Confused by Hotbar


Jun 9, 2002
I find nice pics from, and behind my back-, forward-, home-, reload-buttons, etc, I have a nice pic of a dewy white rose.

Hotbar also puts its own little buttons there, where I can click to find other relevant sites. If I visit my favorite quilt sites, I get buttons about knitting, sewing, crocheting, quilting, etc, if I visit a Dollhouse site (I love dollhouses!), I get buttons about DYI, miniatures, dolls and crafts.

The confusing part is, that when I visit Literotica, the buttons are:
Awards - Trademark - Writing - and this is the confusing part - Marijuana.

Is this because of that drug-related thread in this forum, or is Literotica secretely sponsored by Columbian Druglords???
Svenskaflicka said:
Is this because of that drug-related thread in this forum, or is Literotica secretely sponsored by Columbian Druglords???

Dear Svenska,

Your confusion is certainly understandable. It's my theory that is secretly controlled by aged Monty Python fans whose ultimate goal is world domination.

I hope this clarifies the situation for you.

Diane the Ever Helpful
Re: Re: Confused by Hotbar

MathGirl said:
... It's my theory that is secretly controlled by aged Monty Python fans whose ultimate goal is world domination.

Is this the People's Front for the Liberation of Literotica or just a Theory by Anne Elk? ;)

Paul (slightly silly)
Re: Re: Confused by Hotbar

MathGirl said:
Dear Svenska,

Your confusion is certainly understandable. It's my theory that is secretly controlled by aged Monty Python fans whose ultimate goal is world domination.

I hope this clarifies the situation for you.

Diane the Ever Helpful

Oh you fibber, we are not bent on world domination at all, just bent.......

God...........its been so long

Since I last smoked a "doobie". With random drug testing these days...even a recreational "toke" isn't an option.

Damn I'm looking forward to retirement!

I remain........(A hippie at heart) is secretly controlled by aged Monty Python fans whose ultimate goal is world domination.
And we will be victorious because, "Nobody expects the Spainish Inquisition."

Hotbar is Spyware

Hotbar seems nice and innocent (I used to use it for the pics on the IE toolbar too), but it is really spyware. It reports back to hotbar on EVERY site you visit. If you really like spam, and don't like privacy, keep it.

There is a little known Microsoft plug-in for IE that does the same thing (I actually use my old hotbar pics with the MS thingy) without having them look over my shoulder all the time.

Not to mention that on my PC, hotbar caused a huge number of reboots and other stability problems. When I finally removed it, life got a LOT better.

Also check out the Ad-Aware software, in additon to the spyware test that Lit now has (a smiling wave and tip of the hat to L&M for offering this). They can clean off a lot of junk spyware you never knew you had on your PC.

OK, so the M-button disappeared. Great. Hope it stays gone. I hate drugs.

Now, the weird thing is, that the Writing-button disappeared, too.

Obviously, someone at Hotbar doesn't think we're serious about our writing...:)