have 12 nominees in each category. The 4 stories in each category with the best voting scores at the end of the year will go on to the final voting. One will be selected in each category as the top story for 2002.

Congratulations to the authors below, whose stories were ranked top in their category for the month. These are November's eligible works.

Anal - Let the Games Begin / nuauthor
BDSM - Journey Into Submission / Moyds_jewel
Celebrities - Spiderman Meets J. Jameson Ch. 02 / Master_Vassago
Chain Stories - It Happened One Night Ch. 04 / jon.hayworth
Erotic Couplings - Found Out My Babysitter Is a Slut! / NonStopFunGuy
Exhibitionist & Voyeur - A Red Bikini / nisaea
Fetish - Bachelor Party Creampie / creamypussylover
First Time - A French Virgin Ch.03 / sexual improv
Gay Male - Myron / brad46
Group Sex - A Summer of Fun / Wundermutt
How To - Blowjobs for Dummies / BatsandGlamour
Humor & Satire - Kristie Goes on a Diet / tripleflip
Illustrated - Good Morning Ch. 1 / Chicklet
Incest - A Almost Perfect Awakening Ch. 46 / Wm_Sexspear
Interracial Love - Bus Stop / Dakota_North
Lesbian Sex - A Almost Perfect Awakening Ch. 40 / Wm_Sexspear
Loving Wives - Katie's Massage / bilbo181
Mature - Long Night's Climb Into Sunlight / ronde
Mind Control - A Almost Perfect Awakening Ch. 50/ Wm_Sexspear
Non-English - Zwei schwesterliche HaremsSklavinnen 1 / pussylove69
Non-Erotic - Forever and Ever / LastInLove
NonConsent - I Know Who You Did Last Summer Ch. 02 / qqnforyou6
NonHuman - Valley of the Centaurs / michaelmt1
Novels and Novellas - Graduation and... Ch. 07 / D.C. Roi
Reviews & Essays - My Boobs! / zipado321
Romance - From Crash to Crush / Steelhand
Sci-Fi & Fantasy - I Love You FCSK 12712 / dr_mabeuse
Text With Audio - Arrested: A Body Cavities Search / bearlee
Toys - The Transformation / wyo_girl
Transsexual & Crossdresser - Friday Girl / alessi nada
Erotic Poetry - Unsuspecting Father / klrxo
Illustrated Poetry - Goodbye, a re-vision / RisiaSkye
Non-Erotic Poetry - For You My Friend / theGatsby
Poetry With Audio - none submitted this month